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Guest BoboBrazil


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Guest Kotzenjunge

They can't let this be a private ceremony. I MUST be there to end the wedding by banging on a window and screaming her name.

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Guest TheCynicalHateMongerFromHell

I heard that Bill Demott is dating Shane McMahon, thus explaining his ridiculous push.

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Guest Mik at Cornell
I would just like to take a moment and say I hope they both die in a car crash, hopefully this week.

Well that's a bit harsh.

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Guest bob_barron
I would just like to take a moment and say I hope they both die in a car crash, hopefully this week.

You're a fucking idiot.


If Triple H bothers you that much don't watch any programming with him on.


Wishing death upon is someone just because they're a wrestler you dislike is pretty idiotic.


And not allowed here

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Guest EternallyLazy
I would just like to take a moment and say I hope they both die in a car crash, hopefully this week.

Well that's a bit harsh.

I wish death on no one as pretty as Stephanie... sure, she's gained a little weight, but it's not THAT bad.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Here's the good part about it: They'll have to live together and shit, and they could very well get sick of being around each other so much.


Then Steph will be MINE~!

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Guest JMA
Here's the good part about it: They'll have to live together and shit, and they could very well get sick of being around each other so much.


Then Steph will be MINE~!

What about Kylie?

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Guest tetsubeav

OMFG.... I thought about this possibility a few days ago, but I didn't post it for I figured it'd make people puke.


God help us all.

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Guest evenflowDDT
Okay, let's say for the sake of arguement that her weight gain is due to the fact that she is pregnant, how would they explain it?

Remember back when Bischoff kissed Stephanie? They were really making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!

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Guest TheArchiteck

Well, at least we get to see HHH on Smackdown also...since he's about to become part of the McMahon family.

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Guest Raven_Effect01

The end is definitely here for WWE....and this time it isn't just the Armageddon PPV theme either. :(

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Guest Choken One

Wow...You guys resort to being 3rd graders again...Most of you just graduated 7th grade anyways...


On a realistic side...Congrats to Jean Paul and Stephanie for their engagement.

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Guest SP-1

No, Kotz. Stephanie will be rescued by me and me alone, Bucko. Go back to Kylie. Steph and SpiderPoet go together.

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Guest edge-o-matic
They can't let this be a private ceremony. I MUST be there to end the wedding by banging on a window and screaming her name.

"Mrs. Bouvier! Mrs. Bouvier!"

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Fine, SP. Kylie's all I'll ever need or be able to handle anyway. You can have that shrieking porker. She'll never be as good as Kylie.



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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Maybe just maybe they'll get married and won't be able to stand each other. Then HHH will be depushed and jobbed out when they divorce! YES! This is actually a good thing! HAHAHA!

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*rolls eyes* Let's look at this realistically. Stephanie is a bitch with a huge ego. HHH is an asshole with a BIG, HUGE, GIGANTIC ego. Vince is an asshole with a perhaps even bigger ego. You put these three egos in one family and what happens ? KABOOM ! This is a powderkeg waiting to happen....and I doubt it's going to last. Marriage ? Ha. Give it a year. Tops.

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Guest CanadianChick

It's always nice to hear two people getting engaged. It's kinda nice to do so on Valentine's Day too. I wonder how long their marriage will last, 'cause these days it seems like famous marriages all end in divorce.

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Guest SP-1

All kidding aside, I guess I'm happy they're gettin' hitched.


But it really is kinda sad. Despite the fact that nothing could ever, ever come of it, I did really have an attraction to Stephanie. Or, at least, as close as you can have to someone you don't really know.


::goes to weep softly somewhere::

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Checkmate, Austin! Thought you had the political buzz/strength going into your return, didn't you? Never underestimate HHH.




If HHH wasn't an active wrestler OR Steph wasn't involved in the creative direction of the WWE, I'd be wishing the two of them very happy luck. But things as they are, I just can't. :(

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Guest Dangerous A
The word going around Titan Towers today is that HHH and Stephanie McMahon got engaged for Valentine's Day. I want to take a second to wish the best to the happy couple.



You had me going until I got to that part about this coming from 1wrestling. I'll wait for the Observer or Torch before I ever believe anything 1fuckfaces say.



:firing: 1wrestling

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Guest Frankie Williams

Wouldnt it be great, if at the wedding, Test breaks in and reveals that he drugged Steph the night before and married her at a drive-thru chapel?

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Guest NoCalMike

well if this is true, then Vince won't hold back his true feelings regarding his daughter dating a wrestler. Now, who knows what his true feelings are about it, however, this relationship(if they do indeed get married) can now not be written off by Vince as just some fling/phase that Steph needed to get through her system.

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Guest Dangerous A
I would just like to take a moment and say I hope they both die in a car crash, hopefully this week.

You're a fucking idiot.


If Triple H bothers you that much don't watch any programming with him on.


Wishing death upon is someone just because they're a wrestler you dislike is pretty idiotic.


And not allowed here

Amen to that brother. If your hatred for a person on tv makes you wish death, maybe you should watch something else.

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Guest JMA
Congrats to Jean Paul and Stephanie for their engagement.

Actually, it's just Paul, no Jean. The "Jean" part was just a part of his WCW gimmick. His real name is Paul Levesque.

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