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Guest Dmann2000

Ya know, I like Stephanie now...

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Guest AndrewTS
i agree she has gotten a little "bigger" and that her voice should of been the thing that killed the aliens in the movie "MARS ATTACKS!" cause its annoying as hell but she is still pretty damn hot... that makes me hate HHH even more...

I hate Steph's voice too, but Kathy Ireland in the movie "Alien from L.A." (an episode of MST3K too) beats Steph's voice in shrillness and annoyingness hands down.

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Guest Coffey

Any man who wouldn't bang Steph if the opportunity arose is gay in my books. That's all I have to say about that.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Yeah, I seriously think that years of being exposed to (generally) incredibly and unrealistically thin and/or ideal women has clouded many a fan's mind as to what is actually attractive. As Jago said, not a damn one of you would pass up the opportunity if given it.

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Guest notJames

Sorry, guys, but I'll take a pass on the billion-dollar heifer. You've got to be kidding yourself if you think her increasing cellulite content isn't monstrously grotesque. That, or your standards are much more... generous than mine.


And contrary to Jago and others' assumptions, I think having a wife and son would constitute that I'm not of the homosexual persuasion.


Speaking of which, from everyone's favourite IWC whipping boy, SKeith:


"Note to HHH: It’s time to stop lying to yourself. If you like to fuck muscle-bound women in the ass, you’re gay."


It's true, it's damn true.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I don't know why everyone is saying Steph is "Muscle Bound?"


She looks quite plump to me.


But I'd still hit it.

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Guest notJames

I think she's taken to working out her arms and back more in order to accomodate her "acquired assets". She's much broader than she used to be. There's still layers of fat there, but you can almost make out the muscle mass when she's not moving faster than 0.5 miles an hour.

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Guest Youth N Asia

It's not the question of to hit it, or not to hit it...I'd hit it. I just think she's as boring as shit right now.

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Guest Trivia247
It's not the question of to hit it, or not to hit it...I'd hit it. I just think she's as boring as shit right now.

as oppose to when she was more exciting when she was Screetching around

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Guest Youth N Asia
It's not the question of to hit it, or not to hit it...I'd hit it. I just think she's as boring as shit right now.

as oppose to when she was more exciting when she was Screetching around

No, as opposed to years ago when she wasn't a face one week, a heel the next, then a face two weeks later. They can't make up their minds what they want her to do.


That is what I meant.

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Guest AndrewTS
Yeah, I seriously think that years of being exposed to (generally) incredibly and unrealistically thin and/or ideal women has clouded many a fan's mind as to what is actually attractive. As Jago said, not a damn one of you would pass up the opportunity if given it.

I'm a Molly fan, but I hate Steph. So that shoots your theory to hell right there.


Jago: Sure, call me gay. However, when I see Steph, I hear an annoying voice, I see unappealing body, a sure-fire bitch, and she looks like her dad--even has the chin. *shudder* I think that just makes me normal.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Was it just me or did it seem like Stephanie's screen time went up considerably this week now that Heyman's not the main writer on Smackdown.

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A year ago, I thought Stephanie was seriously THE hottest chick in the federation. But now....I don't know, I just don't like her as much. Her arms are seriously meaty, her boobs are....uniquely-shaped, and she's got a decent-sized gut. Plus, sometimes, certain camera shots make her nose look like a snout.


Don't get me wrong, I'd definitely bang her if given the opportunity. But she is nowhere near as hot as she was a year ago.

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Guest Coffey
Yeah, I seriously think that years of being exposed to (generally) incredibly and unrealistically thin and/or ideal women has clouded many a fan's mind as to what is actually attractive. As Jago said, not a damn one of you would pass up the opportunity if given it.

I'm a Molly fan, but I hate Steph. So that shoots your theory to hell right there.


Jago: Sure, call me gay. However, when I see Steph, I hear an annoying voice, I see unappealing body, a sure-fire bitch, and she looks like her dad--even has the chin. *shudder* I think that just makes me normal.


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Guest hardyz1

I've always thought Steph was hot. Then two weeks ago I was watching Velocity and they showed a replay from Smackdown (I don't get UPN here) of the segment with Angle and the rose. I was saddened to see her in a much less hot state than I fondly recalled.

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