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Guest RedJed

Heyman demoted as head writer of Smackdown

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Guest Quik

I can see the meeting where hEyman was told that.


"Now Paul, we appreciate what you've done here. However, we feel that with your on-camera role, there is a risk of you putting your character in a better position due to your influence on the writing team. It is for this reason, in order to comfort and reassure the rest of the performers that their spot is safe, that we must remove you. We'd like to ask you to leave, please. Thank you.


Oh, hey Hunter!"


"I've-uh, got some-uh, ideas for my match with Steiner-uh."

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Guest Space_Cowboy

It's a good thing i'd like to see the WWE crumble into oblivion, otherwise this might annoy me.

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Guest EN090
Pritchard had his schooling in UWFI under Gilbert and Mantell; and UWSA under Embry. He worked alot of his Brother Love angles and I'm sure can do a good job, at least as well Heyman.


And what has Heyman done? Cruiserweights are still pretty much stalled, Lesnar has embarrased Team Angle, and Benoit's stuck.


When Heyman was doing quality stuff in ECW, Bruce Pritchard (and his grade-A education) was entertaining himself by booking guys like The Goon, TL Hopper, etc. I'm not saying Heyman's Smackdown has been perfect because it hasn't. Heyman has done his fair share of crap but atleast he's been building new stars. You think that Pritchard, who is a McMahon minion, will continue pushing guys like Rey Mysterio and Matt Hardy? I highly doubt it. I bet we'll be seeing even more of Bill Demott and A-Train. BRING ON THE HOSSES! :headbang:


Seriously though, a small change should have been in order but definitly NOT Bruce Pritchard and not this extreme. Bringing in Terry Taylor to book with Paul Heyman would have been a better idea IMO.

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Guest Brian

And ECW wasn't that great. Heyman's always done a throw-things-out-there booking where he'll put out matches but alot of the stories will be weak and the elevation not there. If not for Dreamer and Raven's minds, he probably wouldn't have done as well there.


And everyone forgot to mention that Lagana, who was once an ECW mutant and fan of wrestling and has sitcom experience, is really the one being groomed for this position.

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Guest RedJed
SmackDown will be better off.

If you can think of any reasoning to make me understand that statement, go ahead.

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Guest Brian

Angle/Brock storyline has been totally one-sided, he's failed to really elevate someone (and before you say Brock, it's a typical McMahon big-man push), he's forced himself into the major storylines, and the cruiserweights are still stalled. Not to mention he recommended the HLA storyline for RAW.

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Guest Brian

This Lagana guy sounds like a good writer, and Pritchard sound like a good place for him to get a mentor since he already has that Heyman influence. And Heyman's never been able to put together a big money angle, relying moreso on show-to-show booking where he'll throw out a wrestling match but not build for a future.

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Guest Brian
I just have this feeling that they're making Angle a huge underdog only to have him shock everyone and actually win at WM.

Far too optimistic for me. I was jut hoping they'd put over Angle tonight.

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Guest EN090

And when was the last time Pritchard has put together a money-making angle? And Heyman hasn't elevated anyone? :lol: Puh-leeze... Benoit, Misterio, Matt Hardy, Big Show, Team Angle, Edge, etc. If someone like Pritchard (or any other one of McMahon's minions) was booking someone like Rey would probably have found a good home on Velocity.

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Guest sean pyro
I can see the meeting where hEyman was told that.


"Now Paul, we appreciate what you've done here. However, we feel that with your on-camera role, there is a risk of you putting your character in a better position due to your influence on the writing team. It is for this reason, in order to comfort and reassure the rest of the performers that their spot is safe, that we must remove you. We'd like to ask you to leave, please. Thank you.


Oh, hey Hunter!"


"I've-uh, got some-uh, ideas for my match with Steiner-uh."


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Far too optimistic for me. I was jut hoping they'd put over Angle tonight.

I was pretty pissed at that too. They market Team Angle as the best wrestlers in the company and tonight they had a 3 on 2 advantage and still lost? What the Fuck.

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Guest RedJed
Angle/Brock storyline has been totally one-sided, he's failed to really elevate someone (and before you say Brock, it's a typical McMahon big-man push), he's forced himself into the major storylines, and the cruiserweights are still stalled. Not to mention he recommended the HLA storyline for RAW.

Los Guererros




Rey (at times, the effort was there)

could go on and on......


I think you're missing the point that Heyman has all the intention in the world to elevate these talents and has done his best, but obviously has never had full out control.


If I could go on about the storys reported in the Observer about Heyman stepping in for the right causes for pushing the right guys, only to be undermined by McMahon or Johnny Ace (as another example) I would but its not worth it if theres a viewpoint that wont even give a small credence for Heyman as a writer.

