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Guest EricMM

TNA's Status?

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Guest EricMM

As someone who doesn't have a cable box, I am unable to watch ANY PPV's. Thusly, I cannot watch NWA-TNA.


I was just looking for an update from people who can. Is their TV/PPV/whatever product as good as what the WWE puts on every week?


Are they any closer to having a TV deal than they were at the end of summer?


It's great that they have Christopher Daniels and Low-Ki, but do you think they will ever go anywhere, or will they just fail eventually?

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Guest Vyce

About the product: It varies from week to week. At this point, I'd rate them above RAW (although that's not too hard) but below Smackdown. In NWA's defense, though, in my eyes the only reasons they're really behind Smackdown is because a) Smackdown is pretaped and thus the WWE production team has a chance to refine the finished version, and b) a LOT of good talent in the form of the SD 6 as well as some others, such as Haas / Benjamin / Hardy.


TV deal: Word I've heard is that they're trying to get the weekly one-hour show syndicated. I'm not sure how they're coming along, and I'm sure it's a long, hard process getting some sort of deal in place anyway.


Will they fail? Depends upon what you deem as a failure. Will they fold within the year? I don't have the answer to that, and I don't think anyone outside of the NWA management does, but I would say no because the crowds to their events seem to be strong, they've just opened up to new markets (overseas!), and I believe their TV deal will keep them around till the summer (probably ensuring them at least one full year in business).


Beyond that, who knows? I know some people consider ECW a failure. MAYBE. But I have a hard time labelling any company which was able to survive for several years as a total failure. Here's hoping NWA has that kind of longevity.

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They have the syndication deal already and are trying to expand it to more markets. It's called Xplosion.


If they keep things fresh and focus on the in ring talent I don't see how they can fail....well, unless no one buys the PPV.

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Guest Slapnuts00

I used to enjoy it a lot more than anything WWE was doing since it featured prominent indy workers going all out in long matches with intense feuds. Since Russo's been on screen it's been a mixed bag. The storyline/character element has picked up considerably as eveyone is now SEX or NWA with SEX trying to take over the company (although they still haven't explained how they'd be able to take over the company just by winning titles. Its like a poor man's nWo). They've also featured numerous surpises from Roddy Piper to Dusty Rhodes to Raven. But the main aspect of a pay per view wrestling show has declines, the wrestling itself has been fairly mediocre, meaning the show's still better than RAW but far behind Smackdown. I've stopped ordering until they put on better matches again, but I must admit that suprises like Raven showing up are pretty awesome.

I can't wait for them to get a TV deal, as even though they've been mildly succesful in this format, it won't work forever. I would never miss an episode if it were on free TV, but the fact that it's on Pay Per View means I have to weigh whether I feel it will be worth spending 10 dollars to see it week by week.

Anyway that's my take on this whole thing.

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Guest dreamer420

I absolutely love the product. While there are a few minor screwups during their shows, I think the product is far superior to anything the WWE has done in the past year.


I was once a die hard WWF loyalist but now TNA is easily my favorite wrestling promotion. The reason for that is you can tell when watching it that everyone in the company is giving their all every Wednesday night and no one is dogging it at all. There guys hold nothing back and they can produce interesting storylines and feuds.

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Guest RedJed

They got major financial backing at this point and with the arrival of international deals and inevitable increase in syndication spots, I'm pretty sure they will still be here a year from now. Keep in mind how many people, even guys like Meltzer, didn't think they would even be alive by the end of the last year......


As far as the product, I've seen every show since the inception and I'm definately enjoying it right now more than ever. Part of it is the reality based kind of stuff they are doing right now, and another is the surprise factor, which has been sorely missed from mainstream american wrestling for years. The way I look at it is that if I just want to see straight-up pure wrestling, I'll keep my ROH or puro collection deep. But for a quality alternative to the WWE, this is where its at for me.

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Guest dreamer420

Are you kidding? Their attendance and PPV buys are way up and with the talent roster they have I'm betting that they will be around for a long time to come.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

If this company makes it to TV at this point with this product I think they could survive and make some money if they had the TV show (With money from sponsors or whatnot) and a bi-monthly ppv or whatever.


I don't know how there weekly ppv factors into their future. I still look at it as the riskiest and craziest idea for a wrestling company's launch ever.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Sooner or later, the money marks will wise up and pull out. NWA:TNA is living on borrowed time.

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Guest nikowwf

The ITS GOING TO DIE IN 2 WEEK POSTS are pretty lame. How do you know this? Its just hating on the profuct. But talking about it saying how THE ATTENDANCE AND BUYRATES ARE WAY UP is just about as realistic. Most tickets are comps...right? And buyrates have never been officially released.



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Guest Justwitty

I think it's a pretty safe bet to say TNA will be around for all of 2003. There is an excitement in the promotion that is lacking in the WWE. I'm not bashing the WWE either. It's just, they are working on a different playing field than TNA. TNA is trying to get noticed. WWE is trying to stay steady and then go back up. If TNA had a weekly free TV show with occasional PPV's, I think it could become a great WCW/WWE/ECW hybrid. The tv shows would be filled with unbelievable storylines (if they kept up the way they are going now) while they have the talent to pull off incredible PPV matches. There are still some problems to fix but I think they are on the right track compared to where they were last year early on. It's more balanced as a product.

