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Guest tank_abbott

Slamboree 98

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Guest tank_abbott

Okay I've never seen the show, but i have a few ???


It says in SK's review that Micheal Buffer actually intro'd Vince McMahon for his "match" vs Eric B. Knowing Buffer's usual method of adding comments about each participant (i.e. "The man who's reconized the world over as the greatest wrestler of this or any generation HUUULLLKKK HOOOGAAAN!)

What did he say about Vince?


Also I read elsewear that Buffer messed up Bret's name when annoncing him, and Bret chewed him out on camera. Can you add anything to this?

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Guest treble charged

He one time on Nitro called Bret, "Bret 'The Hitman' Clarke". That is still relevant in some aspects of my life (however sad that may be).


As for the Slamboree '98 stuff, I do remember Buffer announcing Vince, but I can't really remember any over the top stuff. I've only seen the show once, though (well, that part of it, at least), so someone else could probably answer better than I could.

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Guest converge241

I was there live Worcester Centrum


people really thought Vince was coming out


Buffer was there and did the introductions and they counted to 10 and Bisch won by forefeit or auto decision


what a waste of time (the many segments with "is vince here or not")


awful main event too


the cruiserweight invitational and ddp cage match saved the event

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Guest JangoFett4Hire

YA! Stinko Malenko dressed up like that pumpkin looking luchadore. Ciclope? maybe. And he kicked the poop out of Jericho. That was a great feud, with Jericho taking shots at Dean's dead dad. Glorious stuff.

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Guest Si82
He one time on Nitro called Bret, "Bret 'The Hitman' Clarke".  That is still relevant in some aspects of my life (however sad that may be).


As for the Slamboree '98 stuff, I do remember Buffer announcing Vince, but I can't really remember any over the top stuff.  I've only seen the show once, though (well, that part of it, at least), so someone else could probably answer better than I could.

I think you can get a wav of that over at DDT Digest.


I can remember where on the site, but I'm sure it's there.


Just in case anyone's interested.

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awful main event too

That main event surely wasn't anything to write home about. Hey after the main event was over, what did Sting end up doing? When the video ended, it just showed him standing there doing nothing. Did anything else after that happen?


Also about the Vince introduction, if I'm not mistaken, it had something to do with Titan Sports and him being from Stamford, Connecticut and that's the only part I can remember from the tape when I rented it in 2001.

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I actually thought the show was pretty solid - although the Bischoff / Vince segments were horrible (so was Bischoff issuing the challenge on Nitro in weeks prior to the PPV...even I could see he was desperate for viewers).


I'd consider Slamboree 98 to be one of WCW's last better than good pay-per-views of the 90s. The Cruiserweight battle royal / Jericho vs. Malenko ... DDP / Raven in the cage ... Bret / Savage was passable ... Goldberg was still in his pre-world title "cool tough guy" phase ... Eddie / Dragon was good. The good far outweighed the bad - but of course I hardly even think about the tag title main event.

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Guest bob_barron

I thought it was a pretty good show as well.


Scott Hall was entertaining as hell in the main event and all the good stuff you guys mentioned was good.


Plus- remember Liz bouncing out?

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I remember Slamboree '98. I rented it a few months ago from a local video store. The Cruiserweight Battle Royal was pretty good, Dean Malenko dressing up as Ciclope was cool, but I think instead of Juventud Guerrera eliminating himself they should've just fought and have Malenko win the match fairly. This began the "Chris Jericho Conspiracy" which was very entertaining. Diamond Dallas Page-Raven was very good to, has anyone seen the 3-Way Dance between Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Benoit, and Raven? Was it any good?

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I remember Slamboree '98. I rented it a few months ago from a local video store. The Cruiserweight Battle Royal was pretty good, Dean Malenko dressing up as Ciclope was cool, but I think instead of Juventud Guerrera eliminating himself they should've just fought and have Malenko win the match fairly. This began the "Chris Jericho Conspiracy" which was very entertaining. Diamond Dallas Page-Raven was very good to, has anyone seen the 3-Way Dance between Diamond Dallas Page, Chris Benoit, and Raven? Was it any good?

Yep, their bout at Uncensored 98 was very well done. Benoit / Raven fought one-on-one for about the last half while DDP played the dead super face laid out in the aisle ... before he did his big comeback, of course. It's on Kazaa if you want it.

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Guest converge241

"Hey after the main event was over, what did Sting end up doing? "




WCW wasnt a big fan of the "send them home happy" approach that WWF had/has where they do something off camera to give the "happy ending"

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