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Dynamite/Sayama, Flair/Steamboat or Benoit/Angle

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Simple enough.


Dynamite & Sayama pretty much invented cruiserweight wrestling and brought Japanese impact moves into North America.


Flair & Steamboat, well Flair and Steamboat. Clash of the Champions 6, 2/3 falls. Wrestlewar 1989. What more must be said?


Benoit & Angle have redeifned mat wrestling and have, better than anyone ever, combined mat, amateur wrestling and impact maneuvers.


So which duo put/puts on the best matches?

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Guest Brian

I'll give it to Dynamite and Sayama because back in the day what they were doing was innovational and revolutionary.


Benoit and Angle have redefined mat wrestling? How so?

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Guest Tim Cooke

Steamboat as the amatuer mat worker must have missed my tape collection.


DK/Samaya from the choices you gave but there are far more INFLUENCIAL match up's/teams/groups to North American wrestling.


Misawa v Kawada was the foundation for Michaels/Hall Ladder Match II.


Choshu's Army Invading AJPW in 1985 set the stage for the Midnight Express to create fast paced, full out tag team "sprints".


UWF 2.0 in 1988 lead to Japan using clean finishes for *most* matches which could be felt over in the US as well.


UWF-I and New Japan doing an Interpromotional Feud in 1995-1996 lead to Bischoff creating the NWO idea.


Samaya/Dk was a set of some what revolutionary match up's but are still beat by most of what I listed. Flair/Steamboat was the height of that US style, but the people who came after failed to follow up that style and Flair never was able to further it unlike many Japanese match up's. And Benoit/Angle is a good feud but in a "worked" environment, Volh Han, Kiyoshi Tamura, etc can do what they do much better.



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Guest Downhome

Put me down for Dynamite & Sayama as well. Their series of matches remains my personal favorite of all time, even if Dynamite never really won one.

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While I like all threa series listed, I have to go with Dynamite and Sayama. They entertained me most. There was not a bad match in their series(same for Flair/Steamboat and Benoit/Angle), but what I like most is whta I based my decision on. and I enjoyed Dynamite/Sayama most.

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Guest ManKinnd
Misawa v Kawada was the foundation for Michaels/Hall Ladder Match II.

I'm a little rusty on my AJPW. Could you elaborate on this? Thank you.


Anyhoo, I've never seen DK/Sayame, so I'll go with Angle/Benoit. I just like their style better overall.


And we can't forget Hardys/E+C when they were in their primes.

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Guest Downhome
And we can't forget Hardys/E+C when they were in their primes.

No offense, but I wouldn't even include that in this conversation at all, heh.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Undertaker vs. Giant Gonzales and Kevin Nash vs. The Giant obviously take the cake here guys. Actually I agree with Dynamite/Sayama and Flair/Steamboat. Some consideration needs to be given for Bret/Owen Hart as well.

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Guest Choken One

Having never seen the DK/Sayama series and I wouldn't know where to start, and Angle/Beniot has only just begun (ask me in about A year). Flair/Steamboat would have to my winner although in reality, they really didn't change much, They really didn't change the way the game was played...they just played the game the best in 1989.


Other good N. American combos...







Raven/Dreamer (in terms of Pyschology)



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Guest Mole

I've never seen any Dynamite Kid matches before, so I can't comment.


I personally like Angle/Benoit matches more than Flair/Steamboat.

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Guest Tim Cooke

Misawa and Kawada were the forerunners for advancing matches in a series by countering moves and then countering the counterings.


Michaels and Hall did this in the second ladder match and it was one of the first times it was done in the US.


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Guest Downhome

Just for the record, I always loved watching Dean Malenko/Rey Mysterio Jr. going at it.

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Guest Rob Edwards

Well for me it comes down to Mask/Dynamite, Flair/Steamboat, Midnights/RNR and Austin/Bret


I think I'd give the nod to Mask and Dyno though as it was revolutionary at the time

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