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Guest deveshhm

Stupid things that marks say.

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Guest deveshhm

I was just thinking about the stupid things that people who have been watching wrestling for years say. I have had conversations with 2 guys and some of the things they said made me want to laugh out loud.


I started watching WWF from the Invasion because in South Africa we used to get WWF on sattelite and WCW on free TV. I could not afford sattelite so I just watched WCW from around 98. I have recently been watching old matches and learning about the history of the sport and I know a lot more than I used to, but I still have a lot to learn.


They first guy I have been friends with for a long time. He has been watching wrestling for about 7-10 years and "knows" a lot of wrestling history.


He told me that Hogan was better in the ring than Savage and Steamboat and Bret Hart was only slightly better than Hogan. It's all good to be a Hogan mark, hell I mark for Hogan, but to compare his ring work to these guys is ridiculous.


He told me that Arn Anderson was no good. I haven't really seen any of Arns work but from what I've read about him I can deduce he was a good wrestler and a nice guy.


When I told this guy about the fans chanting "You're not Flair" to HHH he told me HHH is greater than Flair ever was.


He thinks that HHH is still one of the best. Now I didn't see HHH in 2000/2001 but from what I understand he is nowhere a good as he once was. He beleives HHH should be Raw champion even though he is injured and hardly wrestles. When I asked him why HHH should have the belt and that it's an insult to all the hard workers on Raw who are injury free (RVD, Booker T, Jericho to name a few) he said the belt doesn't mean any thing to him and they should get rid of it and make a Raw Championship. I then had to explain to him that it is the Raw Heavyweight Championship. He then shut up. He also thinks the KOR2002 main events between Taker and HHH was good.


He also said that HBK used to always draw high rating even in bad times. When I told him HBK was one of the worst drawing WWF chamions of all times. He told me I am talking nonsense. Now HBK was good in the ring but from what I understand he was never a big draw. I said I would prove it to him.


The second guy is someone I knew in school. He told me the only reason Flair was great in his time was because there was no one else to compete against him.


Then he told me that some of the wrestling matches are real because the guys bleed. I then had to explain to him about blading. He didn't have to know what blading was but how can some matches be real and some "fake".


Before people tell me I am an HHHater. If HHH was so great he would have realised after his quad tear that he was never going to be as good as he once was and he should have retired, not come back and give us crappy matches against everyone and only perform against his good friends.


I just had to share this as there are no true wrestling fans who bother to at least try to learn about the history of the sport. Some people just talk without trying to get the facts first, its just annoying but funny when you think about it. If any of my facts are wrong you can correct me. If you'll have similar stories it will be funny to hear about it.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Undertaker vs Mankind at Hell in a Cell was the greatest match ever!!!!


Why does everyone here rip on mark though? Marks are people to and without them there would be no wrestling.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I love marks. Depending on your perspective, Taker vs Makind HITC could well be the best match ever. If you like emotional matches with huge bumps, there you go. Some people just find what we would call good wrestling, boring. It's true that people who are stupid can't appreciate technical wrestling, and prefer garbage matches and spotfests. But that doesn't mean everyone who likes garbage wrestling and spotfests is stupid. To use a film example, I consider Citizen Kane and Naked Gun to be equally good movies. Same deal with wrestling.


Having said that, the people I don't like are the marks who think they're smarks. The kind of people who will call you ignorant if you tell them the Ultimate Warrior is still alive, or that WWF is fake, but ECW was all a shoot. Both of those are real claims I've heard. Now that's stupid.

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Guest Retro Rob

My friends think that both the Warrior and Jannetty died from drug use. I think that's all that needs to be said on this topic.

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I don't like marks especially the ones that say things like above.


They may shell out money, but their input hurts the business. We get things like necrophilia and stuff because stupid marks think it's funny.


If it wasn't for marks Sports Entertainment wouldn't be pushed above "wrestling" or atleast Bad Sports Entertainment would be pushed above "wrestling"


Good Sports Entertainment should work hand in hand with wrestling not take the place of it.

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Guest Jack Tunney

Marks who made fun of Owen Harts death really pissed me off.And one kid in my High School said,"Why was Mark Henry crying?He didnt know Owen."Well,they were in the Nation together,and even if they werent they could still be freinds backstage.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

Fans cried after Owen's death. You don't have to know the guy to be sad at his death, and besides that, Mark Henry did know him.

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Guest razazteca

my fav wrestler is better than yours because blah blah blah


or who should get fired this week

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Guest deveshhm

He thought the match between Undertaker and HHH at last years KOR was good, not the HIAC between Mankind and Undertaker, that was good.

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Guest The Son of Sting

I was once told by a mark that Eddy doesnt have the speed or the strength to beat RVD.

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Guest Ace309

My cousin's boyfriend is convinced that SCSA's layoff was because he had to take a few months off to beat cancer. That also explained his choice of the bald look.



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Guest JHawk
He thought the match between Undertaker and HHH at last years KOR was good, not the HIAC between Mankind and Undertaker, that was good.

