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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Changes may be coming

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I don't hate it. I can see the reasons and rationale for it, along with the benefits it can bring. But they haven't really done it to the fullest... not even close.


I'd like it if they did it well.

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Guest Choken One

Maybe but as soon as you close up the Split...That means BYE BYE Cena, SOH, Kidman, Hardy (the good one), RVD, Mysterio, Booker...and hello, HHH, Taker, Rock, Hardy (the bad one), Hogan, Austin, TBS, Atrain and Jones...with a guest apperence by SD6 every 2 weeks...

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Do these changes involve rewarding guys who work hard & bust their asses? Guys who get over on their own? Guys the fans want to see, & not guys Vince wants the fans to see?


I'm guessing "no"

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Guest BoboBrazil
Maybe but as soon as you close up the Split...That means BYE BYE Cena, SOH, Kidman, Hardy (the good one), RVD, Mysterio, Booker...and hello, HHH, Taker, Rock, Hardy (the bad one), Hogan, Austin, TBS, Atrain and Jones...with a guest apperence by SD6 every 2 weeks...

Most of those guys are in the same spot now that they were before the split. Booker T, RVD, Kidman, and Hardy are all. You can't determine what will happen to Cena, Mysterio, and O'haire after the split ends, because they debuted after it.

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Guest bob_barron

On RAW and before the split- Matt Hardy was languishing on HEAT doing nothing with his brother.


On SD!- Matt is on TV every week and is getting over and getting pushed.


Before the split- Kidman wasn't even on TV.

After the split- Kidman is dominating the cruiser division.

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Guest El Satanico

How will the split ending help anything. It's not like business was doing good before the split. They did the split hoping it would increase business. Ending the split won't help turn business around.

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Guest BoboBrazil
On RAW and before the split- Matt Hardy was languishing on HEAT doing nothing with his brother.


On SD!- Matt is on TV every week and is getting over and getting pushed.


Before the split- Kidman wasn't even on TV.

After the split- Kidman is dominating the cruiser division.

Matt Hardy was on that streak of just doing Heat, because he was being punished for pissing off management somehow. I don't remember how. Before that Matt was a standard on Raw and Heat, just like he is now on Velocity and Smackdown. Kidman was also usually on one of the shows before the split, just like he is now.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Everybody forgot to notice that Rock & Austin may be stealing WM from the younger-and-less-likely-to-leave Angle/Lesnar again.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Matt Hardy was on that streak of just doing Heat, because he was being punished for pissing off management somehow

Matt was punished for giving his honest opinion on the state & direction of the company.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Matt Hardy was on that streak of just doing Heat, because he was being punished for pissing off management somehow. I don't remember how. Before that Matt was a standard on Raw and Heat, just like he is now on Velocity and Smackdown. Kidman was also usually on one of the shows before the split, just like he is now.

Matt was punished for giving constructive criticism, which is a no-no apparently.


Kidman was not seen from November 2001 until just after the split in April 2002.


Everybody forgot to notice that Rock & Austin may be stealing WM from the younger-and-less-likely-to-leave Angle/Lesnar again.


I know. Everyone seems to forget or ignore this. If it was anything involving H people would be up in arms.


(P.S. Angle is older than Rock and H).

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Guest Jobber of the Week
(P.S. Angle is older than Rock and H).

If he (Rock) is weeks from retiring, that's not important.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Surprises, what the hell do they have left? Goldberg? Sting? That's about all I can see out there. If they're trying to get Viacom all excited about people jumping shows (where we'll just end up getting feuds we've seen a thousand times before) or turning (pretty much beyond caring at this point) or, ooh, maybe one of the shows will get a new general manager (calm me down), they're just wasting their time. About the only thing that would surprise me at this point is if RAW put on an entertaining show.

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Guest The Tino Standard
Everybody forgot to notice that Rock & Austin may be stealing WM from the younger-and-less-likely-to-leave Angle/Lesnar again.

