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Guest Nanks

Austin's "welcoming committee"

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Guest Will Scarlet

I do not think Angle was buried by Austin, but, rather, by idiotic booking. For one, it would have been better had he won the title at Summer Slam instead of Unforgiven, and, also, they should have had the announcers pay more attention to Angle winning the title instead of Austin being gone.


The booking of Angle the night after he won the title made him look weak to me. He did not cut a promo of any kind celebrating his victory, instead he was told that he would face Booker T, and the announcers were more concerned about Austin, a guy who in the storyline was working for the WCW side, instead of the fact that Kurt Angle just won the WWF title for their side. Kurt should have at least celebrated his big victory instead of being a totle afterthought the whole night.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Yes that's why Angle kicked Austin's ass in every outside the ring confrontation they had. And Jim Ross gave Angle the trademarked JR Verbal Blowjob.

"Austin knows he can't beat Angle!"

"Austin is scared of Kurt Angle!"

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Guest treble charged

People wanted to see Austin, even though he was a heel. I think the crowd was just pissed that he wasn't there those 2 weeks and couldn't care less what was going on on the shows.

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Guest Will Scarlet
Yes that's why Angle kicked Austin's ass in every outside the ring confrontation they had. And Jim Ross gave Angle the trademarked JR Verbal Blowjob.


Well, they booked him strong for awhile. At Summer Slam, he looked like a legit player. It seemed like after that event, they went into a totally different direction with Angle wanting to be Austin by doing things like Milkmania or kidnapping Austin and throwing him into a kiddie pool until winning the title at Unforgiven in a match that seemed to be anti-climatic.


I just felt the bookers did not take full advantage of the excellent Summer Slam match, and dropped the ball afterwards. His title reign seemed like an afterthought until being relieved of the title on the supposed "Greatest Raw ever" or whatever the WWE was shilling it as.

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