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Guest Brian

Benoit's playing fodder to Team Angle. Los Guerreros aren't going anywhere. Cena hasn't moved up the card, just been given a chance to do what naturally works on the mic. Rey has stalled out. Until tonight, Matt's character didn't have direction.


And one of the Observer's main source is Heyman.

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Guest EN090
If I could go on about the storys reported in the Observer about Heyman stepping in for the right causes for pushing the right guys, only to be undermined by McMahon or Johnny Ace (as another example) I would but its not worth it if theres a viewpoint that wont even give a small credence for Heyman as a writer.


I completely agree. The Rey Misterio/Matt Hardy/Albert deal is a perfect example.


I've said that Heyman isn't perfect but if you're going to make a change atleast make a change for the better. Pritchard is not a change for the better.

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Guest Brian

And Pritchard's just serving to help out Lagana it looks like.


And besides all that, when has Heyman even booked for the future with the aforementioned guys.

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Guest EN090
Benoit's playing fodder to Team Angle. Los Guerreros aren't going anywhere. Cena hasn't moved up the card, just been given a chance to do what naturally works on the mic. Rey has stalled out. Until tonight, Matt's character didn't have direction.


And one of the Observer's main source is Heyman.


Dude, they can't be turned into complete main eventers overnight. Atleast they've been getting the chance. It wouldn't of happened if McMahon's minions would have been booking.

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Guest Austin3164life

It's too bad to hear of Heyman's demoting. It was obvious to me, and a lot of other folks, that Smackdown was easily the superior show, thanks to Heyman's solid booking. The WWE rarely gives a chance to guys like Heyman, but even when he gets it, they pull the plug. Damn. Here's hoping he replaces the Gerwitz bastard who writes Raw.

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Guest Brian

It's happened before. Fully Loaded 2000. King of the Ring 2001. Benoit was just put in there as fodder for Angle; placeholder for wrestling with no intent to give Benoit anything for the future. He's been shoved way back down now, to Team Angle.

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Guest EN090
And Pritchard's just serving to help out Lagana it looks like.


I believe it said that the two HEAD WRITERS would be Lagana and Pritchard.


And besides all that, when has Heyman even booked for the future with the aforementioned guys.


He's building for the future with young talent right now.


And when has Pritchard booked anything even remotely entertaining?

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Guest RedJed
Benoit's playing fodder to Team Angle. Los Guerreros aren't going anywhere. Cena hasn't moved up the card, just been given a chance to do what naturally works on the mic. Rey has stalled out. Until tonight, Matt's character didn't have direction.


And one of the Observer's main source is Heyman.


Dude, they can't be turned into complete main eventers overnight. Atleast they've been getting the chance. It wouldn't of happened if McMahon's minions would have been booking.

I was going to say the same thing.......that its easier said than done to elevate talent when you don't have the full book and then add in the obvious politics the company has. Just look at how ECW was at elevating guys into the main events and generally making the main event scene a constant cycle, not a circle.


Even if Heyman is an Observer source, that doesn't mean anything really, does it? What still has happened has happened.

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Guest Brian

When has Pritchard had sole possesion of the book?


How is he building for the future? What gives you any inclination that he's done anything for the long-term on RAW or SmackDown?

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Guest Brian

It means Heyman's doing a really good job feeding his side of news. Torch, Scherer, Observer. That's why everyone still think's he was writing just one show and the guy has never, ever done anything wrong. ::snickers::

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Guest RedJed

Well just off the top of my head, it seems like they will attempt to pencil in Cena in a long term feud with Lesnar.

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Guest RedJed
It means Heyman's doing a really good job feeding his side of news. Torch, Scherer, Observer. That's why everyone still think's he was writing just one show and the guy has never, ever done anything wrong. ::snickers::

So to backlash from the sheets you think everything he has done is wrong, correct?


Hey he's had some bad ideas, thats not the point here. He's defiantely done more good than bad for that show......I mean cmon you can't see that even in the wrestling element?

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Guest Brian

Not everything, but he deserves his fair share of blame. But nothing's really different from where it is earlier, in terms of long term plans. Basically what he's done is putwrestlers on there and allowed them to do their job, without much insight.


As for Cena, he's been played up as nothing more than a low mid-carder with mic work. That hardly sounds like a guy they'd put in a main evnt program. More like a transition feud, which does good for no one.

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Guest EN090
When has Pritchard had sole possesion of the book?


It was Pritchard, Cornette, and Patterson in 96 and we saw how well that went. Giving Pritchard full control would be suicide for WWE. And if you want to play that game, when was Heyman given full control?


How is he building for the future? What gives you any inclination that he's done anything for the long-term on RAW or SmackDown?


Gee, he had a long-term plan with Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy before getting screwed over by McMahon and his Hoss-lovin' minions.

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