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Guest RedJed
Sooner or later, the money marks will wise up and pull out. NWA:TNA is living on borrowed time.

Care to explain why that is?

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Guest Vyce
Sooner or later, the money marks will wise up and pull out. NWA:TNA is living on borrowed time.

Your nihilism is tedious.


It very much seems as if you want them to fail, just so you, a bitter little smark, can pat yourself on the back and gleefully bask in your doomsaying.


I hope that NWA - TNA lasts for 20 years or more, just to spite people like you.

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Guest Justwitty

Another reason I hope TNA succeeds is it seems that they listen to feedback on their product and genuinely try to fix it way more than WWE does or WCW did. Jason Cross is a perfect recent example. The fans dig his move, he gets great critical feedback, boom! X-Title shot. No "paying your dues" no "de-push"...just genuine listening to your audience and responding. Shamrock had the title taken off him when it became evident it wasn't working. (I think he was given sufficient time to make it work and it just didn't happen.) Amazing Red's ascent to the top is another example. Things like that is what makes TNA a great alternative in my view. Listening to your audience and not flipping them off for criticizing is a very smart, overlooked by WWE, business plan. (again, I enjoy WWE too. They just tend to take a "We're right so nyah!" approach.)

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Damnit to hell JustWitty!


HAve you been reading my previews before I even post them!!!!!!


You stole my thunder!!!!

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Guest Justwitty
Damnit to hell JustWitty!


HAve you been reading my previews before I even post them!!!!!!


You stole my thunder!!!!



Great minds think alike. (or, at least in this case, I got lucky. ;) )


btw, it was your pimping of TNA on this board that first got me to check out their product and I've been satisfied ever since. Happy to hear we agree on them doing the "listening to the fans thing" correctly.


EDIT: Just read your preview and two things sprang to mind. A) HOLY CRAP! I didn't realize that your entire opening was on the same subject! Maybe I am psychic. Very in-depth and I agreed with almost every point you made in it, especially the Siaki one. B) I don't know how you did it but you actually made me have an emotion other than "dread" for the Lynn/Flair match. Kudos!

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Another reason I hope TNA succeeds is it seems that they listen to feedback on their product and genuinely try to fix it way more than WWE does or WCW did. Jason Cross is a perfect recent example. The fans dig his move, he gets great critical feedback, boom! X-Title shot. No "paying your dues" no "de-push"...just genuine listening to your audience and responding.

Has TNA ever had someone who has received bad heat? In particular in a role of semi-importance?


I don't mean "He's a heel! Boo!" heat, I mean Scott Steiner after his fifth overhead suplex "Get the fuck off the stage!" heat.


Until we see something of that calibur happen, there's no real way to gauge how willing they are to listen. I guess the Johnsons could be a possible example, but I think even Vince Russo would have admitted the gimmick was dumb. I kind of think those two appeared only because they lacked a big enough card for the first show or something.

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Guest Justwitty

I personally thought Brian Lawler and Bruce were starting to receive that heat. (Bruce may not have been of importance storyline-wise but he did appear quite often) The "Queen" gimmick was dropped off of Bruce eventually and Lawler is nowhere to be found now. Ace Steele is another name that comes to mind. He didn't receive that kind of heat but he was a disappointment given the online hype he received compared to the other X-guys and while in the WWE, he wmay have gotten an "A-Train" type push anyways, in TNA, they decided not to push him much further.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Bruce and the Dupps and Disco's talk show are the first things on my mind. Them and the Johnsons...none of them lasted long.


And Cheeks.

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I'm not a fan of anyone who is hyped up because of one move, even if that move is the SS Legdrop. Cross is good, but the fact that nobody really gives a damn about him besides the SS Legdrop is going to screw him over.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

What worries me is what they'll do whenever this Tradition/SEX storyline ends. They've invested the whole program in it, seemingly. If they can't capitalize on the huge payoff that's sure to come, there could be problems.

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Guest Slapnuts00
What worries me is what they'll do whenever this Tradition/SEX storyline ends. They've invested the whole program in it, seemingly. If they can't capitalize on the huge payoff that's sure to come, there could be problems.

BINGO. Russo has to take everything into OVERDRIVE. Every heel is SEX, every face is fighting for the good of the NWA. The same thing we saw in the WCW/nWo storyline. It was entertining then (and FRESH too unlike this) but after a while they had no where else to go.

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Guest Tony149

Oh, I'm sure Jerry & Russo understand what went wrong with the nWo storyline, so I'll be shocked if they fall into the same trap Bischoff & WCW did.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I'd rather not see EVERYONE get wrapped up in goodguys/SEX because eventually, someone is going to have to be made out to be a loser sooner or later. Especially if the rumors that Ted Turner may be interested in getting his own fed again happen to be true. I've said for a while now that the biggest hinderence to TNA getting nationwide attention is this smark-friendly story. Although people nationwide know who Rowdy Roddy Piper is, and might draw in Thunder-like numbers to see him, almost nobody but smarks, disenchanted ex-WCW viewers, and people who have read Foley Is Good know who Vince Russo is or why he's so into gimmick matches and obscene shit.

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