Guest bob_barron Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Well duh. That's not the point. Why put Kanyon in the role in the first place Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yuna_Firerose 0 Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Because he could sing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redneckBEBE Report post Posted February 16, 2003 That's a good question... Probably because he used to work for WCW. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Hopefully he'll get a decent shot to get over since he is GOLD. My idea would be to pair him with Mattitude. That'd be one great tag team Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redneckBEBE Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Team Doghouse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yuna_Firerose 0 Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Speaking of SD tag teams, I'm curious as to why they haven't let Matt and Shanny go after the titles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redneckBEBE Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Two good reasons: HHH and Johnny Ace. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted February 16, 2003 What does Triple H have to do with Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redneckBEBE Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Matt first landed in the doghouse when he spoke up at HHH's little State of the Union address a few months back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yuna_Firerose 0 Report post Posted February 16, 2003 That's what I'm wondering, barron. *sigh* It's just another way for the HHHaters to put blame HHH for anything and everything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redneckBEBE Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Kinda like this thread is just another way for you vanilla midget lovers to put blame on Taker for anything and everything... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Kanyon is not vanilla- he's quite dark actually. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Oh and so we shouldn't be outraged that a very good worker, with tons of charisma and the ability to get the crowd against him got absolutely squashed like a bug in his first appearance since October 2001 just to add heat to a feud that no one really cares about. Oh and fuck yes Taker should be blamed. He could've at least sold for Kanyon for half a second or since he's the "locker room leader"- could've told Vince: Hey- maybe me beating the crap out of this guy isn't such a good idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redneckBEBE Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Not as dark as HHH after rubbing fake tan lotion all over his roided, brittle muscles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Kinda like this thread is just another way for you vanilla midget lovers to put blame on Taker for anything and everything... Guess you haven't seen Summerslam 2001, have you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted February 16, 2003 If you're gonna make tired lame HHH jokes that aren't that funny- do it another thread. Maybe one about HHH. Triple H has absolutely nothing to do with what's happening to Matt Hardy. It looks he may get a push and hopefully Vince tunes out Johnny Ace in the future regarding Mattitude. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redneckBEBE Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Well, I think it was a great idea. Now maybe Kanyon will have to actually innovate some offense to hurt Taker, something that he hasn't done since...oh, 1998. Remember when he changed the Flatliner from a top-rope Samoan drop to a Downward Spiral?! Wow, that was crazy innovative! Not that I'm saying that he HAS to come up with new stuff all the time, but it would help when you call yourself "The Innovator of Offense". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted February 16, 2003 It looks he may get a push and hopefully Vince tunes out Johnny Ace in the future regarding Mattitude. But isn't Johnny Ace being groomed for JR's "talent development" spot? It's disheartening to know that as long as Johnny Ace holds power, people like Mike Sanders and Matt Hardy will have a hard time moving up the card, and in Sander's case, won't even have a job (at least with the WWE, that is.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redneckBEBE Report post Posted February 16, 2003 A buddy of mine just summed up Kanyon fairly well: "He can be funny ocassionally, but he's nothing special at all." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Remember when he changed the Flatliner from a top-rope Samoan drop to a Downward Spiral?! Wow, that was crazy innovative! The Flatliner came before the Downward Spiral. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted February 16, 2003 So you thought it was a great idea for a guy returning after 16 months in action to get completely buried to further a feud with a blowoff match that no one wants to see? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nater Report post Posted February 16, 2003 This thread could live without 20 clonic posts about kanyon-hating. Kanyon isnt gonna get respect until he pays his dues for the 3rd time with the WWE. He gets buried by Taker ... time to work back up. He gets injured and recovers to work again ... time to work back up. He now has to get buried by Taker, to work back up. When he works the "wwe style" Kanyon is cookie-cutter like all the other mid-carders. The guy can do some fabulous stuff (like a good portion of the midcard roster) when he doesnt have writers cramping his style. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JasonX 0 Report post Posted February 16, 2003 It looks he may get a push and hopefully Vince tunes out Johnny Ace in the future regarding Mattitude. But isn't Johnny Ace being groomed for JR's "talent development" spot? It's disheartening to know that as long as Johnny Ace holds power, people like Mike Sanders and Matt Hardy will have a hard time moving up the card, and in Sander's case, won't even have a job (at least with the WWE, that is.) What does Ace have against Sanders? I thought it was Heyman that had it in for Sanders not Ace? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest geniusMoment Report post Posted February 16, 2003 You guys are missing the secret, next week no more Kanyon because a new mysterious masked wrestler debuts but who is that man? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted February 16, 2003 What does Ace have against Sanders? I thought it was Heyman that had it in for Sanders not Ace? If I can find the interview in question, which I believe you read too, I remember Sanders mentioning both Ace and Heyman. