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Guest TheCynicalHateMongerFromHell

Whats wrong with RVD?

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Guest RenegadeX28

RVD with Kane, no doubt is a poison for any wrestler. They are going to battle against Regal/Storm when the Dudleys have the legit feud with them. RVD is getting REAL boring. His matches are like a repeating record:



Punch, kick, wheel kick, pose, rolling thunder, a couple of flying kicks from the buckles, highspot, then the 5tar Frog Splash.


RVD isn't the same anymore. I say a massive heel turn would do him good. Also, get him away from Kane......

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Guest The Hamburglar

What's with this "he's hampered by shorter matches" crap? Longer matches are what show up RVD's extreme lack of talent. Those hyped matches in ECW with Lynn are fucking awful. I don't particularly find 15 minutes of RVD stalling and pointing at himself to be very entertaining. It was RVD's need to cut out the stalling and more pointless spots in his work when he came to the the WWE that made his first five or six months watchable and a real step up from his ECW stuff. Unfortunately he was unable to develop from this point and instead became a dull formula wrestler.

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Guest saturnmark4life

I know what you mean, downhome, but crowds in the 80s and early 90s were a hell of a lot easier to jack up than they are now. Fans paid to see hogan, and knew they would at the end. There's no one to draw on raw, certainly not to that extent. Sure, goldust is an example of a guy who stills gives it some despite constantly jobbing but he gets promo time at least. With the product in the state it is now, and I hate to bring us back to this level but TRIPLE H on top all the time, and crap booking it's not gonna be fun. I'm not saying he SHOULD dog it. And I'm not saying it's not his fault. Not that I really think he's the worst offender for slacking off, I just think he's stale.

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Guest razazteca

Injuring the cHHHamp 2 times will do nothing for RVD. Recently on the Raw match vs Lance Storm, RVD was starting to become entertaining again, so longer matches is what he needs to become a contender for the IC belt....oh wait that no longer exist.


Keep RVD in matches that range between 5-10 minutes and everything should be good.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

hmm...either he can continue to be a spot wrestler who's over and never get pushed because of his style...


or he can try to wrestle the WWE style and become unpopular as a result...and not get pushed.


I don't know why he wouldn't be motivated.

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Being buried by management and Crips doesn't help either, and also the fact that he is stuck with Kane for no reason whatsoever, who is he??The new X-pac?? Steiner gets booed out of the building at the Royal Rumble but gets to main event at the next ppv but RVD got over by just being the hardcore champion w/o getting any type of real push and he doesn't get to wrestle @ Armaggedon.What they need to do it's just trade him to Smackdown for Edge and keep him as far away from Triple H as possible, otherwise he'll be buried ala Jericho.

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