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The Dames

WOW....what a shitty show

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Guest eirejmcmahon



EVERY time I've chosen to skip an NWATNA show, they've tended to put on at least a half decent effort, looks like I finally caught a break when I missed last night's show.


Good read as always Dames.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Solid recap, Dames. I could really feel the venom dripping off your tongue...err, fingers...in the writing.


Hopefully the TNA guys who follow your recaps will take an extra good look at this one.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Your venom did not come close to what it deserved. Dud everything except TZ in my opinion. Dames, please email all your contacts at NWA-TNA and tell them what crap it was. In a nice way of course.

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OH...believe me, I'm sure that they're getting the message loud and clear. I haven't seen any positive feedback anywhere for this show *except for a TNA fansite* and they usually read the site anyway.



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Guest BifEverchad

Yeah Dames, another great recap, but on a less than stellar show. You told it like it was, and it was weak. Hopefully they can put this show behind them and pick up the pieces next week, right?


Afterall, not every show can be great, or acceptable. They arent miracle workers..

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Guest Zack Malibu

I felt like I was watching an old RAW or Nitro. Last night I swore I saw:


The NWO beatdown/abduction of Ric Flair (the opening angle with SEX and JJ)


The Steve Austin riot squad gimmick (ending segment with JJ)


An Uncensored '95 flashback (when Disco came hopping out, it reminded me of when "masked man" Arn Anderson came out tied up, trying to get the heels attention).


Just a bad mishmash of ideas IMO. And the tag match finish, I could have lived with a DDQ/No contest. Holding up the belts will only decrease value.


I love TNA, just as much as I loved ECW. I want them to succeed. Crap, I even marked out when David Flair debuted. But last night I can say that I wasn't interested in many segments. Raven/Styles interaction, and the above average (no pun intended) tag match at the end were the highlights.


C'mon NWA, you've got it in you. I'm not saying blow the money matches (JJ/Raven, Raven/Styles, JJ/Styles) right now. But a better build from point A to point B, with less crap like last nights "mission" in between, will pay off in dividends.

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i too think this show sucked. i dont order TNA everyweek and it has been awhile since ive seen it but i didnt like what i saw last night.


some of it i thought sucked and reeked of watching WCW saturday night again. such as Gill Birdy Vs. Joey Astrada, vince russo was in every other segment it seemed. blown finish in the tag match. meh bad stuff all around.


so bad that i wanted it to be over

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Guest BifEverchad
Gill Birdy Vs. Joey Astrada

Yeah, you dont order TNA every week and it has been awhile since you've seen it last, hasnt it?



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Guest The Shocker

As I stated before, I am quite happy with myself for working instead of watching whatever TNA put out that just happened to be crap.


I'm glad the show didn't turn out great. Cause then I would have been pissed for not ordering it and taping it.

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Gill Birdy Vs. Joey Astrada

Yeah, you dont order TNA every week and it has been awhile since you've seen it last, hasnt it?



heh, yea the last time i saw it was, sometime before christmas. i didnt even watch all of that first match, i watched some of it. but i thought it was suck city so i left the room and didnt come back until it was over.


lol i realize i got both of their names wrong now. oh well

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