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The Dames

Fullscreen Hijinx

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I hate Fullscreen movies with a passion. Unless its a TV show on DVD, I want all of my DVD's to be widescreen and anamorphic.


Last night, I bought The Lord of the Rings, the 2-disc DVD because I wanted to have both the theatrical and extended versions. I don't know how I missed it, but when I got home, I looked at it...and at the top it read:


" F U L L S C R E E N "


If I was shot at that very moment, it wouldn't have hurt me nearly as much. I muttered some obsenities and went looking for my receipt, which I thankfully found. I'm going to return that piece of matted garbage and get the widescreen version today.


Have you guys ever been screwed over with fullscreen movies? I have a fullscreen copy of Liar Liar. It's just painful for me to watch.



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Guest Youth N Asia

I can't stand fullscreen anymore, looks too boxed in. As long as you have a decient sized tv then it doesn't hurt the viewing at all.


I'm pissed cause my Spiderman says WIDESCREEN on the case and on the disk itself. and the damn thing is in fullscreen.

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I can't stand fullscreen anymore, looks too boxed in. As long as you have a decient sized tv then it doesn't hurt the viewing at all.


I'm pissed cause my Spiderman says WIDESCREEN on the case and on the disk itself. and the damn thing is in fullscreen.

Oh, I'd be HEATED.



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Guest El Satanico

Someone got me Star Wars Episode II for xmas and i made sure to tell them "Get Widescreen".


Well when I opened it and they said "yes i checked to make sure it's widescreen". So like an idiot i don't think to check the front to be sure. 2 months later i decide to watch it so once again i don't check it and rip it open.


The fucker turned out to be god damn Full Screen and the reciept is now long gone. So now I'm stuck wtih this piece of shit fullscreen disc that i REFUSE to watch.

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Well when I opened it and they said "yes i checked to make sure it's widescreen". So like an idiot i don't think to check the front to be sure. 2 months later i decide to watch it so once again i don't check it and rip it open.

How did you open it, yet not see the front?



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Guest El Satanico

When i opened it originally on xmas the back was facing me and for some reason I never really looked at the front. Then somehow i avoided seeing or paying attention to the front for two months.


As for the second opening it without looking at the front...I don't even know.


I wasn't thinking about it because i "knew" it was Widescreen so I didn't actually LOOK at it while doing it.

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Guest Lethargic

I bought Innocent Blood out of the Wal Mart 5 dollar DVD bargin bin. Didn't even bother looking, brought it home and it's fullscreen. I didn't bother to return it. It's only 5 dollars. So I'm just gonna put it on ebay and get rid of the thing.

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Guest Youth N Asia
I can't stand fullscreen anymore, looks too boxed in. As long as you have a decient sized tv then it doesn't hurt the viewing at all.


I'm pissed cause my Spiderman says WIDESCREEN on the case and on the disk itself. and the damn thing is in fullscreen.

Oh, I'd be HEATED.



The only problem was that I bought it at a flea market from a guy who gets them...let us say, "illegaly"...I might just pass it off on someone soon.


I hate fullscreen when I can get the alternative.


And dammit, Dames...I still can't recognize you without the avatar.

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Guest Youth N Asia
What's to recognize?


Respect the Domokun or he shall eat you.



I didn't even know that had a name

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Guest Ravenbomb

I've been pretty lucky. The only thing that I have thats excusively Fullframe is my South Park Season 1 DVD, the first two DBZ DVD's, and my MST3K stuff. The movies, if they have any fullframe, have both. Always check the special features, it usually says there.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

What really pisses me off is that dvds used to come with both fullscreen and widescreen. Now they've split them up for some reason and are pissing everyone off.

They need to go back to putting both on the same disk.



And Dames, if you're a Domo fan, check this out:



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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I have no fullscreen dvds except when that's all that's offered. Always keeping receipts ensures that.

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Guest El Satanico

I don't even want discs with Widescreen and Fullscreen. All we need are widescreen, screw the minority they can learn to like widescreen.

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Guest Nevermortal

My one and only Full Screen Movie DVD is Full Metal Jacket. I inadvertedly paid 25 bucks for a barebones DVD. What a rip.


My WWE DVDs are full screen however. They should change that.


About a month ago I engaged in about a 20 minute debate with my friend's dad on how widescreen is better than fullscreen. He insisted it was his DVD player.


Widescreen for everything, I say!

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Guest El Satanico
My WWE DVDs are full screen however. They should change that.

