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Guest Anglesault

This has gotten fucking ridiculous

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Guest Anglesault

Okay, I must be missing something here.


I always thought that the main event of Mania was supposed to be a somewhat even feud where the winner may be in question and the face overcomes the odds and wins in the end.




Brock has gone over Angle, Heyman, Big Show, Heyman lackies and Team Angle EVERY SINGLE TIME.


So far, he's killed Angle, destroyed Big Show, took both guys in Team Angle out of the Rumble, outsmarted Heyman at EVERY SINGLE TURN, and killed both TAG CHAMPIONS 1 on 2.


Am I just missing the brilliant story telling here? How is this compelling, like, at all? If Brock can over come all the odds and all the numbers week in and week out, are we honestly expected to wonder what will happen when he gets Angle one on one at Mania?


They need to make Brock look vulnerable. They HAVE to have Team Angle beat him down, and then HAVE to let Angle beat Brock sometime before Mania, preferably clean. Otherwise, this feud is gonna suck.

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Guest Choken One

Well...That was a little longer then usual AS...Umm...Dude, lighten the fuck up...


They are putting him clean over others...This easily shows that Angle needs to fear Brock because he knows he can't beat Brock...


It's a old tired used Angle that worked since 1956 and it never fails.

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Guest Austin3164life

Anglesault pretty much hit the nail on the head. Brock is being made to look like Superman while Angle is a baby. Team Angle needs to beat down Brock and Angle should taunt Brock every step of the way.


The only counter-argument I can make to Anglesault is that they're planning on an Angle win, but I doubt they'd do a second heel-winner at Wrestlemania.

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Guest Anglesault

I can't think of a great angle where the face went over every single week and won the blow off. Hell, even Hogan usually looked vulnerable.

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Guest bob_barron

How is Angle a baby?


He's gone clean over everyone since becoming champion.


The real buildup will occur after NWO

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Guest NoSelfWorth

This would make sense if Angle wins at WMX9, which is what I would have happend. I'd have a bloody Brock pass out after several minutes in the heel hook.

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Guest Anglesault
Anglesault pretty much hit the nail on the head. Brock is being made to look like Superman while Angle is a baby. .

Angle isn't a baby. Booked against a mere mortal, he's the odds on favorite. But NO ONE could beat brock now.


The real buildup will occur after NWO


Wow, what a terrible, half assed idea!

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Guest Choken One

Not really...It seems they are really selling The Six Man Tag right now as opposed to Brock/Angle at Mania.

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Guest Sakura

I guess that's the idea. Like fans think "wow Brock is a monster! He is going to kick some ass at Wrestlemania! I want to buy it to see Brock win the belt!" or something.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Benoit is getting the shits end of the stick here.


Anglesault - how many more weeks till WM?

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Guest Choken One

I still think Los Guerrenos are supposed to be Tweeners...Besides...Edge has history or something spin zone thing like that with Angle to justify putting him there...I dunno.


I just say it should be a 10 Man...


Angle, Haas, Benjamin, Show, Matt


Lesnar, Eddy, Chavo, Benoit and Edge

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Guest Anglesault
Benoit is getting the shits end of the stick here.


Anglesault - how many more weeks till WM?

You said that two weeks agon, and it's only gone downhill.


I guess that's the idea. Like fans think "wow Brock is a monster! He is going to kick some ass at Wrestlemania! I want to buy it to see Brock win the belt!" or something.


That ruins Angle. Unacceptable.

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Guest Dangerous A

This is dumb booking and I blame it all on Vincent K McMahon for being in love with his hoss of the year, Brock Lesnar.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
But NO ONE could beat brock now.


Don't even mention that. Otherwise...


Backlash Main Event Unification Match: Brock Lesnar vs. HHH!!

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Guest Choken One

Angle's job is not be the Ultimate Badass...his job is to want people to kick his ass...And that what he is doing...beating Benoit and Edge and others clean and running from Brock constantly...Old School Heel there...

