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Guest Dangerous A

A couple of problems I have with the upcoming

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Guest Dangerous A

There are a couple of concerns I have regarding the upcoming Rock/Austin matchup at WM



1) The motivations for their matchup. This matchup is being brought to us because of the stupid Raw X anniversary award for Wrestler of the Decade? Did enough people even tune in to see who won? If this is the reasoning behind the match, it is the weakest buildup for these 2 guys in their history. (I blame lack of long term planning for this)


2)Is Austin going to be in shape to have a halfway decent match? While I know it's been chronicled that Austin has been in the gym and weightroom keeping his body up, it's no substitute for being in the ring. I know Rock is fine, but is Austin since he appeared to a little heavier and winded after his beatdown of Bischoff. Will this match be up to par with their other good matches? Austin's conditioning puts this in doubt.


3) With Austin feuding with Rock, isn't the "what-ing" going to potentially overshadow Rock's mic work? This is my biggest concern. Rock is on fire right now with his promos and the last thing WWE needs right now is the crowd and Austin "what-ing" the hell out of Rock while he tries his damndest to sell this match via the microphone.




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Guest HartFan86
1) The motivations for their matchup. This matchup is being brought to us because of the stupid Raw X anniversary award for Wrestler of the Decade? Did enough people even tune in to see who won? If this is the reasoning behind the match, it is the weakest buildup for these 2 guys in their history. (I blame lack of long term planning for this)

I've got a feeling they'll be busting out the Mania 15 and 17 footage and Rock is jealous cause Austin's kicked his ass at Mania twice.

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Guest Choken One

I don't think Raw X is the real sell of the match, I would have to expect McMahon to play SOME hand in it.


They already have a LOOONG deep history dating back to Late 1997, So it isn't really an new fued...more of an continuation of one.


I really don't think Austin will have ANY problem getting ready for an Major Main event match at Mania...He has Five weeks of Raw and House Shows to get warmed up and rusted out. Austin's done this before, so he has that advantage. I really don't think the "rust" will be a factor here...


As for the Whating? It's been beaten before...Remember HHH used to pace the interview good enough to curb the What's and YOU know Rock will be able to shut up the what's because he is a total performer.


Anyone find it interesting that Rock's first TWO shows happen to occur in Arena's where he was massively booed? Perfect timing huh?

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Guest HartFan86

Good point, Choken One. The Rock's promo skills are so creative that he'll find a way so they shut up.

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Guest Dangerous A
Good point, Choken One. The Rock's promo skills are so creative that he'll find a way so they shut up.

I'll believe it when I see it. I really am hoping for the "what-ing" to die out permanantly, but I really don't want Rock's promo work to get overshadowed by the pavlovian dogs. Hopefully Austin can also work a promo without using "what". If not, I'll just be seeing the same stale character I saw last June.

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Guest ShooterJay

One problem: Rock's gonna job to Austin AGAIN. For the simple fact that Austin's staying, Rock ain't.


I like Rock/Austin matches, but do they always have to be a foregone conclusion?

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Guest wwF1587
There are a couple of concerns I have regarding the upcoming Rock/Austin matchup at WM



1) The motivations for their matchup. This matchup is being brought to us because of the stupid Raw X anniversary award for Wrestler of the Decade? Did enough people even tune in to see who won? If this is the reasoning behind the match, it is the weakest buildup for these 2 guys in their history. (I blame lack of long term planning for this)


2)Is Austin going to be in shape to have a halfway decent match? While I know it's been chronicled that Austin has been in the gym and weightroom keeping his body up, it's no substitute for being in the ring. I know Rock is fine, but is Austin since he appeared to a little heavier and winded after his beatdown of Bischoff. Will this match be up to par with their other good matches? Austin's conditioning puts this in doubt.


3) With Austin feuding with Rock, isn't the "what-ing" going to potentially overshadow Rock's mic work? This is my biggest concern. Rock is on fire right now with his promos and the last thing WWE needs right now is the crowd and Austin "what-ing" the hell out of Rock while he tries his damndest to sell this match via the microphone.




1) They are going to bring up alot of points in this match... RAW X is just the tip of iceberg.... The new Rock will bring up alot of crap thats botherin him.. Austin will probably touch on what the Rock said in reference to him to get the F out..


2) Austin looked a little heavier at NWO but I am pretty sure he will be doing some in ring work and practice before the match.. he has to.. its WM and its a big match... if he looks weak or rusted its gonna hurt him


3) This is probably my biggest worry as well...I hope austin doesnt bring back the whats either .. they are funny occassionally... but more annoying than anything.. It will also hurt the effect Rock promos have if the crowd chants what every five seconds... NO WHATs during promos... maybe when austin is "stomping a mudhole" in his opponent its ok but...

