Guest Choken One Report post Posted March 1, 2003 This should be an fun game to play… What we Do is simply this…I will provide a list of 50 Wrestlers…Some current, Some past and some deceased. What I want you to do is this….Only using these superstars ONCE and No more then 4 Tag Team Matches...create the perfect card... Gimmick matches are only allowed once but no Multiple singles matches (3Way, 4Way, Royals, Etc) Assume that these 50 guys are all in their primes… Use all 50 wrestlers in your card *Note*-This list contains ONLY North American Super Stars…Sorry, Puro elitists. The Rock Ric Flair Triple H Steve Austin Bret Hart Ricky Steamboat Hulk Hogan Randy Savage Shawn Michaels Sting Mankind (Or any variation of Mick Foley) Chris Jericho Chris Benoit Kurt Angle Vader Rob Van Dam Undertaker Kane Eddy Guerrero Rey Mysterio Brock Lesnar Lex Luger Arn Anderson Scott Steiner Jeff Jarrett Sid Booker T Edge Jeff Hardy Kevin Nash Scott Hall Shane Douglas Dean Melenko Terry Funk Owen Hart Brian Pillman Mr. Perfect British Bulldog Andre the Giant Ted Dibiase Roddy Piper Test X-Pac Warrior Dynamite Kid Bobby Eaton Tazz Raven Greg Valentine Tito Santana Make your DREAM card… Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Rob Edwards Report post Posted March 1, 2003 Main Event Rock Vs Steve Austin - with them both in their primes this would Rock, also gives the event an epic feel Ric Flair/Rick Steamboat Vs Chris Benoit/Dynamite Kid - do you actually need a reason for this one? Ted Dibiase Vs Eddy Guerrero - Battle of the super heels Mr Perfect/Chris Jericho Vs Owen Hart/Davey Boy - just think this one would be fun Vader Vs Randy Savage - Face Savage working up to heel vader Triple H Vs Hulk Hogan - with them both in their primes even the Backlash main event could be good X- Pac Vs Brian Pillman - cos you need a jniors match on there somewhere Terry Funk VS Shawn Michaels Vs Kurt Angle Vs Sting in some kind of elimimination deal Should make an entertaining show I think Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted March 1, 2003 I should've made it clearer...I meant for ALL 50 wrestlers to be included... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted March 1, 2003 EDIT: And now that I post this, I see your new post that you want me to use all 50 guys. I'm not old-sk00l enough to know them all, but I put so much thought into this that I'm not going to just delete my post I don't know some of these guys and some I know more than others, so I'll try and improvise and make a few matches with guys I know. You said they're all in perfectly fine shape, and I'll assume politics won't get in the way, so in no particular order: Hardcore: Kurt Angle vs Mankind (Angle can get brutal with the best, see KOTR w/ Shane) Chris Jericho vs Randy Savage TLC: Shawn Michaels & Rey Mysterio vs Jeff Hardy & Brian Pillman (TLC works better with 3 teams but oh well. I saw Superbrawl II recently and Pillman is so awesome in that CW match that he could work miracles and cover up Hardy's spotfest workrate for sure.) Rowdy Roddy Piper vs Brock Lesnar (Piper jobbing makes me sad, but Piper giving Donkey Kong a poke in the eyes during the Bearhug From Hell makes me happy.) Ironman Match: Chris Benoit vs Ricky Steamboat Dynamite Kid vs Owen Hart (no particular reason than because I can, dammit) WCW Title: Ric Flair vs Sting Andre The Giant vs Test (because EVERY card needs a really big dude squashing someone ) Steve Austin vs Mr. Perfect WWF Title: Bret Hart vs Hulk Hogan (as much as I poke fun at Bret, he really did deserve some sort of proper rub if they wanted to carry the company on his back) I guess a lot of this stuff is old school dude vs new school dude, but everything else I could think of was stupid shit. In conclusion, I have to wonder why the hell you put Test on your list. Jesus Christ, at least replace him with Backlund or Rick Rude or even Goldberg or something. At least those guys were over at one point. Test has not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted March 1, 2003 I mainly did that for shits and giggles...See where people would put him at... Your list is pretty interesting...never expected Piper/Brock I must say...TWO totally different styles... