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Guest wildpegasus

Benoit at Wrestlemania?

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Guest Austin3164life

Austin should go heel come spring time, it'll work best for him if he retires after next year's WM putting someone over, so I can see a Benoit/Austin program. The best thing for Benoit to do is face someone like Rock or perhaps Austin.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

We've been through this before. You can't turn Austin heel. Just can't. That's why his heel turn failed. Austin has a loyalty amongst fans that only Hogan can rival (which is why Hogan got cheered over Rock at Mania.)


If you're gonna do Austin vs Benoit, just do face vs face, put Benoit over clean and have Austin tell Benoit he earned his respect. No post-match heel turn by Benoit, no stunner by Austin. Keep it simple.

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Guest Austin3164life
If you're gonna do Austin vs Benoit, just do face vs face, put Benoit over clean and have Austin tell Benoit he earned his respect. No post-match heel turn by Benoit, no stunner by Austin. Keep it simple.

I guess that makes most sense. It would be pretty cool for Benoit to be the first guy in a looong time to beat Austin cleanly in such a big venue. A submission match would be cool between these two.

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Guest Rob Van Dam

I would go with have Rhyno take edge's spot tonite at no way out, because of edge's neck injury. Then at the end of the match have Rhyno turn on Benoit and Gore him causing him to lose the match to team angle, and then have Rhyno vs Benoit at mania.

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Guest TheCynicalHateMongerFromHell

I didn't think Austin's heel turn failed. I absolutly loved the deranged paranoia gimmick he was working. The fact people were booing him heavily during the Invasion angle shows it worked. I don't follow ratingd to determine whether an angle worked, its all about how the live crowd reacts.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Well I loved heel austin but I guess the ratings were pretty crap. I doubt they'll buy him as a heel this soon after his return though, no way. I little down the road who knows, maybe there'll be backlash against him if he starts playing politics and screwing around again.

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Guest Angle-plex

I think Rock is pushing for Goldberg to sign so he can face him at Mania. I doubt we'll see Austin/Goldberg.


Benoit can feud with........A-Train~!

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Guest EternallyLazy

I just read an interesting idea at the Torch...


What if Rhyno makes his return at No Way Out, but instead of helping Benoit/Brock like everyone suspects, what if he returns and destroys Edge, setting up the injury angle for him, which leads to Benoit seeking revenge, leading to a match at WrestleMania?

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Guest Brian

The set-up I like to Benoit/Austin, though I can't see them going through with it, is Benoit has a final match with Angle, pours his heart out into it, run-ins as he's about to win, Austin runs in and starts knocking people with chairs, clobbers Angle, gets drawn out, Benoit grabs the chair, ref sees it and DQ.

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