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Guest BoboBrazil

Austin Disses HHH In The New Raw Magazine

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Guest BoboBrazil

Austin said HHH hasn't been pulling his weight with the company. He said just look at the numbers and ratings for the amount of time he is getting. He says HHH should drop 25lbs and get back to like he was in 2000. He said the reason he left was because of creative. He wasn't happy with his character or how things were being written for him. He didn't like them writing promos for him and wanted to make them up himself. He said comedy doesn't sell and says Ric Flair wasn't doing comedy back in the NWA when he was at his peak. He says wrestling should move away from Hollywood and become more of a competition with less backstage. He says the 25 year old kids writing the show don't have a clue and the booking power needs to be given back to the workers. He says Lesnar/Austin could have been huge and giving it away on free tv was the dumbest shit he has ever seen. He says Brock going over Austin that early would be idiotic and that he should be last for Brock Lesnar, not first. He thought when he walked out that it would send a fuck you, this ain't right to Vince and that it would wake him up. He says he had no problem with sports entertainment before because they were making money and getting 6.5 ratings, but now ratings are down and they should go back to wrestling. He says the writers aren't doing their job, which is making money, and they have never taken a bump and don't know what the business is about. He says if they do continue with the current booking style then wrestlers have no place in production meetings and mentions HHH. Austin said what pissed him off the most was Rock getting on live tv and telling him to get the F out. Steve said he was already out so it was idiotic. He says he made Rock and Rock will tell you the same, so that hurt him alot. Steve said he doesn't have a problem with Hall and Nash, but Hogan is and egomaniac and a manipulator. He also talks about what brought him back, how the initia contact was made, what his first meeting with Vince was like a couple of months ago, and his thoughts on Debra.





I got this from another forum and he didn't write about the other stuff.

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Guest CanadianChick

Well I'm making a trip to Chapters to buy that and then laugh my ass off..

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Guest AndrewTS

Bwahahaha!!! Good! Good! Maybe now Vince will wake the fuck up!


And HHH's old promos were scripted? Figures...

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Guest Anglesault
Sounds interesting if it's true.

There isn't really alot of disputable things in there.


Should HHH lose 25 pounds? yes.

Should wrestling move away from Hollywood? Yes.

Should they have kept Austin/Lesnar off of free Tv? Yes

Should wrestlers het out of production meetings? Yes.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Well...is this magazine even out yet!?

But yeah I believe it. Austin seems to know whats going to make this company better and the guy can pull his weight in the ring so him asking for more wrestling is fine. So....wonder if they'll listen?

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Guest Zero_Cool

At least he's getting it out there to the marks.


He's pretty right on with everything he said there...I'm not sure about him completely making The Rock, though. He did get him over as a heel though, during Austin's feud with The Nation, with stunners through pick-up trucks, but I think Foley really got him to the next level with the Royal Rumble chairshots/screwjob.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Well Austin considers Rock a friend and was probably mad that Rock was out there dissin' him for leaving.

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Guest Downhome

This is why Steve Austin (ANY version), is one of my favorite performers of all time. Perhaps with his return, things will change, we can only hope.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
He didn't like them writing promos for him and wanted to make them up himself.


I wonder how he felt about 'pissing' on Arn Anderson. I believe that was on his very last RAW.


Steve said he doesn't have a problem with Hall and Nash, but Hogan is and egomaniac and a manipulator.


Someone here said that Austin had ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM with Hogan and had NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER with working with him. That's all I can think of when reading that line.


When does this magazine hit the stands anyway?

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Guest BoboBrazil

Here is how Austin came back:


Jim Ross sent him a post card that said call me if you need anything. It went from there. Austin call Ross, Ross asked Austin to meet with Vince, they met at a hotel and they burried the hatchet. Vince then said he wanted Austin back for the rest of his contract and possibly more. So basically, Vince made the first move and offered after they hugged and made up.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Can anyone picture Vince on his knees crying and begging Austin? I can.......

