Guest ZACK ATTACK~! Report post Posted February 27, 2003 hey guyz sory about the delay but i had some scehduling problemz - tehre was a city guyz maraton on WB~ LOL dun wory tho i borowed my freindz tape so letz get 2 it, shall we? TEH AWO IS DEAD LETZ CELEBRATE~!!!!~!!!! 1 - da show openz with bpp! member durin wargamez he was like "sandman, im sooooo gona kix your azz even tho da mathc is over!" so they brawled away well tehy jist got back! michael coal trys to get an intervu but bpp is all "im tired from kixing sandmans azz so hard go away" sandman getung hurt cant be a bad tihng ***** 2 - purrrrrrrrr.. therez a chick and shez MAAAAAAAAAAAD HOT DOOOOOOOOOODZ hahahahahaha that dork yguy is tryin to get a date with the hot chikc only bpp iz that slick of a dork but hez too tried to spit it ***** 3 - zsassz looks 2 be tryin to pis someone else off but REJECT~ REJECT~ BA GOD ITS REJECT~! as jr (a lame fat anouncer for wwe for thos who dont know smarkz like me make fun of him all teh time) woud say comes and says "imma kick you rassz at anglemanya ii bicth. zsaz is all "scerw you ill cheat cuz anglesalt sez so" FUKCIN AWO EVEN WHEN THEYRE DEAD THEYRE CAUSIN TROUBLE!!!! and reject is all "bring it bitch" and tehn zasz sez somethin about history class or some crap and kotzenguge and lose infernales ambush reject and pipick. i KNEW those guyz were workin togehter, f that shiz man. forrealz ***** 4 - reject & biug popa poppick vs boogie knights 2k3 (kotzgenguge & zoryn industrys) - ravez R gay! usualy smarkz liek me kno the crowd is b.s. and only chering for who theyre told 2 but tihs time they got it right LOL niec high (OMG I LUV SHOOT TYPOS THAT ARENT SUPPOSED 2 BE SHOOT TYPOS~) flying actin from htese guyz, but ther extasee pils mustve run out. or reject and popick are just that. damn. good. cuz they get da 1 2 3 ***** 5 - big pop popick beats the holy hell out of da boogie knights. he then chalenges sandman to a lights out macth in da parking lot. this is like in old indy feds were they couldnt call it hardcore cuz it was the 60s and that stuf was still ilegal. but once deep throat came out tehy changed the lawz so u could have hardcore macthes. nice to see bpp knows his history. but doez he know sandman? im woried bpp'll get hiz azz kixed but i still cant wait. as for da boogy knights? well theyre uh... uhh.... uh... uhh... stayin smacked-doooooooowwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnn-uh. yea yea yea LOL ***** 6 - as WAH WAH WAH TEH AWO IS DED U LITLE BABY IM SWITCHIN THE CHANNEL. knowing werstling promoterz today howevre (which as a smarkz i do) theyll probly be bakc in a month as "teh four beltshots" or "angle-lution" or some crap like dat LOL ok i lyed im such a deadicated wrestling fan i cant change da chanel. ill tel you what tho his promo is BO-RING! but he at least knowz to metnion MY MANI MAN ZACK TEH KING MACK, THE MOST PREPPIFYING MAN IN SPORTZ TODAY so i gota give him ***** for businezz sacvvy. plus he beat up a fan. ihope he getz fired for that, arested, and but-raped by all the peepz in prison who hatez AWO and know how much as sux. 7 - sandman - sandman is beinga lil bicth as usual. hes got both tag beltz on a technicalite and he wont even defned them. OMG WTF?! if i was bil wattz id fier his hazz or suspend him or something, cuz da beltz need to go on a real taem liek dream machinez of miracel wierdnezz conection. angelmania ii is gona sux without tab gelts. thanz a lot sandman, cant wait to se bpp kix yo azz next week. i cant deny sandman cutz good promoz tho tho i mean here i am a smarkz and im actualy hating him and eating out of his hand. next thing u know ill be a dumb-azz markz and cheer a notalent like hogan or da purist LOL ***** 8 - miracel wierdness tagteam 30000000 vs LOSE infernales - i dun think enuf atention is given to mystery esikmo & jyingis. most markz are all "tehy had the titlez a long time but lost em now so they must sux." whatever they stil got it, unlike lose infernales, who sux so bad now they even hate each other, as evidecned bhy spiderpoet not helping dandy out of teh frostbite facelock. im glad tehy taped and lost but what up wid that sp? dandy couldve ben really hurt you dick. i bet tehse guyz are gona feud at angelmamnia, aftre wich imk geusing dandyll be face. which is good cuz i alwayz liked him beter anyway ***** 9 - OMG~! IT'S THE SUPERSTAR~! he kix tonyz azz for ovreshadowing him. this is so true, i know superstar recently gaev this huge crazy m,ad speech on his webstie (his real name, no its not suprestar what are you a markz LOL its on how he hatez da internet