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted February 16, 2003 I am not really a Fan of Kanyon...He isn't GOLD in the ring...Often funny but nothing special...He can be interchangable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted February 16, 2003 In regards to the heat between Johnny Ace and Mike Sanders... When WWF bought WCW and they picked up your contract, being a part of the WWF Family, how did you honestly feel about your time with them, including the time in HWA? [clip] So I called Johnny Ace myself and said, "Johnny, I'm not on the list to go to Cincinnati. I haven't been in the ring for five months, I need to get tuned up." So he said they'd put me on there. I didn't know it was going to be for a year. I was thinking I'd go there and get the rust off but I ended up stuck there for a year. You know, I busted my ass so hard in the HWA. I feel the last year of my life was a total waste up there working for WWE because I did bust my ass. I got a writer's packet from Stephanie McMahon's office because I was booking up there to be a prospective writer. I didn't send it in because someone advised me not to. I was supposed to be getting called up. Sure enough, I went to King of the Ring and RAW. I was there, hung out with my friends. I thought I was getting called up but a month later, I got Johnny Ace telling me I was released. The reason he said was because Creative didn't have anything for me. Let me give you the timeline here. I get a call saying Creative's got something for you. Let's take you to King of the Ring and RAW and we want you to do some pitches to Vince, just like Paul Heyman did with Brock Lesnar. Cool. A month later, Creative's got nothing for me and I'm fired. Well, I know for a fact because I got a call from a friend in WWE that the reason I got released was they didn't like the perception of the friends that I hung out with at King of the Ring and RAW. Paul Heyman didn't want me in the spot that I was in because I was too close to him. And you know it's a sad thing when guys in this business think you're going to take their job. Jeez, Paul Heyman is so friggin 80s anyway. Yeah, I said that. And Johnny Ace actually said to me, "Mike, when I got this list, I was as surprised as anybody to see your name on it for getting released." And I thought to myself, Johnny you're the Senior Vice President of Talent Relations and you didn't know I was getting fired? It's like Johnny Ace has never really liked me. Maybe it's because I wore a Dynamic Dudes T-shirt one time at HWA when Pat Patterson and them were there. I don't think he liked that too much. I don't really care. He never could give me a straight answer and I don't have any respect for guys like that. If you're going to honest about it, tell me you're firing me because of that perception. You can't cut the mustard here, whatever. But don't sit there and tell me Creative doesn't have anything for me when the whole time I'm getting a packet from Stephanie's office to be on the Creative team. Or they're telling me they're bringing me up to RAW and King of the Ring because Creative's got something for you.I've always had heat in this business. [clip] If WWE ever called me back and said, "Look, we want you back." Not that it would happen but if it did, I'll tell you right now I will never go back to work for that company. Not for any amount of money. And also, when Vince Russo was up there a couple of months ago, he asked about me. He said, "Where's Mike Sanders? He's one of the best talkers in the business." Their response, "Well Mike had heat with some of the guys in the locker room." It's kind of amazing that nobody in the locker could ever tell you that you had heat with them. They always give you that old timer's handshake and go "Hey Brother." They can't say you're the shits. Come tell me if you got heat. I never knew I had it. So that's supposedly why I stayed in the HWA for so long. What does the future hold for Mike Sanders? It's kind of weird. I've always been driven. My kids are all really important to me. I'd love to come work up here for Jeff at TNA. They've got a lot of good guys up here. I'm not just saying because I'm so heartbent about the WWE. These guys, they bust their ass day and night. They're working for a goal. And there's no ego's up here, no attitudes. No "he said, she said." There's no "Creative's got nothing for you." They'll find something for you up here. I'd love to work for them. I'm supposed to go to Europe for WWA and I'm really just taking time for my family. We'll see what happens. If I've got to get a regular job, I'll get one. Nothing new to me. I've always done well. [clip] Let me throw this in too. When the WWF released guys like Allan Funk and Reno, they didn't have one problem with those guys wrestling somewhere else. Go wrestle in Puerto Rico, go wrestle in Japan, do whatever you want. I had a 90 day clause, so they were still paying me for 90 days. But I asked Johnny Ace, can I wrestle. Johnny Ace's exact words were, "No because we know you're going to work for TNA." Back six months ago, there wasn't a TNA. So I had my lawyer call them up and asked them for a buy-out. I'd just gotten a raise too so I was willing to forego my raise. They told my lawyer the same thing, no he's going to go work for Jarrett. Now how bad is that? If I was that big of an asset to them, am I that big of a threat to them? I don't think so. I'm like, come on what's the big deal? Johnny Ace said they don't want to give the opposition any ammo. But you know, they fired Chad Collier but they allowed him to go work in Japan. A little bit of discrimination, I guess. Pick and choose. I'd say discrimination. EDIT: Fixed tags. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted February 16, 2003 I still say he blew by Answering to Stephanie...He could've given Stephanie an good impression... It's his fault somewhat...Besides...I have ZERO respect for any one whom wears A Dynamic Dudes Shirt... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jessecartieri Report post Posted February 16, 2003 Well, I think it was a great idea. Now maybe Kanyon will have to actually innovate some offense to hurt Taker, something that he hasn't done since...oh, 1998. Remember when he changed the Flatliner from a top-rope Samoan drop to a Downward Spiral?! Wow, that was crazy innovative! Not that I'm saying that he HAS to come up with new stuff all the time, but it would help when you call yourself "The Innovator of Offense". No way, don't want to show up the vaunted WWE Main Event Style, LOL The closest he will come to it is inventing a top rope spinebuster Share this post Link to post Share on other sites