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Guest Hot NewzWIRE~!


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Guest Hot NewzWIRE~!

OaOasT Hot NewzWIRE~! Special Report:


The Life n Times of AngleSault


This is here becuz it had to be! Anglesault is a fuckin jackoff who deletes my posts at The Smart Mark forms. So tsih post is 4 ALL DA ANGLESAULT HATAZ OUT THERE: ROCK ON~!!!!!! (I bet AngleSLUT deletes this post, but u kow what? I HAVE IT SAVED SO I WILL KEEP POSTING IT 4EVA DOGGGG!!)




Anglesault was born 2 da lovely Mrs. Jan Suckock. He is legitimately a BASTARD cuz hiz daddy didn’t marry his “MOO”my because they hated each other! Anglesault grew up like any normal kid. Except he was made fun of by EVERYONE! Even the losers thought that this loser waz a loser!! Take a look!




Poor gyu! NOT! ROTFLMAO! Even through his HIGH school, everyone made fun of poor Anglesault! Take a look!




Anglesault was very into sports. In fact, his favorite is FAMILY WHIFFLE BALL. He still plays it now, but when he was young he did it too! He even played a FAMILY WATER BALLOON TOSS and messed up his un-hip HIP! ROFL.




He still plays FAMILY WHIFFLE BALL< though. Take a look!




I even had a CANDID INTERVIEW with him in early this month about his INJURY while playing FAMILY GAMES!! I sez: “DO YOU HAVE ANY SPORTS INJURIES OR OUCHIES?” and he said:


Not too many Organized sports. A Bunch of family games, though.


Fucked up my hip pretty bad playing football.


Had a screwy knee, and I was playing a family whiffle ball game, over compensated for the knee on a swing, lost my balance, and messed the OTHER knee up.


ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now we come to Anglesault, presently:




He made up the OaOaSt! Too bad he sux and doesn’t deserve to run it!!!! This company will run into the hell hole with ANGLESLUT running the show. If u talk bad bout him, he’ll just DELET ur post! If he doesn’t like u, he’ll just DELETE U RPOST! He even deleted my ZERO HOUR HOT NEWZ THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT FUCKING BASTARD!!!! Well, at least I know that he LIVES WITH HIS PARENTS AND IS SINGLE AND JOBLESS!!!!!!!!111`11498385923-8


But SURPRISE!!! I went to Anglesault’s website (www.iambothgayandadumbassandilivewithmyparents.com) and this was the welcome screen!:


My name is Anglesault. One day I plan to take over the world, and I figure that the web is a good place to start. I live in New York, New York and I have no life. The 'Net is a pretty cool place right now, but since I have no friends I can't take advantage of its greatest prospect: multiplayer gaming. I hope you enjoy this page, 'cause otherwise I'm a complete failure. Oh, well. Anyway, please visit my page again.




HE STILL THINKS HE “has it” AFTER a emoticon war with the best person EVA~, Treble Charged! Too bad Angleslut had to resort to pictures to do his battlez! Tim used LOGIC~ and his SUPREME INTELELCT~ (2 things unknown to that lazy ass bitch!) to defeat Angleslut but he just couldn’t accept it! So he rubs it un our face that he “WON” a war!!!!!


As TIM told me in a candid interview:


TimMoysey: I find it hard to believe that a 25 year old would care so much about a wrestler, one sided feuds, etc.


And as CWM (sexy~!) told everyone:


“That shit at VM is when I lost respect for you. You got fucking ownes by tim and acted like a baby.”


And THE SUPERSTAR~! Might quit if Anglesault continues his SHIT! So someone fire/ban/delete Anglesault immediately! I WILL START A NEW CAMPAIGN:


BAN ANGLESAULT~!!!!!!!!!!!





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Guest Angle-plex
I live in New York, New York and I have no life. The 'Net is a pretty cool place right now, but since I have no friends I can't take advantage of its greatest prospect: multiplayer gaming.



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Guest Anglesault
He even deleted my ZERO HOUR HOT NEWZ THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT FUCKING BASTARD!!!!

Actually it's about ten posts down. I guess you over looked it.

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Guest The Superstar

Doesn't change the fact that you still deleted Hot Newz posts Multiple, multiple times AND, most likely, moved that Hot Newz to the bookers only folder, and then when your mom told you to do the right thing, you moved it back.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

its still funny shit


cmon...last week i got the hot newswire treatment


now you do~!

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Guest Anglesault
Doesn't change the fact that you still deleted Hot Newz posts Multiple, multiple times

They were stupid.


AND, most likely, moved that Hot Newz to the bookers only folder,


All part of my evil super genius, I suppose, right? I didn't move shit into the booker's only folder.

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Guest The Superstar

Except this time it looks like Hot NewzWIRE~! is actually SHOOTING~


EDIT: And the words "Anglesault" and "genius" don't belong in the same sentence. Ever.

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Guest evenflowDDT
Except this time it looks like Hot NewzWIRE~! is actually SHOOTING~

I hope I'm smart enough to shoot one day. Funny stuff (really really stupid funny, but unlike most really really stupid funny its actually funny OMG INCOHERENCY~!), but when was the Popick one? Was that just the one where he gave everyone SHOOT chairshots in WarGames?

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Guest Anglesault
its still funny shit


cmon...last week i got the hot newswire treatment


now you do~!

Someone needs to point out the inherent stupidity of pissing off the people who control your push.

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Guest Angle-plex
Except this time it looks like Hot NewzWIRE~! is actually SHOOTING~

I hope I'm smart enough to shoot one day. Funny stuff (really really stupid funny, but unlike most really really stupid funny its actually funny OMG INCOHERENCY~!), but when was the Popick one? Was that just the one where he gave everyone SHOOT chairshots in WarGames?

It wasn't 100% about Popick, but he got most of the jokes. The one that got "deleted".

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Guest Big Poppa Popick
its still funny shit


cmon...last week i got the hot newswire treatment


now you do~!

Someone needs to point out the inherent stupidity of pissing off the people who control your push.


that would be me right? :P

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