smarkz forever cuz soime dick at the werstling porch sad his macthes with angelsault sux but i luv you superstar! i beleive your being held down cuz you had a bucnh of titel shots so you coud be buried by as and his politix. f that. push this man now! ***** 10 - whoa! its vicne russo! hey u dix i know who u are and im not even 14 LOL tihs guy runed wwf, wcw, ecw, nwa:tna, ewr and swf. i hoep d abrass is smart and only havin him as a storyline charactre and not a real bookre. i dun wanna see OAOAST die! hez gona fued with da purist n jim cornet? cmon guyz hes not that bad... he runs off alundry list of all the suxy werstlers he made (and HotNEWZ~!, his only good creation) then says hez startin a new stable wit puro. OMG PURO~!!!! this is the super-bestest-most-technical-gratest-wrestilng ever. smarkz like me love it so this newz is awesome, and by awesome i mean totaly sweet... as long az they dont bring in any puros who sux. yea amazing as it soundz they have a couple dumb suxy werstlers in japan too. like jubuki. keep him out but hey OAOAST if yer listening bring in awesome workerz like KEN THE BOX and that roboti taht sels cars. i mean come on hes alredy got two gimmiks - robot AND car salsmen LOL ***** 11 - dream machines vs da originals - excelent match, but given whose imvolvde is there any doubt? id love to see dream machines vs miracel weirdness vs ordiginals vs boogie knites 2k3 at angelmania. wihc of corse isnt gona happen cuz sandman is a stupid dix and wont put the tag titelz on da line. the brass wil probably give something stupid like sandman vs as for both tag titelz or knowing their cokctale boking theyll forget and just haev LOSE infernalz be refromed out of the blue and magikly with da tag titels. gawd, why cant da bookerz be smarkz like me? id get it all perfect. oh whoa taht HOOOOOOOOOOOT chick from erliaer is there 2. and the stupid ref is woried with peter kinght instead of da match. i gess da dream machines realy are geting held down, wich makes this a SHOOT storyline LOL but in a sad ironik way.... PUSH DRAEM MACHINES~! ***** 12 - fatle foreway - tuhnderkid vs jailbate vs andrewisntmyhero (LOL) vs brrrrocckkkk aussstinnnnn - jalebait getz buired again. pined in da first two seconds of the macth. is that even physicly posible?!?!?!! damn this guyz getting buried, he asked for a titel shot and he gets it but is pined in DA FIRST TWO SECONDS OMG WTF?! mmmmmm.... cookies...... distarcts the genectically enginered super-hoss brock austin (as oposed to de freakihsly mutatesd super-hoss jingis LOL) and a shot to teh head causes him to tos his cookies (LOL) and lose da macth. next up is thunderkid and andewzyourhero, whod uke it out but since thunderkid has heat bakcstage for not showing up to some house shows he gets driled with a hero driver, or as we smarkz call it, the "i dont have heat cuz i actualy show up on time to every show driver" for the 12 3! ***** i hoep thunderkids not addicted to steriods or pufz da ganga and gest his self togehter so we can see him soon. 13 - el dandy and spiedrpoet get in an arugment, and spiederpoet blamz dandy when he didnt even save dandy! what a dix... im starin to warm up to dandy. maybe one half of lose infernales is still en fuego after all LOL ***** 14 - ZACK F'N MALIBU vs spiderpot - yea like spideropoet has a chance aftre zack DESTROYED THE AWO FOR GOOD the nite before. nice action here, progression first with regular stuff, chops whoooooo! whoooooooo! whoooooooo! and spiderpote is red like da real spiederman LOL and zack goes up up and awaym, skining cats (dont worry peta thats a werstling move LOL) high flyin putting up nees, THE MOST DETENTIONIFYING MOVE IN SPORTZ TODAY DA SCHOOLZ OUT~! and generally stylin, profilin, and kixing ass in the most preppified popular awesomest way. oh yea spiderpoet dose stuff too, like LOSE~! he desrves it aftre that shiz with el dadny. but realy, againt zack did he evre have a chance? no. ***** for the efort anyway, hope dandy kix your azz kid. 15 - OMG~! IT'S THE SUPERSTAR~! and hes SHOOTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I LOVE THIS MAN!!!!! hey wtf is da crowd booing for? hes only teling da truth. i kno your probaly not gona see tihs cuz you hate da internet and all but i sent you a card superstar! i realy did! it sux you never got it. tony porbly stole it 2 make u feel worse LOL sad but tru. tonyz way past his prime, no hogan yet but ill be glad 2 see u kix his azzz. actualy i think sadnman is rite, even during tonys prime in the '50s in nritwf (no reds in this wrestilng fed) and '60s at flafb (free love and