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Guest Andy

FWA New Rules

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Guest Andy

From www.frontierwrestling.com (now redesigned)








From the desk of T.B. Promotions


In light of my recent employment within the FWA, the new rules are as follows:



To avoid pointless count outs and DQs


1) The ring out count will be extended from 10 to 20.


2) A disqualification will be replaced with a yellow card.


3) Disqualification occurs when a second yellow card offence is committed or an offence merits an automatic red card.



Yellow card Offences.


a) Use of closed fist (punching)


b) Low blow


c) Gouging or raking of the eyes


d) Excessive hair pulling


e) Failure to release a hold within the referees 5 count when opponent is in or touching ropes.


f) Failure to break a hold within the referees 5 count when using the ropes illegally to gain leverage.


g) Use of foreign objects


h) Abuse of referee


i) Altering or defacing the wrestling ring (such as removing turnbuckle pads)


The habitual breaking of these rules may lead to an automatic suspension.

Cards are advisory and at the referees discretion.


4) All FWA heavyweight title matches will now be fought under best of 3 falls rules.




T.B. Promotions

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T.B Promotions - "The Bomber". Who would have though it :D


I thought the rule changes worked better in action than they do on paper. Im not sure that the no closed fist rule is really that worthwhile though.



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