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted March 1, 2003 Bah, you know why I did that? Because Hogan and Piper went at it so many times, and every time Piper got in Hogan's bearhug, he'd poke Hogan in the eyes and get out. And when they did Lesnar vs Hogan leading up to Summerslam and the announcers were building up Hogan as some kind of wily veteran, Brock got Hogan in the bearhug. And even though I never expected or wanted Hogan to win the thing, I was rooting for Hogan to channel Piper and poke Brock in the eyes. Didn't happen, doh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted March 1, 2003 I decided to set an example...Here is MY dream card using ALL 50 of the wrestlers... Main Event Hulk Hogan Vs Steve Austin Bret Hart Vs Chris Benoit Ric Flair Vs Shawn Michaels Ricky Steamboat Vs Kurt Angle Sting Vs Chris Jericho Owen/Bulldog Vs Edge/Rey Ladder Match: Dynamite Kid Vs Eddy Guerreno Randy Savage Vs The Rock Arn Anderson Vs Dean Melenko Brock Lesnar Vs Vader Triple H Vs Scott Steiner RVD Vs Mr. Perfect Brian Pillman Vs Piper Hell in Cell: Cactus Jack Vs Terry Funk Ted Dibiase Vs Jeff Hardy Scott Hall/ Kevin Nash Vs Sid/Luger Undertaker Vs Andre the Giant Kane Vs Raven Booker T Vs Shane Douglas Warrior Vs Test Jeff Jarrett/Eaton Vs Tazz/Pac Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted March 1, 2003 Taz had a prime? Anyway, I'll do it later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Rob Van Dam Report post Posted March 1, 2003 What a surprise anglesault saying something negative about a wrestler not named Angle, didn't see that one coming. I'll have my card finished in a few minutes Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Rob Van Dam Report post Posted March 1, 2003 if Rick Steiner was on this list most of my card would probably be different: The Rock vs Roddy Piper Taz vs Sid Sting vs Warrior Chris Benoit vs Ric Flair Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart Hulk Hogan vs Steve Austin Randy Savage vs Jeff Hardy Booker T vs Ted Dibiase Cactus Jack vs Terry Funk Chris Jericho vs Dean Malenko Rob Van Dam vs Rey Mysterio Undertaker vs Andre the Giant vs Test vs Kane Owen Hart vs Mr. Perfect Vader and Lex Luger vs Brock Lesnar and Scott Steiner Jeff Jarrett vs Raven Edge vs Shawn Michaels Kevin Nash and Scott Hall vs Triple H and X-Pac British Bulldog & Dynamite Kid vs Ricky Steamboat and Shane Douglas Bobby Eaton & Arn Anderson vs Greg Valentine and Tito Santana Eddie Guerrero vs Brian Pillman Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted March 1, 2003 Hm. Some of those guys suck. I think I'll just use the ones I want. In no order: Raven vs. Cactus Jack (no holds barred, falls count anywhere) Sting vs. Vader Ric Flair vs. Steve Austin Dynamite Kid vs. Chris Benoit (two out of three falls) Arn Anderson vs. Ricky Steamboat Brian Pillman vs. Shane Douglas Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar Bret and Owen Hart vs. Rick Rude and Curt Hennig Dean Malenko vs. Eddie Guerrero Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam Syxx-Pac vs. Rey Mysterio The Rock vs. Triple H Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DawnBTVS Report post Posted March 1, 2003 The Rock vs Steve Austin Ric Flair/Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels/Ricky Steamboat Sting vs Randy Savage Chris Benoit/Dynamite Kid vs Kurt Angle/Eddy Guerrero Chris Jericho vs Owen Hart Street Fight: Mankind vs Vader vs Terry Funk vs Raven Dean Malenko vs Rey Mysterio Jr. Hulk Hogan vs Ted Dibiase Mr. Perfect vs Booker T. Lex Luger vs Brock Lesnar Undertaker/Kane vs Scott Steiner/Sid Arn Anderson vs British Bulldog Edge vs Tito Santana Jeff Hardy vs Rob Van Dam Tazz vs Brian Pillman Roddy Piper/Jeff Jarrett vs Scott Hall/Bobby Eaton Ultimate Warrior vs Andre the Giant Greg Valentine vs Shane Douglas X-Pac vs Kevin Nash Triple H vs Test Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WrestlingDeacon Report post Posted March 1, 2003 I really didn’t look at what other people were doing to influence me, so here’s what I got. Little blurbs on all of it, I can go more in depth if need be later. Main Event Iron Man