freeer beatingz, smarkz like me kno it as da first ppv in hitsory on old uhf tapes) and latre in da indyz he was caried by his tag partner or oponent (wich was realy painful when he fought abdulah for the plus this makes superstar a heeel again! i hoep he gets da belt and finaly gets 2 be a real main eventre. i beleieve in u!!!! ***** 16 - bpp n zack have a lil chit chat aparently bpp and sandman werent just braling last nite. damn sandmanz a freak i dont eve wana know. tmi tmi tmi, and i normaly dont rate that kinda stuff but ZACK WAS THERE~! is tih s a hint at a zack and bpp fued? ill chekc HotNEWZ~! latre ***** 17 - evenfloserDDT vs alfdogg - a lot of peepz online think alfdoggs lost it but i still think hes just incredibel in the ring! evenflow is bragin about how he hepled the AWO. they lost dipsiht get ovre yourself. he even makes is tound like zack randomly screwz peepz. hes OAOAST thru and thru, just cuz you sux now its not his problem. anyway evenflow has to MAD CHEAT with chairsohts and even KNOCKS OUT THE REF......ON PURPOES!!!!! anbd he doesnt even get dqd WTF? just be a man and loes to the beter man, someone just more incredible than you. i haet screwjobs in da main event, but alfdogg trid and gota give him credit for playin fair and throwin it right back at evenflow. glad to see da bookerz havent forgot just how incredibel alf is ***** whew! this was possibly the bestest most awesomest (and by taht i mean most toatly sweetest) intesnzesone in a wile. for that and comin stron goff da ppv i gosta give it ***** i cant wait til road to anglemania ii, and... well, anglemania. next week on iz, a dream macth: ZACK THE KING MACK MALIBU vs. evenflowDDT! trivia, tihs is technialy a dream REmatch but dont tell da bookerz. only smarkz like me woud kno anyway. til next time, keep it real Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted February 27, 2003 I only read the review of Infernales/MWC . . . that might go in my quote. ZACK ATTACK officially gives HOT NEWZWIRE a run for his money! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted February 27, 2003 Yes ZACK ATTACK~ has gotten very funny over recent weeks. Hot NewzWire vs ZACK ATTACK~ at ANGLEMANIA II~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted February 27, 2003 holy shit, id love to have that match and btw is tih s a hint at a zack and bpp fued? ill chekc HotNEWZ~! latre someones smart Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Superstar Report post Posted February 27, 2003 9 - OMG~! IT'S THE SUPERSTAR~! he kix tonyz azz for ovreshadowing him. this is so true, i know superstar recently gaev this huge crazy m,ad speech on his webstie (his real name, no its not suprestar what are you a markz LOL its on how he hatez da internet smarkz forever cuz soime dick at the werstling porch sad his macthes with angelsault sux but i luv you superstar! i beleive your being held down cuz you had a bucnh of titel shots so you coud be buried by as and his politix. f that. push this man now! ***** 15 - OMG~! IT'S THE SUPERSTAR~! and hes SHOOTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I LOVE THIS MAN!!!!! hey wtf is da crowd booing for? hes only teling da truth. i kno your probaly not gona see tihs cuz you hate da internet and all but i sent you a card superstar! i realy did! it sux you never got it. tony porbly stole it 2 make u feel worse LOL sad but tru. tonyz way past his prime, no hogan yet but ill be glad 2 see u kix his azzz. actualy i think sadnman is rite, even during tonys prime in the '50s in nritwf (no reds in this wrestilng fed) and '60s at flafb (free love and freeer beatingz, smarkz like me kno it as da first ppv in hitsory on old uhf tapes) and latre in da indyz he was caried by his tag partner or oponent (wich was realy painful when he fought abdulah for the plus this makes superstar a heeel again! i hoep he gets da belt and finaly gets 2 be a real main eventre. i beleieve in u!!!! ***** I love this man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kingpk Report post Posted February 27, 2003 PUSH DRAEM MACHINES~! ***** As do I. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ZACK ATTACK~! Report post Posted February 28, 2003 is tih s a hint at a zack and bpp fued? ill chekc HotNEWZ~! latre someones smart tehy dont call us smart-markz (what smarkz standz for... markz cuz we stil luv werstling forever * smart cuz see? were smart and kno beter abuot whose getin held down and da best cuz we raed it on da intrenet, not cuz da pormoters tellz us what 2 think) for npothin... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites