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Guest Angel_Grace_Blue

Clusterfuck Border Run Request Thread!

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Guest Angel_Grace_Blue

It's the "GOdrea and Muzz gratuituously blade" edition!


You should all know the deal by now, if there is a breaking of the rules, YOU DIE!


Gonzales would say something here, but I bladed, so that took up his time slot.




/me does in fact, blade

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Guest Kibagami

I want eighteen buxom Mexican wenches, all the tequila they can carry, and that goddamn picture gone from your sig.



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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

-Two hundred and seventy-three miniature Mexican Flags, all programmed to play "La Cucaracha" when set on fire.


-A lighter.


That'll do.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

A fighting cock named Weird Mojo. A band of mean spirited Mexican Federales to help "endorse" Frost brand products.

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

I just came up with a few for the SJL Border Run, so let's see if I can get some good stuff going here...



- Bumblebee Man from the Simpsons


- A Spanish/Mandarin dictionary, for no real purpose


- Los Lobos (the guys who made the song "La Bamba") to record my new theme song


- The authentic copy of the Zimmerman Telegram, which was a telegram from Germany to Mexico during January 1917 (during WWI) where the Germans offered to ally with Mexico and help them reclaim Texas and California in exchange for Mexican support in WWI. BTW, my history class is boring.

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Guest CED Ordonez

I'd like as many buxom 18-years old girls that you can find to, uh, ease the pain of retirement for me and a few bottles of Corona.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
I want eighteen buxom Mexican wenches, all the tequila they can carry, and that goddamn picture gone from your sig.



I suddenly REALLY want Silent to win.

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Guest Powerplay

Some fine Mexican salt so I can help Hell de-thaw once I win the Clusterfuck. Oh, that and a few Mexican wenches would be nice. And make sure they have no STDs.

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Well after i heave Judge's fat @$$ out of the ring, and win the ClusterFuck I will need an all expenses paid trip to Cancoon(sp?). Oh and I second Silent. That picture removed from your sig!

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Guest Ace309

I'll take an all-expense paid trip to the Grand Coriba in Cancun, along with a full staff of buxom Mexican virgins for... housekeeping.


And mail me a midget luchadore.

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