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Well, that was quick..

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Zachary Gowen, who performed on recent NWA-TNA: Total Nonstop Action broadcasts as "Tenacious Z", has accepted an offer from the WWE and is expected to begin working with them as early as this weekend


Everyone involved with TNA Entertainment wishes this courageous young man the very best of luck as he continues to pursue his dream.



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Guest Zack Malibu

This absolutely sucks. TNA could have marketed that kid HUGE. And he was a wrestling rarity, which made TNA that much more of an alternative to the monotinous dribble that the WWE has been spewing out. I'm disappointed to hear he's taken the offer, but do wish the kid the best.

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Guest j.o.b. squad

i fell sorry for him halving to carry albert with one leg. 90% of the wwe wrestlers cant do it with 2 legs

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Guest El Satanico

Well I'm happy for him as I'm sure the ultimate goal he set out for was wrestling in WWF.


However I fear what Vince will do with him.

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Guest Zack Malibu

See, Satanico, that's my point. WWE is going to exploit this kid to the highest degree. They're going to say "Look how nice we are to do this, we're letting him live his dream." They're going to turn him into an Oddity, and make it seem like they were the ones who gave him a chance. TNA never took advantage of this kid. Never hyped up the debut by saying "Tune in to see the amazing one legged wrestler". Tenay simply stated how courageous the kid was as he walked out for his first PPV match. Not once did TNA go on an ego trip for bringing the kid in. Never once did they treat him differently, or give him a gimmick focusing on the loss of his leg. They treated him as an equal. WWE, due to inept writing, politics, and all those other lovely smark peeves, will be doing those exact things.

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Guest nikowwf

Let me ask you guys something....if there was a company you could earn, lets say $20k for what you did, and another where you could earn...lets say $100k, where would you work? Lets say in the 20k company you were THE MAN, and in the 100k company you were a worker bee? Still, that answer is easy, right? So don't hate on peeps who leave....and dont hate on wwe for wanting them. And dudes, Russo is in charge of NWA...you dont think something dumb was going to happen for Tenacious Z somewhere down the line?



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Niko, I don't think we're hating on Z or WWE for doing this, we're just afraid of how WWE will most likely exploit him. TNA could have really used him to garner mainstream coverage and increase the company's image as a whole and that's also another reason why this comes as a blow.



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Guest Zack Malibu



1)Russo is not totally in charge of the company. He does have input, but is not running the show.


2)I don't blame Z for wanting to earn a living, but WWE is going to turn him into a sideshow freak. TNA didn't, and wouldn't, do that.


3)It's not always about money. WWE isn't like Ted DiBiase, where the rich guy always gets his way. AJ Styles turned down WWE. All it takes it saying no. Z just wants to live his dream, and I commend him for that. I just fear for his use (or lack thereof) while in WWE.

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Guest SP-1

I'd have stayed in TNA. WWE is the big time and all, but I'd much rather work where I'll most likely be treated with respect and dignity. If you enjoy your job, you'll never really have to work, as the saying goes.


I wish Z the best. The kid has amazed me in the single clip I've seen of him. Hopefully we're wrong and Vince will let Z be a part of something inspiring and special. I would say that I hope he goes to Smackdown! but after he's debuted in a wooden box as a gift from Big Show and Taker beats him down, I'd throw my shoe through my TV or something equally violent. So I don't know . . .

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Guest Goodear

Oh please. How many X Division wrestlers have gotten to go over BJ James in their debut? Is there really any doubt that the reason for that win was exclusively because the guy lost a leg? Lets not pretend otherwise.

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Guest buffybeast

How old is Tenacious? He's probably looking at the financial security he will have working for WWE versus TNA. I can't knock him for that.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Guys, you're missing the point. It's not the fact that he wants job security. This thread is not picking on Z for jumping ship. As fans of TNA who have gotten to see this kid go out there, and be impressed by him, it's just fear/common knowledge that McMahon is going to turn him into a freakshow. Why not bring out Howard Stern's Wack Pack while they're at it? Z made the choice to go, yes. I don't fault him for that. But you know damn well that:


a)WWE will most likely crap on this poor kid and exploit him, and


b)the fear of TNA getting mainstream press for assisting Z in living out a dream would have stung the WWE. Mark my words, they will take full credit for this kid's development.

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Guest Goodear

Well if they have him for 3 shows the WWE would have developed him more than NWA:TNA. It's not like we are talking about Sonny Siaki who's only prominent roles have been in Jarrett's company. That's like saying WWE developed The Truth because he worked for them first.

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Guest the pinjockey

The WWF would be the company to really develop him, but they would probably also take credit for discovering him as well.

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Guest Zack Malibu

What I mean by developing him, is that they are going to write off this kid's history, and never acknowledge that he's already been on PPV and the such. TNA won't get the proper credit, and that sucks because without TNA, Z would still be in the indies, and odds are very likely that he wouldn't have a WWE deal.


