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Guest TheSoleSurvivor


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Guest TheSoleSurvivor

Sorry if this has been discussed alot in other threads lately, but I wanted to get some thoughts on this.


Now, most of the response to the notion of Goldberg signing up with THE (notice the blatant gramatical incorrectness) WWE has been negative, with most saying he'll do more damage then repair in THE WWE.


But Sting, on the other hand, is another story. I have always enjoyed Sting for some reason and I am not ashamed to say I'd be happy to see him in THE WWE. However, questions of his drawing ability and willingness to work a full schedule come to mind. Is Sting washed up? Is Sting stale? But on a more positive side, I think Sting could bring alot to the table, possibily as a solid Upper-mid card kind of guy. And honestly....Sting/Angle? Sting/Benoit? Sting/Bradshaw? Well, maybe not the last one, but you get my drift.


So, fellow www.Thesmartmarks.com/forums/index.php posters, what is the verdict for the ol' Stinger? In, or out?

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Guest The Superstar

Out. They just need to work with what they have.


And TSS...what the hell are YOU doing here? :)

Welcome back.

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Guest TheSoleSurvivor

Thanks, chief. I actually started watching WWE again, so I again found a need to voice my WWE-related opinions to someone other than my cheesy marky mark friends who think it's a BAD thing that the APA broke up.

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Guest Human Fly

I say bring him in.


He might not be a draw anymore, but no one is not going to order the show because Sting is on it. I'd much rather watch Sting then Nash, Goldberg, Hogan etc.

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Guest Angle-plex
Thanks, chief. I actually started watching WWE again, so I again found a need to voice my WWE-related opinions to someone other than my cheesy marky mark friends who think it's a BAD thing that the APA broke up.

It is a bad thing. Didn't you see them try to push MAIN EVENT BRADSHAW~ this past summer?


And I wouldn't mind Sting. He always had good matches and most of the WWE audience would know who he is.

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Guest TheSoleSurvivor

Well, while Bradshaw may be bad alone, according to my calculations:


In an equation such that


B= Bradshaw


c= speed of light in a vaccum

U7= the demise of the universe by means of a white hole forming 45 miles from the Sun

a (standing in for the greek letter "alpha)= alpha radiation


the following will happen:


B= (2C)(a) - so in other words, all we'll get is 2 x's the speed of light in a vaccum, and some extra alpha radiation.




B+F= 39(U7)(a) - so, when Farrooq and Bradshaw are combined, not ONLY will we get excess alpha radiation, but we'll get the demise of the universe as well.


Wow.........this is clearly the Worst. Post. Ever.

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Guest Zero_Cool

I was a mark for Sting back when I watched WCW, and wouldn't really mind to see him in the ring, because of a few reasons. One being, that he is probably carryable to a **** match if he's in shape. We could get matches like Jericho/Sting, Benoit/Sting, Rock/Sting..and maybe later on, Cena/Sting (remember Downhome's sig?).


The guy can pop a crowd, and his offense looks semi credible. He'd be motivated to perform, I mean, c'mon now...he'd have a good reason to go out there and have a good match. But, I haven't seen him wrestle lately, so he might be broken down and pretty much a shell of his 2001 form, which wouldn't be pretty to say the least.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick
Well, while Bradshaw may be bad alone, according to my calculations:


In an equation such that


B= Bradshaw


c= speed of light in a vaccum

U7= the demise of the universe by means of a white hole forming 45 miles from the Sun

a (standing in for the greek letter "alpha)= alpha radiation


the following will happen:


B= (2C)(a) - so in other words, all we'll get is 2 x's the speed of light in a vaccum, and some extra alpha radiation.




B+F= 39(U7)(a) - so, when Farrooq and Bradshaw are combined, not ONLY will we get excess alpha radiation, but we'll get the demise of the universe as well.


Wow.........this is clearly the Worst. Post. Ever.

yes, yes it was

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Guest Mad Dog

If Sting wrestles his ass off like he was in WCWs last days then I say yes.


I would kill to see Sting and the Rock go one on one.

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Guest HartFan86

I think Sting would draw a lot better than the failure of the signing of Steiner. Ric Flair always said it was a shame Sting never worked with McMahon because they would of made so much money together.


I think it would be nice to see Sting close his carrer in the WWE, and I also think he'd bring a more serious focus on the wrestling of the product. I'm sure he'd fit right in with HBK (Not trying to be sarcastic) and hell, I'd love to see HBK vs. Sting.


