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Guest HVilleThugg

Fantasy Bookings - version 3242342

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

I adore tag wrestling. Love it love it love it and think more people should try to form solid teams and give a solid run at it. But you all have some very solid points about problems in the system. Ejiro first:


Another thing that the people who seem to be against the one person team theory seem to have in common is that they are very communicative people (if that's even a word).


That's very true. I'll point to myself as an example--when I started a team with Mark, we'd already been working together for 8 months and talked frequently on AIM. Same exact thing for Raynor, but it happened 6 months even later. You also sometimes get lucky with a team like Frost and TNT or Spark and Raynor (from the IGN days) who just can kind of click immediately and start going. If you have a communicative personality and you're excited to try something new, you can do it.


I think this is something where you simply have to be that way, or make yourself that way. If you're not going to communicate with a partner somewhat, you really can't be part of the tag division--and I think that's neither unfair nor bad.


Now to Danny. Here's one tricky bit I didn't quite get:


I would gladly prove it, but here's what happened when I tried to get involved in the tag scene. I found it extremely irritating trying to write the climax of match, in which I don't know the build too. But it didn't matter, because the thrown together teams Me and Xero faced, didn't give a shit, and we won all of our matches by no show. I also found it, hurting my singles career.


The way I read this, it'd be one guy writing the first half, the other guy writing the second half at the same time, and then pasting them together. Which, I think, is exactly why you might not like the tag wrasslin'--unless you know a person's style REALLY well, it's hard to do that. Nigh-impossible--we did it out of necessity for Wargames, and it took hours to get the whole thing edited together. It's MUCH easier to do the "I write part, then send it to you, you write more," and you either do half and half that way, or send it back and forth as many times as you can. The trick to that is being on time--at least one guy has to get his chunk of the match done while leaving time for his partner to write.


That said, I really like your tag tournament idea--but not every month. Something in the vein of what happened on Smackdown a few months ago, which resulted in the Rey/Edge, Angle/Benoit, and Los Guerreros teams, would be nice as a one-shot to create some interest. The biggest problem there is building for PPVs while also building on the possibility of progress in the tag division...but if we're spreading PPVs out, maybe more along the lines of one every six weeks, this would be a less of a problem. If people are willing, I think it would be fun...but then again, I love me some tag wrasslin'.

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Time for TBS to weigh in:


I agree with King in regards to no singles stuff. I really dislike the idea of writing both people of a tag team. However, I don't see the need for tag team belts. No one particularly cares about them, and we've never had a good tag scene. I kinda like Danno's idea, but I'm not quite sure how it'd work out, since any kind of tournament would have to take up a few shows, which would make it hard to book the rest of the card. It deserves some consideration, however.


As for the issue of returnees: In regards to Xstasy, I sincerely doubt you'll be seeing him in the SWF again. He screwed up again, and King is NOT in a good mood about that, and neither am I. However, as for returns, I do agree with what HVT said. If someone was main eventing, I'd expect him to be treated with some respect upon his return. If Mark came back, or Edwin, or Neilsen, we wouldn't make them start at the bottom, because we know they're very talented. Forcing them to start needlessly at the bottom makes sense. However, with a few exceptions, I believe that the correct place to start someone is a very relative thing. Toss them into the midcard and see where things go from there, push them to upper midcard, have them main event their first show, etc. You need to look at things relatively. Xstasy was never booked on the top of the card, and it was Thugg's perogative to involve X in his storylines. Therefore, no whining about that. And hopefully we won't have any more returns like that where the person just doesn't care.

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Guest HVilleThugg

TBS, I apologize in advance if this sounds a bit harsh...


I totally agree that X's return was a flop and that he screwed up. However, I think you should consider things before saying that someone didn't care. I'm not going to explain X's life or anything like that because it's his business, but I don't think it's fair to say someone didn't care when you don't know the facts. I know King is pissed about it, and I guess by association, so are you...but it really pains me to see you rip on him and say that he doesn't care or whatever. He was never brought up in the conversation about returnees, nor was he ever pushed upon returning, so I'm not exactly sure why he was entered into the conversation to begin with.


Da "maybe harsh, or maybe not...but that just kind of made me mad" H

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

For the returnees thing, I don't think I or Ejiro is saying that returnees shouldn't have their spot back. We're saying that they need to prove they deserve to keep it and shouldn't be given preferential treatment over others who have risen up the ranks since they've been gone. Let's say I was working my way up to a World Title shot, but then Chris Wilson returns and starts getting those title shots simply because he was getting title shots before he left and I'm left hanging around the ICTV title level because of it.


I see this more of a problem with Stubby than with the new booking commitee and since they've taken over I've been very happy with how returnees have been treated and how those deserving of a push have recieved them.


To Danny, I am unfamilair with New Japan's tag situation. If that works for them, more power to them. I personally don't see a system like that working well for us due to the overall apathy toward tag wrestling and the way the booking schedule goes. If we do such a tournament, I see us only doing it as a last ditch effort to save the tag division in a gimmicky fashion and that is a disservice to tag wrestling. A tournament like what they had on Smackdown would be a great idea to stir up some initial interest and hopefully keep it going. A monthly tournament just seems too gimmicky to me and too much of a departure from our regular storylines and match slates.

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Thugg: Fair enough. I know he's done this two or three times, but I shouldn't have said that. And the reason I brought him up is that I've received a number of complaints about him specifically being given what was perceived as a push. I just wanted to set the record straight on him.

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Guest SupaTaft

Dude, for the SWF, I say fuck the tag titles and reinstitute the stables titles.


Stables Titles = teh roq



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Guest Tyler McClelland

1) If Mark and I can win the tag titles... it says something :)


2) If we want a viable tag team division with less than 20 wrestlers, why not combine a different title? It would make the tag team scene more elite, as it's not just the 5th title. Oh yes, I forgot, we'd NEVER do that :)


- TM

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Guest Suicide King

Truth be told I would rather remove the tag belts than let individuals write themselves as tag teams. God knows it's happened in the past that one person has done the bulk of work for a team but at the end of the day there has always been some contribution from them.


That said, I greatly like many of the ideas that are being tossed around to revitalize the tag picture, in particular Danny's. There could be something to work with there.


That said, if you guys don't have an angle right now, and you want to be involved in tag team shenannigans, PM me and I will do what I can to set up an appropriate tag themed arc for the next few weeks after da Fuck.

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Guest Grand Slam

You know, I wasn't going to say anything about Outcast as a tag partner, but the man has a point. I don't think it will shock anyone here to say that, historically, 'Cast and I have had our problems with each other. Heck, I think at one point he was probably my least favorite guy in the fed. (No longer, by the way. 'Cast and i have pretty much forgiven and forgotten as far as I am concerned).


So as I said, when he's right, he's right. I think when Stubby threw us together (in a title match no less) both of us were thinking the same thing. And I'm sure it wasn't complimentary. ;) However, we talked a couple of times and put together a little angle that, at least for a little while, got the tag division a little shot in the arm.


The point is, we didn't communicate all that well while we were a team, but we wrote together. So while yes, I teamed up with people after that who I was pretty friendly with OOC, my first tag Title was won with someone quite the opposite. Thus, I am not buying the "You have to be friends to be tag partners" line.

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