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Guest Youth N Asia

but since Rocky is looking to bail again after Mania, will he go over? or will Austin go 3-0 on him?


As much as they love Rocky, his mania record blows. 2-3

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Guest Redhawk

They couldn't take their chances and long-term book this feud, because it was never 100% certain that Austin would even come back. He might've had to go to jail, could have gotten too out of shape, or just not felt like it. So I don't blame them for that.


Being from Seattle, the only thing I'm really worried about is Rock not getting a lot of heel heat at WM. Because WWE comes here so little (like, once a year) fans pop for anyone who's popular and isn't a career heel. I remember at the last RAW they had up here (before SummerSlam), Triple H got a huge face pop and had to cut a promo in order to get back into being a heel. Kurt Angle also got a face pop the next night. Even Vince McMahon got a face pop. So I think Rock will get a lot more babyface heat in Seattle at WM than they want.

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Guest Choken One

Exactly How long is Rock slated to Stay? U all make it sound like like He is gone the day after Mania... I thought he was staying for about 3 months...If he IS leaving right away...Might as well add hype to the match by making it a "Retirement" Match...Think about how HOT that would be from an Mark standpoint...You have the whole "What does Rock stand to lose, He has an Career waiting for him, Wrestling is Austin's livilhood" silent sell.

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Guest iamsherm
Being from Seattle, the only thing I'm really worried about is Rock not getting a lot of heel heat at WM. Because WWE comes here so little (like, once a year) fans pop for anyone who's popular and isn't a career heel. I remember at the last RAW they had up here (before SummerSlam), Triple H got a huge face pop and had to cut a promo in order to get back into being a heel. Kurt Angle also got a face pop the next night. Even Vince McMahon got a face pop. So I think Rock will get a lot more babyface heat in Seattle at WM than they want.

I don't see that being a problem. Hogan got cheered at Wrestlemania X-8 and it was still a memorable match. Besides, even if Rock gets a huge pop at the entrance, I'm sure both he and Austin will manage to get the fans behind Austin just through their wrestling.


JR used to talk about "telling a story" all the time in his Ross Reports. I think this is what he was referring to. You would have two of the best "storytellers" in the ring.

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Guest iamsherm
If he IS leaving right away...Might as well add hype to the match by making it a "Retirement" Match...Think about how HOT that would be from an Mark standpoint...You have the whole "What does Rock stand to lose, He has an Career waiting for him, Wrestling is Austin's livilhood" silent sell.

That sounds good in theory, but as many times as the WWE has had retirement matches over the years only to bring the retired back a few months later kind of kills the whole mystique.


If Rock were to lose a retirement match, we all know he would be back someday anyways.

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Guest Youth N Asia
If he IS leaving right away...Might as well add hype to the match by making it a "Retirement" Match...Think about how HOT that would be from an Mark standpoint...You have the whole "What does Rock stand to lose, He has an Career waiting for him, Wrestling is Austin's livilhood" silent sell.

That sounds good in theory, but as many times as the WWE has had retirement matches over the years only to bring the retired back a few months later kind of kills the whole mystique.


If Rock were to lose a retirement match, we all know he would be back someday anyways.

A "Loser Leaves WWE" Match could make it interesting...mostly just for seeing the guys try and mess with the other leading up to the big match. Mind games, sneak attacks and whatnot.

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Guest Choken One
If he IS leaving right away...Might as well add hype to the match by making it a "Retirement" Match...Think about how HOT that would be from an Mark standpoint...You have the whole "What does Rock stand to lose, He has an Career waiting for him, Wrestling is Austin's livilhood" silent sell.

That sounds good in theory, but as many times as the WWE has had retirement matches over the years only to bring the retired back a few months later kind of kills the whole mystique.


If Rock were to lose a retirement match, we all know he would be back someday anyways.

Here is the difference...You are thinking in your SM mode...I am trying to sell it from an Mark perpective.


The marks will easily believe that Rock would actually retire because he "already has Hollywood"...So it wouldn't be like Flair or Foley when that were their only purpose and desire was to Perform in the ring.


Besides, Rock is slated to be gone for another good 6-9 months...So it would actually be an pretty long hiatus in terms of "Retirements".


It would just ADD to the match if they do go with Retirement match in the mark's mind... Rock could easily cut an "Screw the Fans, The Rock doesn't need Rasslin to be famous, I'm already the BIGGEST star in Hollywood" promo video the night after...Then Austin comes out and CUTS his OWN version of "Get the F out" to rock...in a twist of cosmic karma.


