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Guest Banky

Rocky outshines Hogan

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Guest LaParkaMarka
Rock is just so swarmy and schmoozy now with his words, it's a sight to behold. He's so awesome as a heel.

Agreed. I loved that "Call me" bit at the end as he was leaving. Just so great. His character kicks ass right now.

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Guest El Satanico

Rock's interview last night was the first in I can't even remember how long Rock promo that has kept my interest .


Rock can be a funny bastard when he's not using the cookie cutter promos that he's been giving the last few years. I just hope he doesn't revert back to the cookie cutter promos.


Also it's great to see him turning his cockiness up to the Hollywood level.

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Guest geniusMoment

When I first saw this headline I thought you were talking about the glare coming off of Rock's head.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah, Is the shaved head thing a part for a role or something? What posses him to shave it?

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Guest art_vandelay
Yeah, Is the shaved head thing a part for a role or something? What posses him to shave it?

Maybe he did it for a part in a movie.


Boy, he really made Hogan look like a fool yesterday. I can't figure out why Hogan would follow The Rock's orders and only speak when Rock directed him to. Hogan was completely outsmarted.


What they should do next week, in order for Hogan to save face, is to have Hogan point out the fact that Rock is being seen on tape; that Hogan can say anything right now and Rock will reply with a completely irrelevant response. Just have him do something to make him look at least a little smart and cool. Cause if this keeps going the way it is, I predict a double-turn due to the fans' reactions by NWO.

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What they should do next week, in order for Hogan to save face, is to have Hogan point out the fact that Rock is being seen on tape; that Hogan can say anything right now and Rock will reply with a completely irrelevant response. Just have him do something to make him look at least a little smart and cool. Cause if this keeps going the way it is, I predict a double-turn due to the fans' reactions by NWO.

Ok, THAT would be funny :lol:


Good funny idea, that would be really funny and make Hogan actually look cool.

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Guest El Satanico

No...I'd still say screw Hogan. No matter what Hogan does I'll still want to see him retire in the saddest and worse way possible. Bloodied and totally beaten laying at the feet of Vince being our last view of Hogan would bring tears of joy to me.


Perhaps Im just biased with my complete and utter HHate.

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Guest Choken One

just a little...hardly noticable...Hey, if he gotta go over SOMEONE...Might as well be the one who started the whole mess.

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Guest jester
No...I'd still say screw Hogan. No matter what Hogan does I'll still want to see him retire in the saddest and worse way possible. Bloodied and totally beaten laying at the feet of Vince being our last view of Hogan would bring tears of joy to me.


Perhaps Im just biased with my complete and utter HHate.



Personally, I think Hogan's last match should have him tapping madly to a submission hold from Jackie Gayda while he bawls his eyes out.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

They need to get Rock away from Hogan and over to Austin right after NWO, or maybe even that night. Too much funny Rock versus boring Hogan is going to turn Rocky face before they know it. Austin-Rock one last time could be great stuff.

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Guest Raven_Effect01
Personally, I think Hogan's last match should have him tapping madly to a submission hold from Jackie Gayda while he bawls his eyes out.

In her case, a poorly-applied/sloppy submission hold, which would make it that much funnier to see Hogan tap.

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Guest Lil Naitch

Naw, his last match should be against Flair, where he will tap the the Figure 4.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I think Rocky shaved his head to hide steroid induced baldness.

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Guest Zero_Cool

I think Rock just trims his hair everytime he goes on a movie set, but that's just me.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah...Rock obviously isn't Roided...Look at His College footage, he was already ripped.


Rock either had to do this for a role or something...

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Guest Choken One

Please. I don't buy that...Rock just wanted to avoid the samoan curse so it wouldn't hurt his hollywood looks.

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Guest TheCynicalHateMongerFromHell

The Rock should be doing exactly what he was doing before he left. The fans hated his face act, the heel act is something new THUS it'll make the fans like him. When Stonecold turned heel, he had to change his act because the fans still loved him. The Rock was not loved last summer, and he should work off that. Look at the reaction in this thread, everyone is starting to like him again. Another reason why the WWE is in the shitter right now, they don't know how to follow common sense.

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Guest ViciousFish

My favorite part of the entire inceident was right at the end....MMMM tofu and pie!

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Guest The Hamburglar

We only get Smackdown on Saturday's but man, Rock annhilated Hogan in that promo. When Rock shifts up a gear with his promos there really is no-one in the WWE who can really hang with him. And that includes Austin and Jericho. Angle can only stay strong against Rock promos because part of his character is to be delusionally self-important, so insults are less damaging. Still, after Rock left, you could seriously hear the cheers for Hogan diminish. He was made to look like a complete fool and he had no riposte.


On another Smackdown note, just wanted to mention something I found hilarious but doesn't merit a full thread. Did anyone else notice that when Sean O'Haire told Spanky to streak he actually walked away stroking his beard in an evil mastermind manner? How fucking cool is that?

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Guest art_vandelay
The Rock should be doing exactly what he was doing before he left. The fans hated his face act, the heel act is something new THUS it'll make the fans like him. When Stonecold turned heel, he had to change his act because the fans still loved him. The Rock was not loved last summer, and he should work off that. Look at the reaction in this thread, everyone is starting to like him again. Another reason why the WWE is in the shitter right now, they don't know how to follow common sense.

You might be right, although Rock's current persona makes for more entertaining TV.


With the way things are going, I'm actually beginning to wonder if they're purposely trying to get The Rock cheered and Hogan booed.

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Guest El Satanico

If Rock's "change" gets him cheered then oh well he'll just be a face. I'd rather him get cheered after "changing" than get booed doing the same old tired ass promos that he's done for three years.


Either cheered or booed a "changed" Rock is better than the same old repetitive Rock.

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