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Guest GameCop

When should Benoit win the WWE Title?

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Guest GameCop

I'd love to see Austin (heel) vs. Benoit (face) at WWE King of the Ring 2003 with Benoit winning the WWE Title for the first time.

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Guest BobBacklundRules

Brock/Benoit for the WWE title, now thats the next best thing to Brock/Angle.


Brock wins the title at Mania over Angle with a cheap win turning him heal. Then it's heel Brock vs. face Benoit

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Guest EternallyLazy

Benoit/Lesnar at SummerSlam


If they keep pushing him correctly, they could have a monster babyface to go up against hopefully, a heel Lesnar at SS

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Guest El Satanico
Brock wins the title at Mania over Angle with a cheap win turning him heel.

That would only work if Angle vs. Brock was face vs. face. Brock won't be a heel if he steals a win from Angle and he'd probably get more face overness from it.


Besides turning him heel in the match that's suppose to be his vengence on Heyman for screwing him would make everything between Summerslam and Wrestlemania pointless.

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Guest Anglesault
Brock wins the title at Mania over Angle with a cheap win turning him heel.

That would only work if Angle vs. Brock was face vs. face. Brock won't be a heel if he steals a win from Angle and he'd probably get more face overness from it.


Not if Heyman does it. It could be Brock and Heyman's grand plot to fuck over Angle for whatever reason.

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I'd love to see Austin (heel) vs. Benoit (face) at WWE King of the Ring 2003 with Benoit winning the WWE Title for the first time.

No, Benoit should be shipped to Raw where he kills the evil beast that is HHH OR if the Kevin Nash/HHH corrupt bargin rumors are to be true, have Benoit beat Nash for the belt and end Big Cripple's career....

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Guest Anglesault





Benoit will STAY RIGHT HERE!

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Guest Mulatto Heat

So confused....


AS and DH irritate me earlier, and then both say something that warms the heart, in a span of two minutes.....

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Benoit will STAY RIGHT HERE!

No, you move Benoit to Raw and salvage the show cause Raw needs something to boost it's appeal to fans and God knows that with Brock and UT in the top face slots Benoit won't be given the Upper-Card face run that he deserves.


And given that Austin is going to be going to Raw, you need someone for the wifebeater to feud with....

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Guest Anglesault

Raw is a lost cause. Don't sacrifice Benoit to it.


Ironically, in my EWR, Raw is doing a little beit better than SD!, with the H-ster injured, ths show sometimes hits low nineties over all as opposed to SD!s mid 80s.

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Guest Choken One

Alot of Move Beniot to Raw love here...Dunno Why.


The best time for Beniot to win the title would be at Summer Slam. Most likely in face Vs. Face Respect showdown with Brock (wheras Brock can turn Heel in the process). Or Maybe over a Heel Rock instead.

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Guest Anglesault

I see Lesnar losing the belt to Angle at Summerslam, Angle losing it to Benoit and winning it back for Unforgiven and No Mercy, and holding it til Benoit wins at Mania XX

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Guest Choken One

Ummm...I really don't see Beniot Main eventing WMXX.


I'd say Brock of course wins at Mania, beats Angle in A rematch at KOTR (He takes a Hiatus), Then Beniot beats Edge in a Title shot match at Vengence...Beniot wins at Slam, He holds it until No Mercy Losing to Angle. Then Angle drops it to Edge at Mania. Yeah, That is what we're gonna get Angle-Edge at ManiaXX.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Alot of Move Beniot to Raw love here...Dunno Why.

I know. Hell, SCOTT F'N KEITH said the same thing. OK, let's not lose sight on what RAW has become. It's not going to take just Benoit to turn it around.


Just out of curiosity, why do you always spell Benoit's name that way?

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Guest Choken One

I had a Team mate who spelled his name like that so...It burned in my mind...I can't change it.

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Guest Anglesault
Ummm...I really don't see Beniot Main eventing WMXX.


I'd say Brock of course wins at Mania, beats Angle in A rematch at KOTR (He takes a Hiatus), Then Beniot beats Edge in a Title shot match at Vengence...Beniot wins at Slam, He holds it until No Mercy Losing to Angle. Then Angle drops it to Edge at Mania. Yeah, That is what we're gonna get Angle-Edge at ManiaXX.

Takes a hiatus from what? And don't have Lesnar beat Angle twice. Kurt wins any rematch they have.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

we can't get Angle vs. Edge at ManiaXX cause Edge can't carry a dead chicken to a **** match like Vince wants...and I don't think Vince will have changed his mind by this time next year

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Guest Kid Kablam
I say have Benoit go over Angle at SummerSlam to win it for the first time.

What would be bitchin is if they do a whole program where Angle proves he can out mat wrestle Benoit and out German suplex Benoit, so Benoit is just like "Fuck It" and busts out the stiff shots and some of the suplexes he used in his puro days and finally finishes off Angle with a powerbomb. This would launch a new and revamped persona for Benoit. It would also spice up the Angle vs Benoit matchups. I mean I loved their Unforgiven match and all, but it needs something to fire it up.

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Guest Choken One

I was saying Angle takes a A hiatus after Mania so they don't have a rematch right away.


Why Edge-Angle? I didn't ask for it but come Fall, Edge will be Vince's Toy again.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The most glaring reason why Benoit shouldnt go to raw: HE WAS ALREADY THERE! JESUS FUCKING H CHRIST!

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Guest Mulatto Heat

That sounds like a really good idea, Kablam.


(surpresses the obligatory pessimistic closing line.....)

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I'm agreeing with Anglesault AGAIN. I'm practically sitting here waving my finger over my lips and making "bdlbdlbdlbdlbldbdlbdlh" noises, and I guess the planets are all aligning or something.


Just keep Benoit where he is.


If Benoit fights someone for the belt, it needs to be Brock. To turn Brock heel again though, they'd need to wrap him and Paul up, and the only way to do that would be for Paul to take Team Angle and have them turn on Kurt.

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Guest The Amazing Rando

maybe after Angle beats Benoit again some masked guy can show up and bust out all the puro moves while Benoit is supposedly "injured" ... if he wore a good enough costume, marks wouldn't be able to tell the difference as long as Germans, The Crossface, and the Headbutt weren't used...


he could do those other suplexes, a different submission (maybe the Indian Deathlock or something), and his Wild Pegasus Bomb and somehow set up a title match which Mr. Masked Benoit could win and then unmask to the absolute HUGE POP of the fans



then again...I'm just speaking out of thin air

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Guest Anglesault
I was saying Angle takes a A hiatus after Mania

To do what? Just a nice vacation his family?

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