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not to be pessimistic, but are we sure this is legit? I mean it seems to be exactly everything we smarks want to hear. Is the issue even out yet (What's its release date)? or did somebody at the board you got it from just make it up?


I hope it's real though. But something tells me even if it is, Vince isn't going "wake up."

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Guest Downhome
Can anyone picture Vince on his knees crying and begging Austin? I can.......

If he isn't, then he best damn well better start doing it.


A face Austin, and a heel Rocky = WWE on the rise once more.

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Guest areacode212
Someone here said that Austin had ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM with Hogan and had NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER with working with him. That's all I can think of when reading that line.

They probably read that from that wwf.com interview with Austin from shortly after WrestleMania, where he *was* quoted as saying that. I saw that as Austin trying to smooth things out with the company, but everyone pretty much believes that Austin never liked Hogan, going back to the 1994 WCW stuff.

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Guest BoboBrazil

I got it from a reliable person. They are most likely a subscriber to the magazine and got it now. Bischoff said it would be on stands in a couple of weeks on Monday, so subscribers will probably start getting it today.

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Guest godthedog
So basically, Vince made the first move and offered after they hugged and made up.

i'm sure austin was maniacally staring out into space with his eyes bulging out of his skull when they hugged and made up.


i do doubt the legitimacy of this report though. it makes no sense to me why vince would publish the burial of his own writers and triple h in his own magazine.

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Guest Anglesault
So basically, Vince made the first move and offered after they hugged and made up.

i'm sure austin was maniacally staring out into space with his eyes bulging out of his skull when they hugged and made up.


i do doubt the legitimacy of this report though. it makes no sense to me why vince would publish the burial of his own writers and triple h in his own magazine.

Maybe that's the only way Steve would come back?

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Guest Kinetic

I think the terms of Austin's agreement to come back probably stated that he could write an unedited article about his departure in RAW magazine. That's one explanation. And I figure they'll probably work all of this into Austin's initial angle when he comes back.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

I guess this also means that Austin is returning to RAW.


(Sorry AS.....)

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Guest Banky

I love Austin. He rules in the ring, and tells it how it is. He honestly doesn't take shit from anyone. He told the WWF to fuck off and they came back to him. Face it, the company needs him more than he needs it.

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Guest Anglesault

So, what the hell will Kurt do until Summerslam? What about Benoit? Guererro?

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Guest The Hamburglar

If this article is legit then it seems to read rather heelishly. Kind of bitter if you know what I mean. Just like so much of what Bret said back in the day was true, but that didn't stop him coming off as a heelish whiner. I particularly don't like the 'Austin made Rock' bit. Yes, Steve, the way you put Rock over cemented his superstar status...oh, wait it didn't because Austin has NEVER FUCKING JOBBED to Rock in a singles match-up. He's never jobbed cleanly to Rock in any other setting either. Austin's right about Triple H, but hey, those two were competing to see who could shit up the ring more in early 2002. Austin gets back to his 2001 form or he can fuck off himself.

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Guest Brian

Face Brock again, Heyman turn on him, Rhyno save Heyman, Rhyno vs. Angle.


It's a weird situation, because Nash and Austin are friends but Austin was against bringing him in.

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Guest The Hamburglar
Face Brock again, Heyman turn on him, Rhyno save Heyman, Rhyno vs. Angle.


It's a weird situation, because Nash and Austin are friends but Austin was against bringing him in.

Maybe Austin knew that Nash's body couldn't hold up. If you've had the injuries Austin has you're going to be naturally worried about your friends getting crippled, particularly someone as fragile as Nash.

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Guest Anglesault
Face Brock again, Heyman turn on him, Rhyno save Heyman, Rhyno vs. Angle.


Eh. It's good for what it is. I was actually planning THIS




Eddy/Chavo vs. Team Angle













King of the Ring







Brock/Angle/Benoit vs. Austin/Edge/???






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Hmmmm interesting.


If Austin had no problem with Hall how ocme he treated him like shit and NEVER put him over once. Not in promo's, angles, matches anything.


But I like Austin andt hey need him so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt(althoguh I wonder who's idea it was to piss on Double A).

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