Well WWE's ppvs and shows aren't widescreen to begin with. So fullscreen DVDs are the proper format for them and most TV shows.

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Guest Nevermortal

They should film in widescreen. They can do it for Goldust's entrance, dammit.

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Guest El Satanico

Well all TV shows will be "widescreen" once HDTV fully takes off...so it'll still be a few years at least.


But until then it's not going to happen on most shows.

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Guest areacode212

I once mistakenly bought the Canadian edition of Run Lola Run, which is both fullscreen and bare-bones. Happily, I managed to convince some girl I know to trade for the U.S. edition. Damn, I'm charming.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I like how the Run Lola Run DVD works, with the fullscreen side and the widescreen side.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Most DVDs that have full-screen and widescreen available do that, Kotz, or have 2 discs.


I got ripped on my Return Of The Living Dead copy I got for X-Mas. It says "WIDESCREEN" on it as a listed feature, and even as a "WIDESCREEN" side to the disc...but it only plays fullscreen. **angry face, grabs a gun...but puts it down**


Oh well. The widescreen version isn't MUCH better, because all you miss on the fullscreen version is, like, 1/9th of the actual shot, which isn't too bad (widescreen it's 16x7). Meh.


But still, they advertised widescreen, and it says widescreen on one of the sides of the disc, and they both play fullscreen.

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Guest starvenger
I don't even want discs with Widescreen and Fullscreen. All we need are widescreen, screw the minority they can learn to like widescreen.

The worst thing about fullscreen is at Blockbuster. Their policy is that if a comedy (or, apparently, Insomnia) has both fullscreen and widescreen editions then they only rent out fullscreen versions.


That pisses me off, and if it weren't for a) Me doing the unlimited rental thing for this month and b) the Blockbuster being so close and me being so damn lazy I wouldn't be renting from there...

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I'm pissed cause my Spiderman says WIDESCREEN on the case and on the disk itself. and the damn thing is in fullscreen.


Your disc isn't fullscreen. Alot of people had this complaint when the disc first came out. Adjust the aspect ratio settings on your DVD player itself and you'll see that it is indeed widescreen just like it says on the case and on the DVD.

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Guest Lethargic

Lucikly I never rent anymore except stuff from Netflix. Pretty much every new release I get is from the library. They get nearly all new release DVDs and you get to check them out for free for a week. Sometimes they screw up and get fullscreen versions. So me and a friend have a policy that whenever we get something from the library and it's fullscreen and we know there is a widescreen edition, we take box cutters and put slices all across the bottom of the disc. Later on the library discovers the disc is damaged and they replace it with the correct widescreen disc. I bet we've cost them a lot of money. haha The way that started was I checked out the Mummy Returns. It was when I first got a DVD player. I was all ready to sit down and experience the joy of widescreen DVD even with a terrible movie. I started watching it and it was full screen. I got so pissed that I took the DVD out and slung it across the room, cracking it. Whoops. So I just took it back and didn't say anything, fearful that my library card would get snatched. But then ended up never saying anything and they just replaced it with a widescreen copy. So we were like, hey, let's keep doing that! I also found a loophole in their website system that allows me to keep rechecking out the same movie over and over again. Usually you can only renew what you have checked out if nobody else has a hold on it. But I've figured out a way to keep doing it even when somebody has a hold on it. So I can basically check a DVD out and keep it as long as I want. Scamming the library which is already free! Woo hoo!

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Guest CoreyLazarus416
Your disc isn't fullscreen. Alot of people had this complaint when the disc first came out. Adjust the aspect ratio settings on your DVD player itself and you'll see that is indeed widescreen just like it says on the case and on the DVD.

...perhaps that's it with my case, too. My friend Jason's DVD player is the one I played ROTLD on, and his is a different model than mine. I also borrowed a copy of ROTLD on DVD from my buddy Petone before X-Mas, and the widescreen worked fine on my player...



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Guest EQ

My mom NEVER looks to see if a movie is fullscreen or widescreen. She bought Bourne Identity on fullscreen and I took it before she had a chance to open it, and I exchanged it. She has the fullscreen copy of Insomnia, which I now refuse to watch.

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Guest NoCalMike

It took me awhile to get used to widescreen, dating back to my VHS days, however now, widescreen is REQUIRED for me to buy the dvd.

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To follow up on the initial story, I returned my LOTR DVD today, looking to exchange for Widescreen, but Blockbuster only had fullscreen so I just got a full refund. I'm not meant to double dip, I guess.


Fook Hing Ho....www.domokun.cjb.net is where I got all of my Domo stuff.



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