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Guest GameCop

When should Benoit win the WWE Title?

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Guest Choken One

Team BROCK? I could easilly see Brock and Benjamin working together since they have a history. Does that mean They TOO wear Black Tights?


Image of Benjamin in Black Tights...Just ani't right.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
maybe after Angle beats Benoit again some masked guy can show up and bust out all the puro moves while Benoit is supposedly "injured" ... if he wore a good enough costume, marks wouldn't be able to tell the difference as long as Germans, The Crossface, and the Headbutt weren't used...


he could do those other suplexes, a different submission (maybe the Indian Deathlock or something), and his Wild Pegasus Bomb and somehow set up a title match which Mr. Masked Benoit could win and then unmask to the absolute HUGE POP of the fans



then again...I'm just speaking out of thin air

Yeah... I liked Kablam's idea better. B-)

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Guest The Amazing Rando

I don't care what kind of idea anyone likes...because if it's a good idea...the WWE probably won't use it

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Guest Choken One

Rando's idea wouldn't work...cuz like Beniot has a pretty distinctive look, you can't MISS those roided Shrunk arms a mile away.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I say the Rock. Bring 2000 out of the closet and have benoit say "you've been makin movies, i've been training."

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Guest Mulatto Heat

I can tell you this: I have given up on Benoit/Austin for 2003 in favor of Benoit/Rock. Capitalize on the fans' prominent disdain for Rock.

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Guest Kid Kablam
That sounds like a really good idea, Kablam.


(surpresses the obligatory pessimistic closing line.....)

Credit Ricky Chosyu here. He basically came up with it another thread. It would be cool because it would be like the final chapter in there feud, a definitive ending, and it would bring back the Benoit Bomb and Dragon Suplex.

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Guest Choken One

Here is my Concern, We know Rock won't care about Laying down for Beniot, But would Vince be willing to have his golden boy lay down for the lowly Beniot?

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Guest Kid Kablam
Rando's idea wouldn't work...cuz like Beniot has a pretty distinctive look, you can't MISS those roided Shrunk arms a mile away.

Aren't Benoit's arms shrinking due to nerve damage. Although the nerve damage may have something to do with roids.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Here is my Concern, We know Rock won't care about Laying down for Beniot, But would Vince be willing to have his golden boy lay down for the lowly Beniot?

Ah yes. I forgot about the "homegrown talent" factor.

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Guest Choken One

Right, He'd have Angle go over, because he is Home grown, as his Brock.


However, Austin proves to be an exception in a field of clay.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

First off, Benoit needs to be more marketable if they want to start capitalizing on the Rumble.



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Guest RavishingRickRudo

They would have Rock put over Benoit if Rock was off to do another movie. They can establish that Benoit has ___ many days to beat the Rock before he goes off to hollywood with the title. So in their PPV match, we all know benoit will win, but the rubes will buy it just to watch the rock get his ass kicked while the smarks will buy it to see benoit win.

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Guest Choken One

To do what? Just a nice vacation his family?


Why not? Alot of wrestlers get Time off everyone once in awhile after a good program. He just had a kid, so he could be with her and return at Judgement Day. They could always go with the Disgruntled Former Champion whom cheats at all costs to get the title back rotuine.

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Guest Breetai
I say have Benoit go over Angle at SummerSlam to win it for the first time.

What would be bitchin is if they do a whole program where Angle proves he can out mat wrestle Benoit and out German suplex Benoit, so Benoit is just like "Fuck It" and busts out the stiff shots and some of the suplexes he used in his puro days and finally finishes off Angle with a powerbomb. This would launch a new and revamped persona for Benoit. It would also spice up the Angle vs Benoit matchups. I mean I loved their Unforgiven match and all, but it needs something to fire it up.

I would mark out like a little bitch for this. Have him do the powerbomb off of the top-rope. Why not bust out a Chimera suplex variation? (Say, German-Tiger sulpex '85-Bridged Tiger Suplex.)



Oh, that's right...... I would appeal to the fans and make a shitload of money. I forgot that that's not what we're trying to achieve.

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Guest Dmann2000
I was saying Angle takes a A hiatus after Mania

To do what? Just a nice vacation his family?

Maybe he and his wife want to make babies?

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Guest Dmann2000
I say the Rock. Bring 2000 out of the closet and have benoit say "you've been makin movies, i've been training."

Yes Hollywood Rock beats face Lesnar for the title at KOTR, and with new "Hollywood' Agent Paul Heyman, they take out Brock for a couple months. Hollywood Rock talks about how the title will look nice up in the corner of his trailer on the set of his new movie, cause he's LEAVING again HAHAHA!!!!......


Nuh uh says GM Stephanie, he will stay on Smackdown as long as he's champ, which might only be a month when at Vengence he faces...Edge. Well as much as Rock wants to leave and make movies his ego is SOOOO big he wants it all, movies and the title. So sneaky Rock beats Edge at Vengence and says "Now the Rock's going back where he belongs....to Hollywood!"


Nuh uh says GM Stephanie, because as WWE Champion Rock has an obligation to face the 2003 KOTR at SummerSlam....Chris Benoit!!!!


Now Benoit starts cutting promos about he's a real wrestler and he's gonna beat some respect for the business into the Rock. In the weeks leading up to SummerSlam Benoit can show some of that 'smarky' personality he showed against Angle, ripping on Rock's films, maybe even getting together with Sean William Scott to poke fun at the Rock, what a prima donna he is. The at SummerSlam Wrestler Chris Benoit beats Hollywood Rock, showing that tough hard working guys will win over the spoiled bratty movies stars. He holds the title high over his head saying "this is what it's all about", Rock goes to make his movies. The End.













until Benoit loses in a hard fought match against Brock at Survivor Series, sorry guys but I'm giving him a good 3-4 months

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Guest Brian

Angle, the genetic jackhammer.


All Benoit/Rock has to be is Rock cutting his lines with no regard to the fans, and Benoit cutting short little video promos talking about how much he sacrifices, how much he gives, and how much Rocky gets and his arrogance and how he doesn't care about the business.

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Guest EternallyLazy

Why do so many of you want to see Benoit feud with HHH? Do you honestly think it will help? Do you honestly think HHH would put Benoit over? Let's be realistic here... moving Benoit to RAW would be a horrible decision as long as HHH is the top star.

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