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Guest Youth N Asia

The last Royal Rumble match...where you didn't

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Guest Youth N Asia

Do the Rumble matches suffer too much cause everyone's going to know who wins them before hand.


Let's look at the past Rumbles.


2003...obvious winner Brock



2002...HHH mostly, with a hint of Austin



2001...Austin, most likely



2000...Rock 99% sure to win, Big Show 1%



1999...50% Austin, 50% McMahon

Winner-McMahon...the only one in recient times where the winner wasn't a forgone conclusion, but they killed it by only making it about 2 people.


1998...100% Austin

Winner-Austin...they focused so much on Austin being outnumbered that he had to win it.


1997...mostly Austin

Winner-Austin...this one wasn't ine bag, but I'm sure most people saw it going this way.


1996...All Michaels

Winner-Michaels...they crammed the "boyhood dream" crap so far down your throat, he was booked to win it way before the match started.


1995...Michaels was likely to win

Winner-Michaels...When you take into fact that you didn't know what was happening in 96 while the 95 one was going on, Michaels was the best pick.


1994...Mostly Bret, but Luger was a good pick

Winner-Bret and Lex...screwing the fans...Bret had to get his title back, and Luger was so pro USA, so they split it.


1993...not really a likely winner

Winner-Yokozuna...you could pick Yoko cause they were pushing that no one could take him out...but you really didn't know if Vince was dumb enough to put the title on him.


1992...Split between Hogan and Flair...with a hint of Sid

Winner-Flair...:) good match



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Guest bob_barron

2001 was not obvious at all. Everyone knew it was either going to be Austin or Rock.


1997 was pretty much a tossup between Austin, Bret and Taker.

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Guest HartFan86

97 was definately Taker or Bret. Austin winning was a TOTAL shock.


And everyone in Boston had the feeling Jericho would win, but once he was eliminated it was obvious Brock had it.

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Guest Mattdotcom

I agree with Bob. The 2001 Rumble was totally unpredictable, even up to the final three.

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Guest teke184

2001 wasn't guaranteed to be Austin. Rock was in the Rumble too and they could have easily had Rock win the Rumble, Austin beat Angle at No Way Out, and still had Rock-Austin at WM X-7.

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Guest Youth N Asia
2001 wasn't guaranteed to be Austin. Rock was in the Rumble too and they could have easily had Rock win the Rumble, Austin beat Angle at No Way Out, and still had Rock-Austin at WM X-7.

I didn't think Rock was going to win 2 in a row with Austin in the match...maybe it's just me

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Guest Mattdotcom
Anyone else think Kane was actually gunna pull it out in 2001?


They actually had me thinking he could do it for a minute, but I knew Austin would get the title shot no matter what when they were the final two.

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Guest Just call me Dan

I'd say in mid match the winner was obvious, not just looking at the events that took place before the Rumble. I really thought Jericho had a shot and it would be either him or Brock 50/50. Now if you are talking about you didn't know down to the final four, you are correct. Tell me a lot of you thought Jericho had a chance.

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Guest Youth N Asia
I'd say in mid match the winner was obvious, not just looking at the events that took place before the Rumble. I really thought Jericho had a shot and it would be either him or Brock 50/50. Now if you are talking about you didn't know down to the final four, you are correct. Tell me a lot of you thought Jericho had a chance.

Nah...it was too obvious that Michales would run down and cost him the match. As soon as he got eliminated you knew it would happen.


I was shocked to see Edge go out so early

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2001 because I honestly thought Rock was winning the damn thing.


1997 because I didn't see Austin's win coming at all. That was the one year I didn't see the Wrestlemania main event from a mile away....and I'm glad I didn't because that would have just pissed me off.



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Guest The Old Me

I really thought the 2001 RR was predictable, as Austin was a few months removed from a return from his neck injury.


Plug in HHH in place of Austin for the 2002 formula.

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Guest Choken One

2003 was a Toss up between 2, Jericho and Brock with a SLIGHT possbility of HBK.


2002- One clear cut option-HHH


2001- Austin and Rock, either could believably won the match.


2000-Pretty much pointed to the rock, although Big Show was a possibility.


1999-Austin or McMahon, the real drama was WHO would eliminate Austin is McMahon won. Alot of people focused on Owen and Kane as those people.




1997-The most recent Uncertainty. Austin wasn't the favorite since most people assumed with HBK winning, Bret would face in a rematch at Mania. Austin, Taker and Maybe Vader were all possible.



1996- Obviously Shawn


1995- It depended on the Title Match, if Diesel won (and did), HBK would win. If Bret won (and Didn't) it was Owen Hart and a little tiny chance for backlund.


1994-Seemingly all Luger and some chance for Hart. Never thought who were considered for the rumble if they gone with Undertaker over Yoko...Tenryu?


1993-With the title shot rule added, eliminated all drama, It HAD to be Yokozuna (who was pushed harder then Brock, Goldberg, Angle, Batistia combined). Yoko only been there for 2 months and was already pegged Main eventer and yet you never any one complain about here like they STILL harp on Goldberg and Brock.


1992 Wide fucking Open. Sid, Hogan, Flair, Savage, Piper, Roberts and Undertaker. Coudn't go wrong here (well, maybe with Taker).


1991- Hogan was clear cut.


1990-Could have been anyone, Since Warrior/Hogan was pretty much written in stone, could have gone with anyone (PERFECT!).


1989-Just Silly, Savage, Hogan, Dibiase, Andre Piper and Roberts...who wins?, Studd.

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