I know a lot of people have been saying this match is happening at Wrestlemania, but can somebody explain how? I mean, I know it isn't WWE's custom to follow logic and all, but you've got two guys that will be coming back to different brands and they haven't had any issues in a year and a half between them. Putting Rock vs. Austin at WM AGAIN just seems way too random.


And while I love how the Rock's character is going now with the Hollywood prima donna asshole routine, I have to say that if he was really the company man we give him credit for, he'd be pushing for a match that might put somebody over instead of these worthless one-shot-deal matches with guys like Austin and Goldberg.

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Guest JMA

Let's be realistic, the split won't last forever. It will end eventually. It was originally created so the excess WCW and developmental guys could get a chance to sign. However, in the past months WWE has greatly reduced its number of active wrestlers. I think the split has done what it was created for--now it's time to end. Just give the old guys and hosses their pink slips and bring up some developmentals. It's as simple as that.

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Guest Brian

They still have bunch of developmental and unsigned guys, who deserve to be signed, that they could put on the rosters.

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Guest humongous2002

Doug Basham and Damaja are 2 OVW wrestlers that should be put in the roster by the end of 2003 and enough with signing big names already that don't bring nothing on the table but headaches and bad wrestling, if people were dying to see Goldberg,Sting and Steiner on tv then WCW would still be alive and having good ratings.WWE better start building up their future with the young hungry wrestlers they have right now in their roster, and sorry Booker but you are too old to build a company around you,you had your chance back at WCW.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
sorry Booker but you are too old to build a company around you,you had your chance back at WCW

Nobody is asking for them to build around Booker. People just want them to do something w/ him while he's hot, rather than wait too long, when the opportunity is lost. Push Book to freshen up Raw and get some new faces into the mix. Give him the title & some fresh challengers, and suddenly the Raw title scene has some life.

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RAW's ratings are actually starting to go up with the Austin return and Evolution.

You can't be serious with saying that Evolution has ANY bit of responsiblity for the rising Raw ratings. Besides a beatdown of Steiner and the electrocution of Goldust, the group has done nothing but boring interviews and promos which even the fans have difficulty responding to. I attribute the rising Raw ratings to Austin - and Austin only. If he wasn't coming back, but Evolution was still around, I really believe the ratings would be floating around 3.1-3.2 range.

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Guest Downhome
If he wasn't coming back, but Evolution was still around, I really believe the ratings would be floating around 3.1-3.2 range.

Well there's no way to prove it either way, really. The fact is that the ratings DID start to go up when that group started up. I think people was interested in a group actually being formed, and if you ask me, I think they really have done a good job every time they've been out there so far. From the old school type beatdowns, to Booker T actually getting a pinfall over HHH, I've loved it.


I must say again though, there's no way to prove this really, it's just whatever you really want to think.


Obviously Austin's return is the main reason, but to just say that Evolution is pointless and isn't helping at all, is simply blind. I think people are begining to really get interested in this Evolutinon vs Faces feud, I know I am.

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Guest Downhome
sorry Booker but you are too old to build a company around you,you had your chance back at WCW

Nobody is asking for them to build around Booker. People just want them to do something w/ him while he's hot, rather than wait too long, when the opportunity is lost. Push Book to freshen up Raw and get some new faces into the mix. Give him the title & some fresh challengers, and suddenly the Raw title scene has some life.

I don't get what the hell age has to do with it anyhow, I NEVER go by age. If someone can still go/be entertaining/get over, regardless of age, they are of use to me, and Booker T...


...he can still go, he's entertaining, and he is very much over.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
sorry Booker but you are too old to build a company around you,you had your chance back at WCW.

Dude, this is the company that wanted to build NASH up as a monster.


You know, Nash... Yeah, that Nash. The "Ten Years Older Than Trips But Wants To Make A Quad Tear Comeback" Nash.

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