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Guest BoboBrazil

Konnan Says WWE Lockerroom Now Is Worse Than WCW's

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Guest EternallyLazy

I believe it... however, I'm reluctant to believe anything from a man who said that he taught Bret Hart how to do the sharp shooter...



oh yeah and he said that Owen Hart was a complete asshole... which is the first time I've EVER read that from anyone



EDIT: The Bret/Owen things aren't in this interview above however, for anyone that may have gotten that... they're form his Torch Talk interview conducted years ago

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Guest NoSelfWorth

I can believe him over the WWE locker room morale. I've heard that story from more than one person.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Yeah, he says something about his new role, then he says something like without giving to much a way that luchadores have been portrayed bad in America, so maybe he will be bringing in luchadores.

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Guest BDC

Wasn't the buzz a few weeks back that ppl on Raw wanted to go to Smackdown and ppl on Smackdown were afraid of going to Raw? If I remember right, a few reasons were getting crappy feuds and terribly lockerroom morale.

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Guest EternallyLazy
Like who?

Dennis Knight said that he noticed morale to be extremely low when he visited SD a few weeks ago... he said that when he was in WWE, all the boys would crowd around the monitors and watch the matches, rib each other, cut jokes etc... and that when he visited, it was only Earl Hebner and someone else

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Other than Matt Hardy & Noble/Nidia, I can't imagine that the morale for Smackdown would be too bad.

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Guest eiker_ir
Other than Matt Hardy & Noble/Nidia, I can't imagine that the morale for Smackdown would be too bad.


why Matt, Noble & Nidia?

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Matt because of Johnny Ace, and Noble/Nidia because Steph thinks Nidia is too fat.

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Guest wwF1587

with HHHamania runnin wild... and RAW being what it is.. i am not suprised... here's hopin things get better soon

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Guest Justwitty

Besides the Matt/Noble/Nidia reasons as listed before, I'm just going to toss out a couple more hypothesis as to why the Smackdown locker room may be down just like RAW. (these are NOTHING but speculation based on what I've read elsewhere on the net)


1) The A-Train/Rey/Matt/Edge debacle showed the wrestlers that no matter how well you build your character and get fan reactions, it can be swept from underneath you in a second if management wants it to for any reason.


2) I've read that Brock is a bit of an egotist asshole backstage. If this is true, how would you feel knowing that the guy getting the big push is going to become that much more unbearable to deal with.


3) Nathan Jones....prima donna reports...Apparently sucks in ring based on house show reports (Although, I'll wait til TV to judge him, I'm easy to please so I'll probably dig him anyways).....BIG push w/o a lick of "paying his dues" as is always, ALWAYS stressed.


Just a few things that sprang to mind.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
BIG push w/o a lick of "paying his dues" as is always, ALWAYS stressed.

This "paying your dues" shit has guaranteed guys life in the midcard from the moment they get out there.

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Guest JericholicEdgeHead

If I may I will add a few more to your list.


4. The whole Torrie/Dawn/Al Wilson angle, I wouldn't think a lot of the wrestlers were happy that for weeks they pushed this storyline over almost EVERYTHING. And what's worse, all 3 characters involved are NOT wrestlers. So everybody else on the Smackdown roster except for maybe Angle/Show/Lesanr took a backseat to a silly soap opera storyline that had no payoff.


5. ( A rumor) Stephanie McMahon limiting Paul Heyman's direction of Smackdown, and bringing in her idea's of silly soap opera skits and poorly thoughtout backstage segments.

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Guest MillenniumMan831
4. The whole Torrie/Dawn/Al Wilson angle, I wouldn't think a lot of the wrestlers were happy that for weeks they pushed this storyline over almost EVERYTHING. And what's worse, all 3 characters involved are NOT wrestlers. So everybody else on the Smackdown roster except for maybe Angle/Show/Lesanr took a backseat to a silly soap opera storyline that had no payoff.

Sure it did, Torrie beat Dawn Marie last night on Velocity. Alright, I'll shut up now.

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Well Konnan's "friends" to my knowledge are Rey Mysterio(jobbing to Albert), Eddie Guerrero(sort of floating in uselessness right now) and Chris Benoit(doing very well).


So he could've heard that from Rey or Eddie. Or maybe he's friends with Book & Jericho on Raw. They I wouldn't be surprised.

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Guest Anglesault
2) I've read that Brock is a bit of an egotist asshole backstage. If this is true, how would you feel knowing that the guy getting the big push is going to become that much more unbearable to deal with.


Yeah, I heard that as well. Apparently that, along with the injury, were the main reasons they jobbed him to Show.

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Guest geniusMoment

I remember an infamous line from Heyman about Konnan. "For someone who makes mid six figures he sure seems pretty unhappy." This was from late 99 when the Bisch offered the wrestlers their releases. Raven accepted in front of everyone but Konnan backed down as some as he realized that Bisch was serious. The moral of the story Konnan can be a bitter man who many times runs off at the mouth without speaking the whole truth, if you wheeeel.

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Guest TheHulkster
2) I've read that Brock is a bit of an egotist asshole backstage. If this is true, how would you feel knowing that the guy getting the big push is going to become that much more unbearable to deal with.


3) Nathan Jones....prima donna reports...Apparently sucks in ring based on house show reports (Although, I'll wait til TV to judge him, I'm easy to please so I'll probably dig him anyways).....BIG push w/o a lick of "paying his dues" as is always, ALWAYS stressed.

I'd take those 2 things with a grain of salt. You figure that there are probably a few guys who are jealous of guys who Vince really gets behind and spread rumors and talk to the sheets to further their own agenda. So you never really know where these "mystery" sources are coming from when they let this crap out.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

The Raw lockerroom has had something like 2 speeches from HHH, they can't be happy.

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Guest converge241

maybe Konnan could confirm it if only they wanted him there


can he confirm on how a crowds reaction is to him in comparing ROH to WCW? Id be interested to hear his take on that

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Guest FeArHaVoC
I believe it... however, I'm reluctant to believe anything from a man who said that he taught Bret Hart how to do the sharp shooter...


oh yeah and he said that Owen Hart was a complete asshole... which is the first time I've EVER read that from anyone


EDIT: The Bret/Owen things aren't in this interview above however, for anyone that may have gotten that... they're form his Torch Talk interview conducted years ago



Now I have even more Reason to hate the idiot.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Screw all that noise. If it happens the way K-Dogg says there will be luchadores coming in to spice up the X division and give them something to do.


That's what I was hoping.

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6) The Kliq/Clique/Klik/Click/Klick/Klickque...however ya spell it. HHH only jobs to HBK or 95% of the time. Plus, Big Kev's coming back soon to add to the Clique's power. These guys will be pushed over the rest because they have the backstage power. That'll bring down morale for the upper mid guys on Raw because they know it's tougher than ever to break into the main event scene.


7)Hogan on Smackdown COULD cause a few problems like the Kliq, although not on the same scale. Hell, he did put over Lesnar and Angle in his last run.


8)HHH's speeches. Now that'll lower morale...having the top man who has so much power moaning that the midcarders are lazy...in front of them when some of the midcarders have worked their asses off for this business e.g Al Snow, Tommy Dreamer, Steven Richards. HHH is the main reason for low morale no doubt.

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Guest notJames

Konnan knows just about as much about the WW_ lockerroom as we do. So what if he has friends on the roster? He's just sorry his talentless ass couldn't cut the mustard in the big time.


Fuck that stupid white kid from New Jersey. ;)

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