I think he got stolen from TNA out of spite moreso than for his talent. Call it the bitter smark in me, but I put nothing past that shady bastard Vince.

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Guest Slapnuts00

This is just an oppurtunity for JR to scream: "ITS A ONE LEGGED MAN IN AN ASS WHIPPING CONTEST!"

I wish him luck, but I have no idea how the WWE can use him...

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Guest Human Fly
It's not always about money. WWE isn't like Ted DiBiase, where the rich guy always gets his way. AJ Styles turned down WWE.


Styles only turned down the WWF because they gave him some ridiculous lowball offer. I'm sure he makes alot more now then he would've with WWF.

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Guest Human Fly

I'm glad Styles turned them down. He is showcasing his skills now like he wouldn't have been able to in WWE and 500 a week is an insulting offer.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

Tenacious Z


Wrestles for NWA

---> Makes initial WWE debut as the TYPICAL COOKIE CUTTER WWE WRESTLER. "Feisty Youngster with Ruthless Aggression [with one leg]" as opposed to John Cena who just debuted as Feisty Youngster with Ruthless Aggression

----> Sent to OVW after 2 matches, 1 upset rollup over Jericho and then 1 squash by Undertaker

---> Stays in OVW for 2 years

---> Recalled to WWE as "Surprise for Royal Rumble - Returning Hero Duke "The One Legged Dumpster" Z

---> Released from WWE after 1 week failed push with Teddy Long and the "Cracker WWE discriminates against cripples" gimmick

---> Goes to new upstart Stu/Bret Hart promotion "NWA - FUWWE"

---> Commits suicide.


RIP Tenacious Z

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Guest nikowwf

This is a federation where Russo has the book (and dont tell me he doesnt...the shift in the content of the shows is just coincidental?) and you are worried about Z being exploited in WWE? Please...its the same crap.



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Guest jessecartieri



Hope you can punch and kick OK Z after HHH neuters you like he did Jericho and RVD

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Guest jessecartieri
This is a federation where Russo has the book (and dont tell me he doesnt...the shift in the content of the shows is just coincidental?) and you are worried about Z being exploited in WWE? Please...its the same crap.



Oh puleeze, name one really bad thing he has done in TNA?

And don't say the Piper thing, that could have been a shoot.

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Guest bob_barron


Hope you can punch and kick OK Z after HHH neuters you like he did Jericho and RVD

Oh stop with the You Sold Out shit.


Damn Z for going for the guaranteed contract and the possible huge exposure.


Damn him all to hell.


Oh and you couldn't make a post without HHHating. You have no idea what Triple H plans to do and remember- vince has power- not him

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Well, if Tenacious Z had cancer where his leg had to be removed, I can imagine the medical bills piling up even if he or his family had medical insurance. If he took the offer for this reason, or any reason for that matter, I applaud him.


You can tell, though, that the WWE sees TNA as at least a little threat, as they're not allowing him to do a 'goodbye' show or promo as they ususally would if they scooped a guy up from the indies.


I pray the WWE doesn't exploit this guy and act like total assholes.


And Niko, stop believing everything you read. Russo's been very good for TNA.

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Guest Zack Malibu


Hope you can punch and kick OK Z after HHH neuters you like he did Jericho and RVD

Oh stop with the You Sold Out shit.


Damn Z for going for the guaranteed contract and the possible huge exposure.


Damn him all to hell.


Oh and you couldn't make a post without HHHating. You have no idea what Triple H plans to do and remember- vince has power- not him

Bob, everyone, I don't think you understand...


This is not about Z taking the money and the contract. It's about how he was stolen from TNA, which sucks in the eyes of TNA fans like myself, and how WWE is going to make their own backstory concerning him, in order to exploit him to suit their benefits.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I don't really care either way, but wouldn't TNA have exploited him too?


I see all this talk about how TNA is small and trying to get publicity and shit and how Z would have helped them do it. That reeks of exploitation, too. I mean, really, all a push does is exploit the worker to the fans in order to get him over so the company could make money off him one day, so what's the big difference in the WWE doing it and TNA doing it?

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Guest bob_barron

I know that's what you're saying Zack but jessiecartier did play the 'you sold out' card

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Guest EN090
This is a federation where Russo has the book (and dont tell me he doesnt...the shift in the content of the shows is just coincidental?) and you are worried about Z being exploited in WWE? Please...its the same crap


Stop your bitching, Niko. A lot of people will agree that since Russo took over the book (and it's not just him... it seems like it's Russo and Jeff booking) that a lot of good storylines have developed. SEX vs. NWA, Jeff Jarrett vs. AJ Styles, Sonny Siaki vs. Kid Kash, Konnan vs. the X Division, all the surprises, etc. The show has a good flow to it and the quality has gone up since Russo has come in. And so have the buyrates.


Tell me Niko, why are you so obsessed with Russo? Anytime I read a post of your it seems to involve Russo and you bitching about him. Do you even watch TNA?

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