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Guest TheBostonStrangler

SWF Storm Card

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

SWF STORM (2/23/03)

Due Date: Sunday @ 5 PM EST (no extensions)

Venue: The Cow Palace in San Francisco, California!

Send All Materials To: Grand Slam




Fugue vs. Xero


Fugue has been up against a tough string of opponents since his arrival in the SWF. He first took on El Luchadore Magnifico, and then suffered a loss to Mak Francis in the US Title match. However, the Suicide King has taken mercy on poor Fugue, and decided to give him a break against a guy who doesn't ever seem to win (or write, for that matter): Xero. Will Fugue win this match, or will Xero pull off the surprise of a lifetime and submit something?

RULES: Singles match. DQ/Countout in effect.


SEND TO: TheBostonStrangler



Wildchild vs. Johnny Dangerous


People are beginning to grow tired with Johnny Dangerous and his total lack of showing up. In order to correct this problem, King has booked Wildchild, his former stablemate and tag team partner, against Dangerous. If Dangerous refuses to show up, then Dangerous could be done in the SWF even before he begins. How will Wildchild react to having to fight his former partner, and his current friend?

RULES: Singles match. DQ/countout in effect.


SEND TO: chirs3



Danny Wiliams vs. Mak Francis©


These two men have a good deal of history together, which all came to a head a few weeks ago when Mak Francis finally defeated Danny Williams to win the SWF United States Title. However, Danny Williams is calling in his rematch, looking to regain his honor, his pride, and his United States title from Mak Francis. These two men put on a classic before. Here's hoping that they can put on another great show and bring the fight to this US Title bout!

RULES: Singles match. DQ/countout in effect.


SEND TO: chirs3



CIA vs. Ejiro Fasaki vs. Michael Craven


CIA narrowly, NARROWLY missed out on winning the SWF ICTV Title from Frost on Lockdown, and straight off that match, bad arm and all, he's being thrown straight into another brutal match. His opponents are Michael Craven, who missed out on capturing the United States Title, and Ejiro Fasaki, who teamed with Judge Mental to defeat Longdogger Pete and Wildchild. Will Ejiro, fresh with momentum, defeat these two men, or will CIA or Craven climb the mountain and win this unique gimmick match? And how exactly DO you win an Escape from Alcatraz match anyway?

RULES: The match starts inside the prison. The winner is the wrestler who makes it down to the shore, where a small motorboat adorned with the SWF logo sits. To win, he must start the boat, pull away from shore, and go to a small raft 25 yards offshore, where the referee stands. When the referee raises someone's hand, the match is over.


SEND TO: Grand Slam





Annie Eclectic/El Luchadore Magnifico vs. Tom Flesher/Frost



Annie Eclectic came up with a big win over Jay Dawg and Stryke in her match on Lockdown for the #1 Contendership to the HGC Title. However, she's holding off on that title shot for now, and tonight finds herself teaming with SWF Champion and fellow Carnie El Luchadore Magnifico! Their opponents? The dastardly team of Frost and Tom Flesher, who have dominated their opponents recently. However, Commissioner King has thrown a wild card into the mix: TNT will be the special guest referee for this match. How will he deal with ELM, who he faces at the upcoming PPV? Or with the M7 team, with whom he has an interesting and ever-changing relationship? This main event is as unpredictable as they come!

RULES: Normal tag rules. TNT is the legal referee. DQ/countout in effect. TNT can and should write a match.


SEND TO: Suicide King

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Guest Suicide King

Dangit. Good card TBS. NExt show, Stevens' it'll be CIA/'Mak vs Ejiro/Judge for the 1 contenders to the tag titles then.

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Guest Powerplay

Damn good card, TBS. Some solid undercard stuff, a wacky Midcard Match, and an interesting ME. Should be very good.


Edit: King, that actually works perfectly with my schedule. Rawk \m/.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Nice card, though I really wanted to see the tag contendership match following two hot tag-based shows. Boo-urns!


My one suggestion is that you guys try to nail down steady days for the shows, like the JL does it...I think. You know, something like Storms on Friday, Lockdowns on Monday, Smarkdowns on Wednesday, and have them meet proper-like on the rotation. My head's starting to hurt, and I don't even have to write matches.


::crawls back into his hole::

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Guest Suicide King

In TBS and Mark's defense, I'm the reason this week is off kilter. Other than that we're all good.

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Guest CED Ordonez

An Escape from Alcatraz match, eh? That's a pretty damn spiff gimmick match if I do say so myself. Damn these cards rock...*plots return some more*


(Y) for The Cow Palace! I saw Disney on Ice there once.


*nods* *walks away*

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Guest Perfect_Bo

No special moment for Bo's half...the man just went through heart failure and ya just continued life without giving the proper resepect? I resent that...I really do. I may have not been the greatest in here, but damn it, I try. WHERE'S MY MOMENT OF SILENCE DAMMIT (Even though I aint dead). Where's the part that people talk about me for atleast a minute and show how they appreciate the perfect one?




AH well..

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Guest Goodear

........ This match is killing me ........ this will probably be the worse thing I ever write. I'm so not into this stipulation its amazing.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Well, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to write or not, but I wrote 2k-3k words last night... and now they're gone. Drat.


*promos instead*

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Guest Suicide King

Grand Slam wrote my name wrong on the card. If the Carnies wrote a matchm please send it to Stevens so he can grade it, as I will not be online again tonight.

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