I was at KOR 2002, and if anybody liked that main event they must have been drunk or stupid.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
I just loathe when marks say Angle sucks, give no specific reason why, and then proceed to tell you why Triple H is the Game.

I was in the arena where that started.

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I just loathe when marks say Angle sucks, give no specific reason why, and then proceed to tell you why Triple H is the Game.

Y'know, I noticed MANY marks think Kurt Angle sucks, but NOBODY has a reason why.


The marks I hate the most are Hardy marks, though. At this other board I go to, 1 guy tried to tell me JEFF Hardy was a better wrestler than Yoshihiro Tajiri. 1 other guy also posted a topic asking what a heel and a face meant! :bonk:

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Guest treble charged

Well, marks are supposed to think that Angle sucks, with him being a heel and all. The fact that they think that shows that he's doing a good job.

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Guest MillenniumMan831

I know a woman who kept calling Edge, "The Edge"


I didn't mind at first, but it really pissed me off hearing it 4,000,000 times. I mean, how hard is it to get that it's just "Edge". OY!

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Guest Texas Small Arms 09

I've gone to shows with marks....loud teeny bopper marks (not by my choice) All they did was scream for the Hardyz, Edge, and Rocky and hated when either my brother or I would cheer for anyone good.


Although fooling them to think the stars are near then is quite fun.

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Guest JHawk

Does "I don't care that Curt Hennig died because he didn't do anything after 1991" qualify?


There's also this one indy guy called "Even Colder" who works around here. His gimmick is that he's "Stone Cold's brother", and he looks a lot like Austin. The problem is he'll often show up unannounced, do the run-in and stunner everybody bit, and little kids and marks think it's actually Steve Austin despite this guy being several inches shorter and 20-30 pounds lighter.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho
Does "I don't care that Curt Hennig died because he didn't do anything after 1991" qualify?

I hoped you smacked whoever said that.

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Guest MillenniumMan831
Does "I don't care that Curt Hennig died because he didn't do anything after 1991" qualify?

I hoped you smacked whoever said that.

If someone said that, I'm SURE it was pronounced 'Henning'. Another reason to be backhanded.

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mark- "The greatest match EVER was Hogan vs. Zeus!"


i wanted to smack the bastard.





I was watching the Rumble this year, and my cousin tried to convince me that Angle/Benoit was only **. (I was using the star rating scale to rate matches, and I explained it to him beforehand, and I had the match at ****3/4)

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Guest JMTapes

These two guys I work with are 100% marks, despite being 19 and 27 years old, respectively. They worship HHH and Steiner and say things like "HHH can't be beaten, he's got the most strength." Shit like that. One of them asked me who I thought would win Brock VS. HHH. I said "there's no way HHH would ever let Brock go over" or something like that. They just stared at me like I had 4 fucking heads for about 2 seconds, then went on with more markisms. They're really nice guys, though, and it was kind of fun talking wrestling with them. They're refeshing to talk to in a way because they just love wrestling and don't nitpick everything to death.

Here's another one for ya. One of my best friends has been watching wrestling for at least 10 years. He knows a good amount of history, but not nearly as much as most smarks. But here's the strange thing: Sometimes he'll be almost a full-blown mark and say the stupidest shit, like praising Steiner etc. Then at times he'll say stuff like, "man, Raw sucked last night" or "that Guererros/Team Angle match was awesome!" It's the strangest thing. It's like he's hovering between mark and smark but doesn't know it and can't make up his mind. Weird, no? Well, maybe not. -Jim



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Guest JHawk
Does "I don't care that Curt Hennig died because he didn't do anything after 1991" qualify?

I hoped you smacked whoever said that.

If someone said that, I'm SURE it was pronounced 'Henning'. Another reason to be backhanded.

Well, it was online so I couldn't smack him, but God knows I would have if I could have. Fucking moron.

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Guest OnlyMe

So deveshhm thinks that anyone who disagrees with what he's heard is "stupid"?


"He told me that Arn Anderson was no good. I haven't really seen any of Arns work but from what I've read about him I can deduce he was a good wrestler and a nice guy."


Each to their own. Let people like what they like - If this "mark" has only been watching WWF for a year or two, then what will they have seen of AA? Commentating on the the Booker / Buff match. Getting beaten by Taker. Getting pissed on by Austin. If that was all I'd seen of him, then I would deduce that he is "no good".


His opinion is nothing to do with him being a "mark", but to do with the duration he has been watching wrestling. Few that had seen the Horsemen would agree with him.


Ditto on the HHH is better than Flair thing. Look at how HHH is rammed down our throats, and Flair does nothing any more. If you've seen Flair at his best (or even half assing it) then you couldn't deny he is better than HHH. But if you haven't, then you have no frame of reference other than what's going on at the moment.

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Guest treble charged

My dislike of Hardy Boy fans reached a new level on Monday night. I was in 'line' (and I use that term loosely) at a merchandise stand, when this girl (probably around 16, or so) saw that they had the Hardy Boyz pendant on sale there. She screamed in a pitch that I didn't think was humanly possible, and then proceeded to scream 'I'm going to buy EVERYTHING Jeff Hardy!!!'. I wanted to smack her.

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