Then you can have HHH/Austin set up for KOTR (WWE will need a HUGE angle for it's first RAW exclusive ppv) and it doesn't even need the title to be involved to be important because then You could have Booker/Jericho for KOTR and Jericho can "RECLAIM" his title and have an Summer slam fued with Austin...Austin wins the title...Such an easy thing to build and contruct...

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Guest Trivia247

Its interesting how even though Rock claimed the WWE to be his home, a few months later after filming his third movie role, which the movie being called HELLDORADO...just Screams Oscar winner doesn't it? I don't see why build him up only for him to leave. He claim that he is NOW leaving the WWE for good after this final run, if thats the case, Vince better do what he always does to Leaving Superstars who tried to go on top...BURY them and BURN THE BRIDGES...discredit him so badly on WWE tv that it damages his credibility anywhere else. It was done before, to Hogan, to Macho Man, to Hall Nash, and Bret Hart. Through Skits, through tongue n cheek references during talking Segments. Talkin about the Lex Express with a flat tire... Wonder when the Scorpion King jokes will start to come out after Rock is gone?


its a claim of consistancy if Rock gets a smooth exit, then that means he was better than those of his peers that left and were mocked.


basically makes no sense building him up for the fans just to see him walk off.


and hell, Rock made some Smark converts into mark hood, in his promos hehe

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Guest Redhawk

The problem with that is most people don't buy into the loser actually leaving. We've already seen Mick Foley lose TWO retirement matches and still come back, and that was just in 2000.

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Guest Trivia247
The problem with that is most people don't buy into the loser actually leaving. We've already seen Mick Foley lose TWO retirement matches and still come back, and that was just in 2000.

Mic Left as a Wrestler compacity after WM 2000 then was limited to on Air roles. I don't mind that.....


Randy Savage went through two Loser leave Retirement Career ending matches in the WWF and he lost Both of them and manage to return.


Roddy piper fought his "LAST" WWF Match.... Against Adrian Adonis in WM3...and his Last real WM match was at WM12


I think Mick out of most wrestlers who do that type of stipulation more or less truly stuck by it, he is all but totally gone from the wrestling business being a writer and occassional Tv job for that English Battle bots ripoff or whatever he wants to do.

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Guest iamsherm
If he IS leaving right away...Might as well add hype to the match by making it a "Retirement" Match...Think about how HOT that would be from an Mark standpoint...You have the whole "What does Rock stand to lose, He has an Career waiting for him, Wrestling is Austin's livilhood" silent sell.

That sounds good in theory, but as many times as the WWE has had retirement matches over the years only to bring the retired back a few months later kind of kills the whole mystique.


If Rock were to lose a retirement match, we all know he would be back someday anyways.


It would just ADD to the match if they do go with Retirement match in the mark's mind... Rock could easily cut an "Screw the Fans, The Rock doesn't need Rasslin to be famous, I'm already the BIGGEST star in Hollywood" promo video the night after...Then Austin comes out and CUTS his OWN version of "Get the F out" to rock...in a twist of cosmic karma.

I'm still leary (leery?) of whether the "mark" would buy into a retirement. Your average wrestling fan these days isn't as out of the loop as, say, Joe Wrestling Fan from 10 years ago. Still, it's better than the trite injury angle they seem to do everytime somebody needs time off, so I say go for it.


Just please, WWE, spare me the "Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hey, Hey, Hey Goodbye" song, alright?

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Guest Choken One
Its interesting how even though Rock claimed the WWE to be his home, a few months later after filming his third movie role, which the movie being called HELLDORADO...just Screams Oscar winner doesn't it? I don't see why build him up only for him to leave. He claim that he is NOW leaving the WWE for good after this final run, if thats the case, Vince better do what he always does to Leaving Superstars who tried to go on top...BURY them and BURN THE BRIDGES...discredit him so badly on WWE tv that it damages his credibility anywhere else. It was done before, to Hogan, to Macho Man, to Hall Nash, and Bret Hart. Through Skits, through tongue n cheek references during talking Segments. Talkin about the Lex Express with a flat tire... Wonder when the Scorpion King jokes will start to come out after Rock is gone?


its a claim of consistancy if Rock gets a smooth exit, then that means he was better than those of his peers that left and were mocked.


basically makes no sense building him up for the fans just to see him walk off.


and hell, Rock made some Smark converts into mark hood, in his promos hehe

Do you even realize that McMahon is still going to profit from The Rock even if he never steps foot in an WWE ring again? Why would he purposely try to damage the reputation of one of his very few remaining money makers?


as for the foley statement...


Once again, think in a Mark mindset.... here...


The Marks could easily buy into the Rock actually being retired if they see him on E.T and Access Hollywood all the time with his movie making.


