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Guest JMA

Will TNA ever be on free TV?

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Guest JMA

Because every episode is a PPV I haven't seen a TNA show yet (no job=no money, no money=no PPV). Will TNA ever be available on free TV? Are they in talks with anyone?

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I dunno about talks. But first they need a lot of money and a willing TV station.

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Guest BoboBrazil

I think they should first try to get a special on tv. It could sort of be like Clash of the Champions. Then if that does a decent rating a network would offer them a deal.

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Guest nikowwf

Its easier said than done. Remember, if they spend a lot of money trying to get on free TV and then don't, it could hurt the company a lot. It would need to be a good situation for them...they are not so big to throw money away.



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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Maybe we should all (not just us TSM TNA fans, but try to get ALL TNA fans net-wide) send e-mails and/or letters and/or faxes to TNA or some various television stations to try and get TNA on free TV. It'd help build to a BIG PPV, and also probably broaden the fanbase.


I posted this in both the "Is TNA ever going have a "Big One"?" and "Is TNA ever going to get a TV deal?" threads, because it applies to both.

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Guest KOR420

I've never been able to see any of these PPV's but have read the reports or whatever...is it that good? cause i will try to order at least one but if it's bullshit i don't want to waste the loot

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Guest Youth N Asia

I won't see another show till it goes on free tv...they're not booking long term, overall I'm not impressed with what I saw the few times I ordered.

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maybe, but usually when people say "i gave it a chance, but the shows sucked. i dont see whats special. and i wont watch these shows cause russo is on it and i hate anything he does even thought he helped build the wwf back up again and made it the best thing on tv", they have only seen 1 of the first 6 or so shows.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Last show I ordered was week 12...I had ordered a few before that.


Then next time I was ready to order a show I heard Russo was coming in. So I said to myself "If he doesn't take away tv time from workers and use it for himself, I'll order again"...


And you know how that went.

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Guest bob_barron

Russo didn't make the WWF the best thing on TV.


A lot of 1999 sucked. 2000, the year after he was gone, was the best year on TV.


If I bought a show and it sucked I probably wouldn't give them another chance either

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russo brought in money though. he brought in millions of fake fans. if it wasn't for him, there might not have been a stone cold. or maybe there would have. i know that russo deserve more credit, good credit, than he gets. none.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The only things that Russo deserves credit for is having bigger balls with someone elses company (pick one) than the people that actually owned it.


Sometimes good: pushing the envelope sure made McMahon rich.


Sometimes terrible: WCW.


I also think he's better than anyone that WWE has or WCW had in getting midcard people over.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

See, if Russo was left behind-the-scenes as a part of the WRITING TEAM, getting input from the workers as well, I don't think many people would complain. Like, in Russo's spot, maybe they could've had Disco or Sanders or even BG James as the leader of SEX.


All said, I don't mind Russo at all right now. I think he's a decent in-your-face Generation-X heel, I don't mind his promo's too much, and I dig where SEX vs. TNA is going. I even didn't mind the brawl to end Week 30.

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i didn't mind the brawl either. im still trying to figure out why people bitched about it. im still trying to figure out why people said week 30 sucked. i think it was pretty entertaining.

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Guest EN090
TNA won't get on TV with Russo there.


Maybe you should write for NWA TNA, Tim. That would guarantee them a TV deal. :lol:

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Guest EN090
All said, I don't mind Russo at all right now. I think he's a decent in-your-face Generation-X heel, I don't mind his promo's too much, and I dig where SEX vs. TNA is going. I even didn't mind the brawl to end Week 30.


I agree. He's a good on-air character and he's giving everyone a storyline and trying his best. People like Tim will bash him no matter what but it doesn't really matter. Tim bashes the show every week (because he wants it to be just a pure wrestling show, which no one will watch) yet he watches the next week and comes right back and bitches again. LIFE---> It would do you some good to get one, Tim.

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I think Russo's cool. I need some SEX in my life, just not a huge chunk. I think last week is what it should be about for Russo. Sometimes, less is more.


But I am worried about what he said in an interview on nwasex.com...


"What do you see TNA doing one year from today?


I still think we're doing way too much wrestling. We're Sports Entertainment Xtreme and I don't think we're doing any sports entertainment at all. I don't. I've got a million ideas of things I want to introduce, to do more of the entertainment aspect. I think over the weeks and months to come, we're going to see more of that."

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Guest Tim Cooke

Yes, no life.


You are correct my friend.


But thanks for reminding me.



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Guest Retro Rob
russo brought in money though. he brought in millions of fake fans. if it wasn't for him, there might not have been a stone cold. or maybe there would have. i know that russo deserve more credit, good credit, than he gets. none.

Stone Cold was already an established draw before Russo took over as head booker.

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Allow me to chime in here....


As someone who watches TNA week after week, I have to disagree with some of you. Vince Russo has become the focus of the program as of late and S.E.X. are his thugs...they aren't getting any more over than they were when he was gone and the only person getting over (or trying to) is Russo. Whether or not you find that entertaining is up to the viewer, but for my money, I'd like to see some good WRESTLING mixed with my sports entertainment. In the whole time that Russo has been there, there have been less than 5 matches that have been ***1/2 or above, in my opinion. Prior to that, we were getting amazing X Division matches every week, the X title wasn't a joke...hell, if this was EWR, imagine where the Title Image for the X title would be right now?


Not everything that he's done has been horrible, such as using Raven and Sanders and lower wrestlers/valets such as Siaki and Desire, but why couldn't they do that without Russo?



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