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Guest Dangerous A

The Official "Tune out Raw" petition

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Guest Dangerous A

A lot of smarks are on to a pattern on the Raw brand that shows HHH job to someone on tv, only to get his heat back via job at a ppv match. The setup for last year's Unforgiven comes to mind. RVD pins HHH clean in a tag match on Raw and gives the win back on ppv when the cards (the belt) are on the line. This is bullshit. Look at RVD now. In the tag division with Kane, who feuded with HHH after he was done with RVD. Last night's match where Booker pinned HHH clean had me experience deja vu. I know HHH is scheduled to face Steiner this sunday and for all intents and purposes, HHH should go over. Steiner is not the type of guy who needs to be holding the struggling brand's title. The writing is on the wall. Booker is going to be facing HHH at Mania. And it wouldn't be a huge shocker to see HHH "get his heat back" by asking for his job back. This pattern of even steven booking is part of the problem WWE has been experiencing for awhile now.



Everyone here knows Booker beating HHH clean at WM and ushering a new person on top of the struggling Raw brand would be best for us as fans and the promotion in general. It will also blow the retractable roof off of SafeCo Field. Booker is the type of babyface that the people can and will get behind. This petition is stating that IF HHH faces Booker at WM and doesn't put him over, you will tune out the Raw brand until you hear HHH is no longer champion. I figure, what better way to show WWE that you don't want HHH going over every single fucking person he encounters by not watching Raw anymore and them seeing ratings plummet the show right after Mania.


Copy and paste the following if you are on board with this petition.



I (put your username here), will no longer watch "WWE Raw" if HHH does not lose the World Heavyweight title to Booker T in their match at Wrestlemania 19. I will continue to not watch "WWE Raw" until I hear that HHH has lost the World Heavyweight title. When HHH finally starts to do what is best for business and puts someone over for the title and help create a star or two is when I (put username here) will finally tune back in to "WWE Raw" and support that part of the brand extention.

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Guest Dangerous A

I,Dangerous A, will no longer watch "WWE Raw" if HHH does not lose the World Heavyweight title to Booker T in their match at Wrestlemania 19. I will continue to not watch "WWE Raw" until I hear that HHH has lost the World Heavyweight title. When HHH finally starts to do what is best for business and puts someone over for the title and help create a star or two is when I,Dangerous A,will finally tune back in to "WWE Raw" and support that part of the brand extention.



I figure I should probrably sign my own petition, eh.

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Guest Eagan469

I...Eagan469...have nothing better to do on Monday night's...and I lack a Nielson box...so it doesn't really matter if I watch or not

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Pinning HHH, will not make Booker a star. Also, Austin is on his way back. You don't think he wants a title shot, and no way Austin jobs to Booker T, and his scissors kicks.

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I'll tell you this........I'd rather see Austin vs. Booker T for the world title instead of Austin vs. HHH XXIV. I dont like what im seeing on RAW but im not gonna tune it out cause i still enjoy guys like Jericho, Booker T, Christian, LAnce Storm, William Regal

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Guest TheArchiteck

I really want to see Booker with the title. And i'm pretty sure that other fans do too.

Thing is, if he does get that title.....will they build him a credible threat? It's possible they might want to give him a Big Show push.....just push him enough to give a slight movement in the title run...then next thing you know, he isn't even seen in the same room with the champs anymore.


I'm afraid their looking for a quick fix. Instead of just looking for more much needed main eventers.

( What type of show have their mainevent slot tooken by non wrestlers(with no ME'ter run ins) and promos!)


I'll rather see Booker get the title later on down the line after ppv loses than get it one ppv and lose it next. It'll make the experience more enjoyable for the fans backing Booker and at least make another person gaining credibility as a true ME'er.


Back to the original question........

I wouldn't stop watching Raw if Booker loses..if that was the case...I DEFINATELY would have tuned out late summer/early fall.

Hell, just as long Bisch, Booker, Jazz(she should be after the Big Gold Belt in a few months), Victoria, Jericho, Steiner (yes, I like the guy), Teddy Long promos and Jr's colorful slang and emotions......i'm gonna tune in.

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Guest iamsherm

I don't want to see Booker win the title if they're just going to have him lose it a week or two later (ala his tag title reign with Goldust). Let him carry the company. He can't do any worse than Triple H.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I find boycotting rediculous. I simply stop watching if I'm not enjoying the product.


If I miss anything good, I will just find out about it here, and watch the replay of the show. In August I quit watching both RAW and Smackdown, but started watching Smackdown again after Unforgiven when they started putting **** matches on every week. Since then, I have been hooked. Even the bad weeks keep me interested, and I watch Velocity every week.


I still don't watch RAW, and I recommend if you don't like the product, then don't. Not because you have a Neilson box or anything like that, but because there is no point in watching something you hate. Unless of course you are enjoying laughing at it.

