Guest Tony149 Report post Posted February 5, 2003 I pretty much agree with what SG says. Why do you need 'producers' and 'head bookers' and the like? Sure, there should probably be a person or two 'in charge' to set up the shows and such, but the posters should really have control over their own characters, IMO. Have you been paying attention? Probably not, and probably not many others either as I've been stressing the fact we dropped the word "bookers" in favor of "Producers" so you guys would know YOU'RE writing the shows, NOT us. I'm not sitting in the folders writing each show myself. The rest of the OaOast does, we (BPP, SM, Zack & myself) put the segments together so they flow when people read the shows. Having control of their own characters? WTF? They are! Anybody who told me they wanted to do something I said yes, but tell BPP because he's doing IZ. This isn't meant to bash BPP, but he was the one who was very hands on with the others' characters, maybe because he's busy with his personal life that he forgets. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest treble charged Report post Posted February 5, 2003 Dude, chill. Like I said, I was going by some information that I got, and if I was wrong, I apologize. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted February 5, 2003 If you really want to know what the problem CWM has, I'll tell you. He's not happy with BPP. BPP is very hands on with the creative side of things while I and the others mostly just sit back. He's mostly the one planning things in advance. Not me or anyone else with access to the folder. The only thing we ever planned in advance was the current aWo angle SG gave us. It's our fault too - instead of saying anthing we just sit back and let him do his thing That's very, very true. Over the last couple of months, I have really only been dealing with myself, Jingus and Superstar matches stroylines. I leave everyone else to you guys, because I felt that whoever was taking care of it had a plan and I saw no reason to meddle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted February 5, 2003 I'd be lying if I said part of me didn't hope this was some type of elaborate, Pillman-esque "work" on us all. Sadly, I doubt that's the case. Even more sad is that this whole thing has sent everyone in a tizzy, which is what we have wanted to avoid. Also, we are typing, rather than talking face to face, or even on the phone. Things are going to get mixed up in translation, and that can lead to misunderstandings. The OAOAST will not become WCW while I'm here. Mark my words. I'd write myself into a feud with Col. Sanders over his secret recipe before I let this whole thing blow up in our faces. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted February 5, 2003 Tony, I wasn't really upset at the Angel Award thing (I can see why superstar would be), it was just an example. I'm trying to have my character do a 180 degree turn. Instead of being a pussy heel, I have been trying to change him to a tougher, meaner type. I just get a little mad that when other people write as my character, I'm always saying gay refrences, or wanting to see Superstar shave his legs. I don't think you understand, it was an award show. It was done like a short-film, not like it was done on IZ to do/further an angle. In other words, it wasn't meant to be our OaOast characters just a whacked out parody of films (Speed, 50s alien films, etc). TC, I'm not mad. I just don't like it when people start saying all this talk now instead of then. Things could of and would of been different if this was said when I first joined. Now all it seems like is backstabbing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted February 5, 2003 TC, all we really do in the folder is organize and maybe create a template for a feud, and then basically throw it off to writers and whoever is in it to flesh it out. The ONLY fued that was basically worked out step by step very early was aWo/OAOAST, and with most of the key players in that feud in the booker's thread, it wasn't that different. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted February 5, 2003 Well I'm pretty sure everything will be fine now. I've talked to Zack and CWM and we should be ok until until AM II at least. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted February 5, 2003 The only thing we ever planned in advance was the current aWo angle SG gave us. It's our fault too - instead of saying anthing we just sit back and let him do his thing. That's not what I was told. I was told that you didn't want to get beat up, that BPP didn't want to lose his comish job or something and that you'd go with the angle but way later. Plus I got a responce back with a completely different and butchered (the aWo lost every match and then lost the blow off) angle than what Caboose and I worked out and AS, CWM, and AP agreed to and liked. Also at the end of the angle the aWo was going to lose. So it wasn't self serving in the long run, although admittedly it was in the short run. I have the angle and the response from you saved on MS Word to prove it, I read it today and while not perfect or finished, I thought it was a fun angle to run with and would give a lot of other guys chances to move up. If you'd like me to post it I will. For those who like to run-in and complain, I got news for you: Getting people to make sure the place was organize didn't hurt a damn thing. Everybody seemed to think things were changing and just stopped posting in the OAOAST thread. Why? Nobody said stop posting there. Why didn't anybody have the balls to say anything then? If more people would of made it more clear back when Caboose & SS felt we should of let things stay the way there were instead of keeping their mouths shut and only opening them