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Guest NoCalMike

Hosses Here, Hosses There, Hosses everywhere...

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Guest NoCalMike

Ya know as said many-a-time before, Vince is so in love with his hoss style of wrestling that he cannot bring himself to push the wrestlers. Now I could see back in the mid-90's when most of the better workers were not in WWE and Vince needed his own brand but now with WWE the only major wrestling company in North America, why can't he swallow his pride and just do something different? I mean seriously, With his business savvy(haha) I am sure he could manipulate 99% of the marks into believing that this "new style" is a WWE original anyway. Does Vince realize he is pissing away time while a collection of some of the better works in America/The World rot away in the mid-card?? I know this has all been said before, but What in the hell is it about the hosses that Vince likes so much? Is it just that he feels wrestlers need to be "larger than life" ?? Does he feel they make better characters/entertainers?? Vince has enough decent-to-good-superb workers to change the way prowrestling is watched in North America, and best of all he can TAKE CREDIT for it in about 99% of people's minds. So what the hell is stopping him??

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Guest razazteca

Vanilla Midgets do not bring in the $$$ in a "We make movies" mentality. So using the movie symbolizism you don't see great character actors headlining movies.


Marks bring in money........Hogan

Workrate is just time filler.

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Guest Brian

Unless people are actually shown that it can be more than that, by changing booking and molding mentalities. Too much effort though.

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Guest Choken One

I am really starting to get concerned about the lack of fresh topics at the WWE fourm...It's the same old bullshit story agayne and agayne.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

No kidding. It's boring as hell seeing the same stuff said 8 times a day.

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Guest Choken One

We just did the other day and Everyone about wanted to kill me for saying it was an redundant thread...

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Guest Just call me Dan
The forum reflects the product.

You make so much sense sometimes it's scary.

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Guest NoCalMike

Ok I didn't really mean this to be a "I hate hosses" post. I was just trying to make logic of Vince McMahon's mentality when it came to what HE PREFERS. Oh and Hosses don't make better movie stars. I mean Hogan/Rock/Austin, while they were bigger than your average men, they weren't the tall stocky monsters we see regularly in wrestling. I am just remembering when Vince took credit for the whole "attitude" era when he was probably the last guy to actually get it, and now he can do the same thing ALL OVER AGAIN and "re-invent" wrestling to the marks.

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Perhaps Vince has a few screws loose, is all. I'm with ya on this one, NoCal. Vince could bring in a ton of lucha's/cruiserweights from all over the world....and yet.....doesn't.

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Guest NoCalMike

Well the best part, is Vince doesn't even have to do anything right now, but tell his workers to go out there and work they way they were TRAINED to work. I just want to get inside Vince's head on this issue.

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Guest El Satanico

Vince just automatically thinks Big guys are the only wrestlers that will "sell" for some reason.


Vince could likely sell anything to the "marks", but i believe that he honestly loves hosses. Vince is stuck on what worked for him in the 80's and seemingly refuses to accept that pro wrestling has moved beyond the giants.


I doubt anyone will ever figure out Vince's mind.

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