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Guest tpww7

I think Booker has a better chance of winning the belt at Backlash than Mania. Remember Backlash is only like 2 weeks after Mania this year.

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Guest TheCynicalHateMongerFromHell

But Steiner is going to defeat Triple H at NWO for the title......

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Guest Downhome

After the Royal Rumble, I didn't think Steiner would make it another month. I seriously thought that the RAW after the RR would be his last appearance, but they fooled me. I was a huge Steiner supporter coming in, but if he doesn't pull an f'n miracle out of his ass for No Way Out, I really don't see what the purpose of his being kept around is. I am not asking for a ***** classic, just something, you know, more watchable.


We all know he'll loose though, and stay around to feud with Batista, with Steiner finally going over at Wrestlemania, just wait and see.

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Guest bob_barron

I still think Rhyno is gonna come in and cost Steiner the title. Hopefully this is what happens and they keep it short.


I was also in favour of bringing in BPP but the guy has totally detoriated

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Guest Mulatto Heat

I guess it doesn't pay to be an apologist.


"He was good in 2000!" That applied to HHH as well.

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Guest Downhome
I still think Rhyno is gonna come in and cost Steiner the title. Hopefully this is what happens and they keep it short.

I wouldn't be suprised, but I believe Rhyno's going to RAW and joining Evolution has been scrapped. I know things could change, but I'm just saying that's what's been going around lately.


With our luck, they'll have Rick Steiner debut to help Scott Steiner WIN the title, and set up a huge slobernocker of an angle!


I can't believe it took Scott Steiner, to finally get some smarks to actually want HHH to win a match.

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Guest TheCynicalHateMongerFromHell
I guess it doesn't pay to be an apologist.


"He was good in 2000!" That applied to HHH as well.

I'd be happy if Steiner gets the title. Triple H is in worse shape that Steiner.


Steiner vs. The Book at WM

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Guest bob_barron

Hopefully that's just 1bob being wrong again because I think Rhyno would be great in Evolution and they could put him over Steiner big-time at Wrestlemania.


Let's hope Steiner's pants don't fall down this time

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Guest Downhome
Hopefully that's just 1bob being wrong again because I think Rhyno would be great in Evolution and they could put him over Steiner big-time at Wrestlemania.


Let's hope Steiner's pants don't fall down this time

Here comes the 1wrestling hate again, heh.


Rhyno WAS on SD House Show's, so something must be up with that report.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Triple H is in worse shape that Steiner.

This is such a testament to the sad state of RAW's main event, and the show in general, if that's the main argument for who should get the show's #1 title.

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Guest TheCynicalHateMongerFromHell
Let's hope Steiner's pants don't fall down this time

Bob, don't front, you liked it.

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If and that's a big if,Booker wins the RAW title @ Mania he will be nothing but a transitional champ, the man is too old and the fact that he still stinks like a WCW guy(the guy keeps on mentioning his 5 time WCW champion promo) and he is also black(Vince will never build the company around a very dark black man unless he is mix like Rocky) , it's sad but true and i think it's really a shame b/c he is one of the reasons i watch RAW but i know how WWE works already.

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Guest wwF1587

i have nothing to do on mondays cause when i started my current job i shamefully asked for every monday off so I could watch RAW... that was in lik 2000 though... the only way i'd tune out RAW is if they got rid of jericho rvd booker goldust and lance storm.... hopefully if austin comes to RAW.. things will get better however if RAW still sucks as much as it does now with austin then i give up and may tune it out...

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Guest Kid Kablam

I Kid Kablam, will no longer watch "WWE Raw" if HHH does not lose the World Heavyweight title to Booker T in their match at Wrestlemania 19. I will continue to not watch "WWE Raw" until I hear that HHH has lost the World Heavyweight title. When HHH finally starts to do what is best for business and puts someone over for the title and help create a star or two is when I Kid Kablam will finally tune back in to "WWE Raw" and support that part of the brand extention.

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Guest Kid Kablam

Just cause you don't have a Nielsen box doesn't mean that you can't make an impact. True it's not like voting, but who knows, maybe we can start a little coup here.

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Guest Downhome

What do you mean? If you don't have a Nielsen box, it does NOT matter if you watch RAW or not in regards to ratings. Besides, even if smarks everywhere stopped watching at the same time, the ratings wouldn't hardly even be affected even then. The casual fans are what matters, and they still tune in, period.


Think about how little of the public has a Nielsen box, then think of the MINUTE ammount of smarks that have one, it doesn't matter.


Stop watching if you people want, it's up to you, but I'll always be watching.

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Guest kane3212321

I kane3212321, will no longer watch "WWE Raw" if HHH does not lose the World Heavyweight title to Booker T in their match at Wrestlemania 19. I will continue to not watch "WWE Raw" until I hear that HHH has lost the World Heavyweight title. When HHH finally starts to do what is best for business and puts someone over for the title and help create a star or two is when I kane3212321 will finally tune back in to "WWE Raw" and support that part of the brand extention.

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