when signs point to the ship sinking...we wouldn't have a problem. I assume you mean me and I did vocie my concerns! And I was the first to voice my complaints and many people, Caboose included agreed with me, this was months ago. And we tried to do something about it, but it got caught up and butchered so I left. Organization wasn't the problems, taking the fun out of it was. I was here form the begining and all of the sudden my character was doing things that I didn't know about. Where's the fun if you can't work out what you want to do in your match with the opponent? I don't think anyone would really whine about losing, I never would have anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted February 5, 2003 I have tossed some ideas out for post AM already. Obviously, I can't divulge the info here, but some plans are in the works, and the people involved have been notified, at least on my end. I'm sure we'll last past AM2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted February 5, 2003 Well, I'm pretty sure my post-AM2 feuds know about it. I might double check. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cobainwasmurdered Report post Posted February 5, 2003 The only thing we ever planned in advance was the current aWo angle SG gave us. It's our fault too - instead of saying anthing we just sit back and let him do his thing. That's not what I was told. I was told that you didn't want to get beat up, that BPP didn't want to lose his comish job or something and that you'd go with the angle but way later. Plus I got a responce back with a completely different and butchered (the aWo lost every match and then lost the blow off) angle than what Caboose and I worked out and AS, CWM, and AP agreed to and liked. Also at the end of the angle the aWo was going to lose. So it wasn't self serving in the long run, although admittedly it was in the short run. I have the angle and the response from you saved on MS Word to prove it, I read it today and while not perfect or finished, I thought it was a fun angle to run with and would give a lot of other guys chances to move up. If you'd like me to post it I will. For those who like to run-in and complain, I got news for you: Getting people to make sure the place was organize didn't hurt a damn thing. Everybody seemed to think things were changing and just stopped posting in the OAOAST thread. Why? Nobody said stop posting there. Why didn't anybody have the balls to say anything then? If more people would of made it more clear back when Caboose & SS felt we should of let things stay the way there were instead of keeping their mouths shut and only opening them when signs point to the ship sinking...we wouldn't have a problem. I assume you mean me and I did vocie my concerns! And I was the first to voice my complaints and many people, Caboose included agreed with me, this was months ago. And we tried to do something about it, but it got caught up and butchered so I left. Organization wasn't the problems, taking the fun out of it was. I was here form the begining and all of the sudden my character was doing things that I didn't know about. Where's the fun if you can't work out what you want to do in your match with the opponent? I don't think anyone would really whine about losing, I never would have anyway. That's pretty much how I remeber things. Though it was really just Tony who changed things. I appreciate everything Tony has done but I' haven't really enjoyed things since SG,Caboose,Big,TC,TSS,etc. all left. It was more fun as an in-joke first, efed second. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20 Report post Posted February 6, 2003 I think it's time I contribute more to the OAOAST. BPP, Sandman, Tony, or whoever, if you need me to write anything (As much as I suck at it) Send me a PM. Oh, and...I think Agnes should be sent to a Developmental Territory because I believe a Hell In The Cell between Rikishi/A-Train/Bill DeMott with HHH as the Guest Referee is more exciting than him... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted February 6, 2003 I think it's time I contribute more to the OAOAST. Yup, Mr. X Champion. Oh, and...I think Agnes should be sent to a Developmental Territory because I believe a Hell In The Cell between Rikishi/A-Train/Bill DeMott with HHH as the Guest Referee is more exciting than him... Bah~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted February 6, 2003 SG, I always respected you and didn't mean to come off too strong. It's just I feel I'm the one who's going to get blamed when things like this happen because I came in and people seemed to change when nobody said to change the style of the OaOast. It just happened. I did say I didn't want to get beat up. However, IIRC, it was because I didn't want to get involved in any angles at that time, but changed my mind after seeing CWM post your idea at the VM forum. PM me the idea again -- I never save anything so I want to see went went wrong. As for talking about your matches with opponents...I truely have no idea why nobody did that. I've always felt it was because we threw around the term "bookers" and people just assumed we were writing the shows and stopped doing anything. I was never writing the shows, promos/skits, etc -- BPP & CWM were in-charge of the shows and still are, while I sat in the background and let them do their thing. If somebody is going to be blamed, it's those who were posting IZ and writing matches. CWM, didn't TSS leave because of school? Big, SG & TC left, yes. But Caboose would still be here today if the whole angle changing thing doesn't happen. I talked with him and had him ready to come back, but something happened again with BPP. Don't remember what, but Caboose had an idea for his return. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted February 6, 2003 Oh, and, uh, where has Alfdogg been? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted February 6, 2003 Alf works late and hasn't had much comp access as of late. I had talked with him via PM a few weeks back about an EWR contest in the Video Game folder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted February 6, 2003 sound off time Tony, thanks for recognizing that I've had several personal life things happen recently that take my mind away from oaoast matters. For those of you who dont know, i've got a great new girlfriend who i have been spending considerable time with. im also dealing with helping my parents move, graduating from college and applying to grad schools, while holding down 2 full time jobs about my role in the oaoast I suggest feud ideas. Simple. I think i suggested that dandy/sp team up...good idea. I have bad ideas too... those get scrapped when the people involved tell me they dont like it and suggest a new one how do you suggest? Why after Caboose left, we now have a booking feedback thread. If youre not on aim, put something in there. if you look at the folder right now, everythings positive in then i ask, how am i to know any differently? i cant read your minds over this board so we have this booking thread, now pre/post. whats in there? fuck it guys, i normally post iz a day or two early there and then move it, we put ppvs there, and we have a few booking ideas for main feuds and how to work them. we could open them up if you all wanted too, but it kinda ruins the secretness of the shows. ive thought alot about this today, talked with a bunch of you about whats going on....thanks to all of you who messaged me So far, CWM has addressed 2 reasons. My "joke" of saving TSM and how I book 1) My joking is simply that. If i really id be one sad pathetic person. I rib on Dames with it...nothing more 2) Again, theres a booking thread and booking feedback thingie. Post, state the issue. If anyone feels that I haven't been listening, say that now. I've gotten several responses from yall telling me i have done a great job listening...thanks now about my role. Yes I am very proactive in character booking and feuds/stories. Not till yesterday did anyone really seem to mind. im sorry the oaoast changed into this for those of you who enjoyed the old style. i remember talking to cwm about returning to our roots and having a "post-whore in oaoast week" every month or something like that...we experimented with it in january and i liked it. i tried to listen. in short, id love to hear what tony's solution is, but my resolve is much more steadfast now. i'd like things to go back as they were. And then, we just know to communicate better. I wont be posting again until the weekend. Ill be spending time with my girl, and ill be writing a promo. i think it best to cancel the bpp/cwm match at this time. should anyone else wnat a piece of me...ohh bring it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mystery Eskimo Report post Posted February 6, 2003 I think i suggested that dandy/sp team up...good idea Actually, that was me I don't have any problems with anyone here, and as Zack said there's no way the OAOAST is going anywhere if I can help it. I was a bit burned out with writing after the OAOMEF shows we did but I'm ready to do more again now. It's sad that Caboose felt he had to leave over, as far as I could tell, a silly squabble, lets not have anyone else going the same way, please? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted February 6, 2003 then i give you mad props for the creation of los infernales mme... *thinks to himself* you know, you n jingus had a good team, you thought up dandy/sp maybe we should ask you for ideas on how to build up a tag division...any other peeps that you think together would make a killer team? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted February 9, 2003 But Caboose would still be here today if the whole angle changing thing doesn't happen. I talked with him and had him ready to come back, but something happened again with BPP. Don't remember what, but Caboose had an idea for his return. Was this return the one after the first time Caboose left or the second time? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest caboose Report post Posted February 9, 2003 But Caboose would still be here today if the whole angle changing thing doesn't happen. I talked with him and had him ready to come back, but something happened again with BPP. Don't remember what, but Caboose had an idea for his return. Was this return the one after the first time Caboose left or the second time? A second return was discussed by me and Tony, after I calmed down over my original problem with BPP (He Changed Angles I created without consulting me). My second return would have me return with the simple goal of getting my hands on BPP and Sandman for what they did to me, a sort of half-shoot angle. My acceptance speech for the Hall of Fame and my Character stats were re-written to hint at this angle... But BPP then released his bullshit statement about me asking for the title when I didn't, and denying a lot of what he had done. Once I realised BPP was trying to save face by lying and actually was playing a self-serving game, I decided to pull the plug on the return and never post in-character in the OAOAST again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted February 9, 2003 i swear you mentioned something about getting the title why would i even bother lying on a messageboard? *sigh* for what its worth, im sorry...i had no idea you were even thinking of coming back, and thought a quasi-shoot ross thing was apropro again, for what its worth, my apologies for any misscommunication Share this post Link to post Share on other sites