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Guest FeArHaVoC

Most Anticipated Match of All Time?

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I'll be the first to admit that this Rock/Hogan rematch has my interest, but Michael Cole was getting on my nerves last night with his creaming over "Most Anticipated ReMatch of All time" Sell.


What would you call the Most Anticipated Rematch of all time?


For me, it was Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels at Survivor Series 1997. I was on the edge of my seat for that match. I couldn't wait to see Bret finally get his hands on Shawn Michaels. Little did I know what was to come.


Rock/Austin, WM17 was up there too.

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Guest Drury37

Oh without a doubt the most anticipated rematch of all time was actually a series of rematches in 1992 between the Beverly Brothers and the Bushwhackers,I could not wait to see the Bushwhackers come back and beat them after they lost at WWF Royal Rumble 1992,alright I am joking around,haha!!! Well I guess Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels from WWF Survivor Series 1997 was the most anticipated rematch but I was also very excited before the Randy Savage Vs.Ultimate Warrior rematch at WWF SummerSlam 1992,but that was not that great but still a deceit match.


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Guest Downhome

Steve Austin vs The Rock --- Wrestlemania '01


Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair --- Halloween Havoc '94


Bret Hart vs Owen Hart --- SummerSlam '94

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Guest Rob Edwards

Austin Vs Rock (Aside from the Debra silliness) had the perfect build in terms of how mucg they got their hands on each other before the match got underway, I thought they did a great job with Austin/HHH at NWO 2001 too

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Andre/Hogan. Wrestlemania III was the biggest PPV of all time, and their rematch in Feb 88, set a wrestling ratings record that hasn't even been touched since.

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Guest Si82
What would you call the Most Anticipated Rematch of all time?


For me, it was Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels at Survivor Series 1997. I was on the edge of my seat for that match. I couldn't wait to see Bret finally get his hands on Shawn Michaels. Little did I know what was to come.

I'd go with Michaels/Hart from Survivor Series 1997 too.


I really wanted to see Bret kick the crap out of Michaels (and he did to an extent) and then the ending left me stunned.

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Guest Rob Edwards

after the Tyson appearences anticipation for Shawn/Austin at WM 14 was running pretty damn high too

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Looking back, had the Hogan/Hart match been made for SummerSlam '93, that would have been my most anticipated match of all time....


It was probably Hogan/Warrior for me.



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Guest CoreyLazarus416

All-time? Austin/Rock. Wrestling was still very popular, and everybody remembered the feud the two had 2 years earlier.


For me? Dreamer/Raven in '99 and early '00. Too bad an OFFICIAL one-on-one feud/rematch never really occurred.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Live: Hogan vs Rock, WM 18 or Benoit/Angle vs Los G's, Toronto Smackdown Tapings.


TV: Rock vs Austin, WM 17, Benoit/Jericho vs Austin/HHH, Raw.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I was talking Rematches.


But I Fucked up, that's Right, I FUCKED up, the Thread Title.


Fuck me!

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Guest papacita

As an HBK mark, I've gotta say Shawn and Bret from Survivor Series 97.


As a Chyna mark, I've gotta throw Chyna/Jericho from Survivor Series 99...the build was nothing special, but Jericho was probably my favorite wrestler at the time, and Chyna...well, it's Chyna.


Austin Vs Undertaker for SummerSlam 98 is up there too. That hype was crazy.

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Guest creativename

Most anticipated match: Hogan/Andre, Mania III


Most anticipated rematch: Austin/Rock, Mania XVII

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Guest Austin3164life

I think the most anticipated match of all time was probably Hulk Hogan versus the Ultimate Warrior. I can still remember everyone that I knew back then picking who's side they were on, and we were all saying who would win and why, and that it would be the greatest match ever, from a mark's standpoint. Two of the top faces in that day going against each other in a huge venue.


I think the most anticipated rematch of all time should probably go to Stone Cold vs. The Rock at Wrestlemania 17, because pro-wrestling was still big, and their one month (or two week) feud was so great leading up to it. People wanted to settle who the best in the WWF was at that time. It had a "Hogan/Warrior"esque kind of feel to it as well, since it was the top two faces going against each other with a huge crowd.

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Guest caboose

Hogan/Sting (Starrcade 97) is the most anticipated match of all time. It was built for 18 months, and while it sucked ass, it was truly gut wrenching in the build.

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Guest Drury37

I do not think I was anymore excited than I was before the Rowdy Piper vs.Bret Hart match at WWF WrestleMania VIII and that match did not disappoint me.


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