The rock is totally different then Piper, Foley and Savage...The Rock really doesn't NEED Wrestling anymore. he already has an set foot as an Hollywood star at least as either an Arnold or a little lesser as an Van Damme. The marks know that Rock doesn't need Wrestling anymore, which would make his "retirement" all the more realistic.

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Guest Redhawk
Mic Left as a Wrestler compacity after WM 2000 then was limited to on Air roles. I don't mind that.....


I'm talking about how Foley lost a Pink Slip on a Pole Match to The Rock in January of 2000; came back; lost a Retirement Match at No Way Out (Hell in a Cell) to HHH in Febraury; came back; then wrestled AGAIN at Wrestlemania.

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Guest creativename
Once again, think in a Mark mindset.... here...


The Marks could easily buy into the Rock actually being retired if they see him on E.T and Access Hollywood all the time with his movie making.

Yes, exactly. Which is why a retirement/loser leaves town match would make the result of Ausin-Rock even more of a foregone conclusion, since they all know Rock is supposed to leave again eventually anyway. You'd be hardpressed to find the mark who thought that Rock had a chance in hell if that were the case. This would lower interest for the match, and draw less money than otherwise. At least most marks would have some modicum of doubt as things stand now.

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Guest caboose
Mic Left as a Wrestler compacity after WM 2000 then was limited to on Air roles. I don't mind that.....


I'm talking about how Foley lost a Pink Slip on a Pole Match to The Rock in January of 2000; came back; lost a Retirement Match at No Way Out (Hell in a Cell) to HHH in Febraury; came back; then wrestled AGAIN at Wrestlemania.

The Pink Slip On A Pole was not a 'retirement' it was a 'firing'. Mick was simply 'rehired' in storylines when Rocky led a revolt against the McMahon-Helmsley Era.

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Guest Brian

Like I've said before, Austin has a ring in his house and knowing he would at some point come back, he's probably worked out a little in it, just enough to get his feet wet.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I have No Problem at all with Rock Vs Austin at WM.


1) It's Exciting


2) It's not for a Title


3) Rock is playing the Heel


4) You can expect AT LEAST a Decent Match


5) It's special when these Two get together. It's not like they Feud or Wrestle each other regular basis and then get thrown back together on the big shows also.


I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy this feud without looking into everything too much.


At this point, I'm more interested in whom Bischoff "Welcoming Committee" is next week for Austin.


Rock has his own thing going with Austin. Evolution have their own thing going with Booker, Steiner, etc,.


Who else can it be?


Please don't Say Goldberg. :angry:

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Guest iamsherm

Judging by RAW over the past few months, that welcoming committee will probably just be in the form of a handicap match with 3 Minute Warning and Rico.

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Guest Lord of The Curry
1) The motivations for their matchup. This matchup is being brought to us because of the stupid Raw X anniversary award for Wrestler of the Decade? Did enough people even tune in to see who won? If this is the reasoning behind the match, it is the weakest buildup for these 2 guys in their history. (I blame lack of long term planning for this)

Well, in the past we've seen Angle and Benoit fight over laughing at each other, Eddy fighting Edge because he's "jealous" of him, HHH fight Kane over a dead body that was violated and Dawn Marie and Torrie Wilson have a four month feud over an old fuck named Al.


This Raw X shit is ratings gold compared to all that.

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Guest Brian

Is it really that hard to build up Rock/Austin? The feud practically will write itself and it's got tons of backstory to work on.

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Guest Redhawk
Mic Left as a Wrestler compacity after WM 2000 then was limited to on Air roles. I don't mind that.....


I'm talking about how Foley lost a Pink Slip on a Pole Match to The Rock in January of 2000; came back; lost a Retirement Match at No Way Out (Hell in a Cell) to HHH in Febraury; came back; then wrestled AGAIN at Wrestlemania.

The Pink Slip On A Pole was not a 'retirement' it was a 'firing'. Mick was simply 'rehired' in storylines when Rocky led a revolt against the McMahon-Helmsley Era.

I know it was a firing instead of a retirement, but the announcers still went on for those few weeks like, "We'll never see Mick Foley again," just like they would with a retirement match. The point is they can't sell, "So-and-so is gone for good," story anymore, because they ALWAYS come back.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I don't care what kind of gimmick/match/stipulation or angle or promo they use, I'll be marking out and 100% Rock if they actually do the thing.


The guy's ringwork looks kinda dumb against Benoit & Guererro (but who's doesn't?) but Rock/Foley was made me sit down and go "Whoa." and Rock/Austin made me buy PPVs. For Rock to job a fourth time, to an angry near-40 guy who claims he'll play ball with guys on his own time.... :throwup:

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