Match Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat-because there’s no way that doesn’t hit **** ½ at least. Singles Match Old School Sting vs. Heel Rock-would probably be a surprisingly athletic and super hot contest. The Rock’s promos on Sting leading up to it would be awesome. Tag Match Bobby Eaton and Arn Anderson vs. Owen Hart and the Dynamite Kid-The heels work the extended hot tag formula first with Owen then Kid, leading to the super hot tag to Owen. Without any real teams listed this is abut the best tag match you could go with. Wargames Million Dollar Corporation (Ted Dibiase, Andre the Giant, Vader, Old School Undertaker, Sid) vs. Disciples of Hulkamania (Hulk Hogan, Diesel, Lex Luger, Warrior, Kane)-Put all the really over muscle bound brawlers together in match where their weaknesses won’t be too exposed. Dibiase can lead their hands through it. Singles Match Tazz vs. Scott Steiner-Total suplex-a-thon Singles Match Scott Hall vs. Curt Hennig-They were former tag partners in the AWA, so there’s a lot of history here and I think they could work well together. Lucha Style Trios Match Rob Van Dam, Rey Mysterio, Jr., Jeff Hardy vs. Shawn Michaels, X-Pac and Brian Pillman-just insane high spots with Shawn selling his ass off and trying to hold it all together. Singles Match Mankind vs. Brock Lesnar-I think Mick could get a really good series of matches out of Brock much like he did with Rock and Triple H. Mick is great at taking a guy right on the cusp of breaking out and taking them there. Submission Match Chris Benoit vs. Dean Malenko-great psychology and solid action. I think their match at Road Wild is very underrated. Singles Match Heel Kurt Angle vs. Face Randy Savage-no real reason, just think this would rock Dog Collar Match Roddy Piper vs. Greg Valentine-The one they had at Starrcade ’83 was one of the best hardcore matches I have ever seen, just bloody and fun. Tag Match Edge and Booker T vs. Chris Jericho and Shane Douglas-I think Douglas and Jericho would make for an interesting pairing and all involved could produce a great tag match beyond the standard formula Texas Death Match Steve Austin vs. Terry Funk-surly and hot. I think both men in their prime could put together a really great match. Singles Match Eddy Guerrero vs. Raven-they’ve worked well together in the past and could put on a really brutal heel vs. heel contest Weapons Match Triple H vs. Jeff Jarret-sledgehammer vs. guitar in a battle of the egos. Try Not to Suck Too Bad Singles Match British Bulldog vs. Test-I have no clue why Test is on here. Davey in the prime of his prime could barely make this an interesting power match. Opening Singles Match Tito Santana vs. Bret Hart-solid, classic opener. Nothing flashy, just sound wrestling, psychology and storyline to get the show rolling Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted March 1, 2003 I love the Card but I clearly said "No Multiple Man Matches" which means NO WAR GAMES... or 6 man Tag Matches... And I really don't like Bret being in the opener with Tito... Know What? I'm doing another one... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WrestlingDeacon Report post Posted March 1, 2003 bad, I over looked the multi man thing. Although without any multi man matches you put on way too long of a show. So, just split all those guys up into random singles, one is pretty as good as another with those brawlers in Wargames. Have Van Dam take on Michaels and then put the other four in a tornado tag. I don't like Bret as much as most people and find him to solid, yet bland at best. I feel the same way about Tito, although I think he's generally underrated today. Come to think of it, that match up probably opened many a house show between 1985-1990. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted March 1, 2003 With your War games...I would have Hogan-Dibiase Vader-Kane Andre-Warrior Luger-Sid Diesel-Taker... Yeah...Bret was somewhat "Bland" but to put him at the opener seems sacrilgoius... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted March 1, 2003 I love the Card but I clearly said "No Multiple Man Matches" which means NO WAR GAMES... or 6 man Tag Matches... Since when are you such a stickler for the rules? Considering the War Games is probably the best gimmick match ever, there is no reason it should not be on a dream card. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted March 1, 2003 I know I am breaking my own rules here but So what...Not like any of you really care THAT much... I decided to do an Survivor Series Card....Just to make it easy... Survivor Series 4 Horsemen Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Melenko and Benoit Vs Hart Foundation Bret Hart, Owen Hart, British Bulldog and Brian Pillman Million Dollar Corporation Ted Dibiase, Andre The Giant, Sid and Test Vs Hulkamaniacs Hulk Hogan,Warrior, Edge, and Tito Santana The Perfect Team Mr. Perfect, Shane Douglas, Greg Valentine and Bobby Eaton Vs Hardcore Legends Cactus Jack, Terry Funk, Tazz and Roddy Piper The Kings of The World Jericho, Dynamite Kid, X-Pac, and Eddy Vs Heartbreakers Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, Mysterio, and Rob Van Dam Triple H, Nash, Hall and Steiner Vs Rock, Undertaker, Kane and Booker Team Madness Randy Savage, Kurt Angle, Vader and Jeff Jarrett Vs Rattlesnakes Steve Austin, Ricky Steamboat, Brock Lesnar and Sting Luger and Raven were omitted... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted March 1, 2003 I love the Card but I clearly said "No Multiple Man Matches" which means NO WAR GAMES... or 6 man Tag Matches... Since when are you such a stickler for the rules? Considering the War Games is probably the best gimmick match ever, there is no reason it should not be on a dream card. You're right, It was a bad thing to enforce...and it was very rescrictive I will Omit it...but will only allow it once...because TWO or more War games in one card would lessen the Awesomeness of it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest WrestlingDeacon Report post Posted March 1, 2003 I really dig your Survivor Series card. I might try that, but would probably do most of what you did. The Horsemen vs. the Hart Foundation would rock too much and probably cause the universe to implode. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted March 1, 2003 You're right, It was a bad thing to enforce...and it was very rescrictive I will Omit it...but will only allow it once...because TWO or more War games in one card would lessen the Awesomeness of it... I agree. Too much of anything is bad for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted March 1, 2003 Tito Santana(90) vs X-Pac (98) Greg Valentine(88) vs Lex Luger(93) Chris Jericho(97) vs Dean Malenko(97) Edge(02) vs Owen Hart(94) Booker T(98) vs Test(99) Vader(92) vs Andre The Giant(87) Pillman(90) and Eaton(90) vs Jeff Hardy(99) and Rey Mysterio(99) RVD(99) vs Curt Hennig(90) Tazz(98) vs Shane Douglas(96) Ricky Steamboat(86) vs Raven(96) Chris Benoit(99) and Eddie Guerrero(96) vs The British Bulldogs(89) Arn Anderson(89) vs Ric Flair(92) Taker and Kane(00) vs The Outsiders(00) Brock Lesnar(02) vs Sid(90) Stone Cold(98) vs Roddy Piper(86) Ted Dibiase(89) vs The Rock(98) Warrior(91) and Hogan(90) vs Steiner(98) and Jarrett(00) Terry Funk(88) vs Randy Savage(89) HBK(96) vs Mankind(96) Bret Hart(94) vs Triple H(98) Kurt Angle(02) vs Sting(90) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted March 1, 2003 Well...Thanks for including your "Primes" although some are very argueable... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RevEvil Report post Posted March 2, 2003 in no particular order 1.*Austin vs. Hogan 2.Wargames: Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, and Dean Malenko vs. *Ric Flair, Mr. Perfect, Kurt Angle, and Arn Anderson 3. Deathmatch:*Cactus Jack and Terry Funk vs. Taz and Vader 4. Steamboat vs. *Dibiase 5. *Savage v. Guerrero 6. *HBK vs. Y2J 7. Rock vs. *Sting 8. *Andre vs. Brock 9. Sledgehammer on a pole: HHH vs. *Booker T 10. *Bulldogs vs. Valentine & Eaton 11. Tito Santana vs. *Jeff Jarrett 12. TLC: *RVD vs. Jeff Hardy 13. 2/3 falls: Rey vs. *Pillman 14. Edge vs. *123 Kid 15. *Scott Steiner vs. Razor Ramon 16. streetfight: Douglas vs. *Piper 17. Raven's Rules: *Kane vs. Raven 18. *Taker, SiD, & Warrior vs. Diesel, Luger, & Test Share this post Link to post Share on other sites