I'm for it.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

the only benefit to bringing sting in is if he works a program, puts over someone and makes a new star - unfortunately the only one vince would feed him to would be "homegrown main event style" talent like edge and (new and up-and-coming star) HHH.


it'd be funny if they fed sting to edge only to find edge STILL can't become a main event draw

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Guest TheArchiteck


They'll just job him out to up and coming WWE stars. Unless they bring him in like they did HBK.

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Guest Steviekick

Even though i would like to see someone else elevated, I think Sting would be a good choice to bring in. He's a decent enough wrestler, and from pics of him in WWA he seems to be in fine shape. At least it would be someone different being a main eventer. It would definitely shake things up for a little while in a positive way.


It may not have a huge ratings or buyrate effect, but since most of us are fine with Sting, if he was used correctly we would at least feel better about the current product.

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Guest Ram

How old is Sting?


I want to say yes, but the roster is still huge and there are guys itching to be moved up.


If Sting can help, then I'm all for it.

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Guest Shanghai Kid 2003

The downside to it all is that, theirs something about Sting's legacy that might be tarnished if he came to the WWE. Let's not forget that Sting was WCW for life, never selling out to Mcmahon, if he retires now, he'll be one of the only guys to ever do that. If he comes to the WWE, they'll job him out and put him in a Booker T posistion.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Sting..is another old guy that doesn't need to be there. He was great(one of my fav's) until he realized "Hey i don't have to try anymore! And I'll still get paid big and still get pops!" and we can probably thank Hogan for him thinking that.

So I think that if he were to put over a new star that's fine. But if he were to come back for the world title picture.....no no no.

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Guest bob_barron

If the guy can still go then yea- bring him in.


I'm a HUGE Sting fan (well not Crow Sting) and I think he'd get over and do good business. But only if he can still work and isn't Steiner level bad

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Guest razazteca

OUT! Why is WWE signing all of the WWA "talent"?


1st Steiner

2nd Aussie Nailz

and now Sting why? whats next Luger?

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Guest teke184

HELL no... Sting is in his mid-40s, doesn't give a crap about the business, and put on some of the worst abortions in the business while working against Vampiro in WCW.


If Sting was going to make an impact, he would have made it in 2001 just after WCW went out of business. The only free agent with at least the illusion of drawing power right now is Goldberg and his diarrhea of the mouth is going to keep him from getting a contract (thank God, too).

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Guest AndrewTS
HELL no... Sting is in his mid-40s, doesn't give a crap about the business, and put on some of the worst abortions in the business while working against Vampiro in WCW.


In Sting's defense, you realize you ARE talking about WCW in 2000. I can't really blame anyone for slacking off. ;)

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Guest bob_barron

It's hard to have good matches when they involve being lit on fire teke.


I don't know if Sting can still work a match but he has the ability to get over and unless he costs too much- I say- give him a shot

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Guest Just call me Dan

He wouldn't have any problems working the WWE main event style. Punch, chop, verticl suplex, Stinger Splash, punch, clothesline, WOO!, Punch, Deathdrop, Deathlock. End of match.

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Guest AndrewTS

Would String actually wrestle regularly and be interesting, or a Prayer Warrior who bores us to death with bad promos and only wrestle on PPV like the oh-so-holy HBK?

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Guest Human Fly
Would String actually wrestle regularly and be interesting, or a Prayer Warrior who bores us to death with bad promos and only wrestle on PPV like the oh-so-holy HBK?


He never talked about religion in WCW I see no reason why he would come to WWF and all of the sudden start bringing a Bible with him to the ring.

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Guest jester

From recent interviews, it seems Sting wouldn't mind and would be open to whatever direction they gave him.


I'd rather see him than Goldburp.

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Guest Repo Man jr

There is a interview here: http://audiowrestling.com/nhb/020303.ram


His favourite wrestlers are RVD and Jeff Hardy.


Wants to have one last run with a good story line. After that he'll put over who ever they want and leave.


Would work 1 or 2 tv shows a week and all ppvs. (For maybe a year) Doesn't want to go on the road again away from him family.

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Guest AndrewTS
There is a interview here: http://audiowrestling.com/nhb/020303.ram


His favourite wrestlers are RVD and Jeff Hardy.


Wants to have one last run with a good story line. After that he'll put over who ever they want and leave.


Would work 1 or 2 tv shows a week and all ppvs. (For maybe a year) Doesn't want to go on the road again away from him family.

Doesn't sound so bad, although if he won't work house shows, he shouldn't be given a title in my opinion.

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Guest Luke Cage

Sting + Vince's marketing prowess + time machine set to 1988=possible good idea.

Current Sting in current WWF?

(Picture the giggling girls from Clerks cartoons)

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