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Guest FeArHaVoC

Future of Goldust

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Guest TheCynicalHateMongerFromHell
I am too...It has that Train wreck mystique written all over.

On the contrary, its something fresh. I enjoy edgy angles that take risks. After I see them I decide whether I like it, but the prospect of them always intrigues me.

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Guest Choken One

Me Too...But I can sense more of WWE having no clue what to do and relying on Goldy to carry the angle.


I love Dark Edgy Angles...witness my infatuation with SOH.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

It would be better if they brought in somebody who actually had Tourette's. And don't censor anything they say... it's a disability, you can let that slide. I've seen it done.

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Guest Youth N Asia
What is the WWF's track record with 'Edgy'?



That sounds about right...but who's counting?


uh, oh yeah...us

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Guest TheCynicalHateMongerFromHell

Goldust worked out well. The Undertaker was an extremely dark character for its time. Sting as the crow was a dark, edgier, innovative wrestling character for the time. There has been some that have worked, and even if they didn't 'work', they may have been enjoyable to some people.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I think they should cross Goldie over with the necrophilia angle.



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Guest creativename
Apparently the WWE thinks "Extremely controversial" and "Mind-numbingly stupid" are the same thing.



The thing is, though, I could see Dustin actually executing this very well--he seems to be able to turn anything into a positive. In all likelihood, he will find some way to make this entertaining.

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