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Guest wwF1587

they are rebuilding brock as a monster... at NWO team angle will probably start to get an advantage... come on its SD! besides show and albert we couldn't complain... leave your fustrations to RAW

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Guest Anglesault
It won't ruin Angle.

Guy that never stood a chance and finally loses. Wow, that will get him places. Besides the Hardyz and arguably RVD, who the hell ever looked like they never had a dream of beating Brock?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

You said that two weeks agon, and it's only gone downhill.


It's not even No *Way Out* yet.

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Guest Anglesault
Angle's job is not be the Ultimate Badass...his job is to want people to kick his ass...And that what he is doing...beating Benoit and Edge and others clean and running from Brock constantly...Old School Heel there...

Explain how this way will keep Angle in the mains, as a credible contender.


You said that two weeks agon, and it's only gone downhill.


It's not even No Mercy yet.


But it's showing no signs of improvement. It's getting worse. Even if it magically turns around at the PPV, a one month even build? Why should the feud only be good for one month?

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

OK, here's an idea:


Lesnar has beaten damn near everybody. But he's done it wrestling his style. What the WWE needs to do is take a cue from sports. Great teams can be made vulnerable when they have specific weaknesses that are exploited. Just invent a weakness for Brock. A bad knee, bad psych work, too much showboating, a reliance on moves that are easily countered by Angle, etc. If you want to play up a physical or mental weakness, you can just have a couple guys who have no business beating Brock Lesnar (A-Train and Hardy come to mind) beating him fairly cleanly. Then have Angle get all scientific. Study game tape, find other flaws in Lesnar, etc. It'd be easy to do. Just have the commentators put over the fact that Lesnar is green, and he's raw talent that hasn't been truly tested yet. It doesn't put some past opponents in the greatest of lights, but it puts Angle over like crazy. Just use this to build up Angle/Lesnar like this, and it could go for MONTHS. Have Lesnar evolve, have Angle finding new weaknesses, etc. Angle's gimmick could become this. He'd just do it to every opponent he takes on. Whaddaya think? It puts Angle over, it makes Lesnar human, and it's believeable and fairly fresh.

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Guest ShooterJay

Angle will probably pin Brock in the 6-man, that'll be a point in his favor.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Lesnar will come out on top every show except the last one before WM probably, where Angle destroys Lesnar somehow and finally looks strong. That's how the WWE usually seems to do these things.

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Guest Anglesault
OK, here's an idea:


Lesnar has beaten damn near everybody. But he's done it wrestling his style. What the WWE needs to do is take a cue from sports. Great teams can be made vulnerable when they have specific weaknesses that are exploited. Just invent a weakness for Brock. A bad knee, bad psych work, too much showboating, a reliance on moves that are easily countered by Angle, etc. If you want to play up a physical or mental weakness, you can just have a couple guys who have no business beating Brock Lesnar (A-Train and Hardy come to mind) beating him fairly cleanly. Then have Angle get all scientific. Study game tape, find other flaws in Lesnar, etc. It'd be easy to do. Just have the commentators put over the fact that Lesnar is green, and he's raw talent that hasn't been truly tested yet. It doesn't put some past opponents in the greatest of lights, but it puts Angle over like crazy. Just use this to build up Angle/Lesnar like this, and it could go for MONTHS. Have Lesnar evolve, have Angle finding new weaknesses, etc. Angle's gimmick could become this. He'd just do it to every opponent he takes on. Whaddaya think? It puts Angle over, it makes Lesnar human, and it's believeable and fairly fresh.

Perfect. Just stop making Brock superhuman.

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Guest Choken One

Ya know what Buggers me AS? U never make observations about anything else other then Angle and Brock...You are very one dimisional, Expand your hatred and contempt to more then just one set of characters.

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Guest Austin3164life

The more I think about it, the more I might see Angle retaining at Wrestlemania.

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