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Guest Steve J. Rogers

Biggest TV show busts in history

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

It's kind of a weird story but here it goes:


The season before the last, Urkel created a cloning machine. He left it on, in typical Urkel fashion, and his own clone came out. Urkel and his clone fought each other over everything, from polka to Laura. Laura decided to settle things by asking Urkel to make his clone into Stefphan. It worked and finally, Laura had Stefphan without having to worry about him transforming into Urkel again.


Mid-way through that season, Urkel created another invention which transported people to different locations instantly. The Winslows, Urkel, and Stefphan ended up in France where a French modeling agency spotted Stephfan and asked him to join his international modeling tour (or something to that effect. That whole episode was confusing)


Anyway, with Stephfan gone, Laura is lonely and starts to devlop an close relationship with Urkel. And I mean CLOSE. In one episode, Urkel is in a dating auction, but doesn't get picked. Feeling pity, Laura picks him. In another, a dance is held at a community center, but Steve doesn't have a date, so Laura, again feeling pity, dances with him. However, something strange happens while they're dancing: Laura starts to get comfortable being close with Urkel and by the end of the episode kisses him on the lips. Soon, the pity has turned into feelings she has never felt for Urkel. They go to the prom and make out on the balcony but Laura is worried because she still loves Stefphan.


Soon, Stefphan returns with an engagement ring and proposes to Laura. She thinks about it and as she thinks she relizes that the only guy who has always loved her, who has always cared for her, who has always been there for her, the only man besides her brother and father who has helped her, was Urkel. It's with this that she turns down Stefphans proposal and FINALLY, FINALLY tells Urkel that she loves him. Stepfhan leaves and is never seen again. Urkel does take the engagement ring and proposes to Laura, who accepts.


And that's how it all happened.

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Guest Youth N Asia

And with storylines like that it's a wonder this show didn't go on another 10 years

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

Right. That was the plot for the final episode. Urkel goes into space but gets stranded and is about to burn up in the sun (I think) and then some weird stuff happens and Urkel is rescued.


Also in that episode, its Eddie's first day as a cop and arrests his first criminal in a sub-plot that couldn't go anywhere thanks to the cancellation.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

That whole France Ep was pretty stupid.


Urkel gets kidnapped, Car Chases, etc...


There was too much going on.

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Guest JMA

"Scott Tenorman must die!" from South Park scared the crap outta me when I first saw it. I bet I'm not the only one either. But it really screwed up Cartman's character. After all, now he's just a murderer. Of course, it's not like South Park had great continuity at the time.

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Guest Eagan469

"Cartman: Gosh, this is really good, Scott.


Scott: I'm glad you liked it so much, because now that you're almost finished, I have something to tell you.


Cartman: What? You mean how you put pubes in your chili, Scott? I switched it with Chef's. It's delicious Chef. I hadn't planned on that. What I did plan on however, that my friends Stan and Kyle would betray me and warn you that the Chili Con Carnival was a trap. I assumed that they would tell you that I had trained Dinkin's pony to bite off your wiener. What they didn't tell you is that Dinkins is a crazy redneck who shoots trespassers on sight. Knowing that you would go and try to do something to the pony, I warned Mr. Dinkins that violent pony killers were in the area. I also knew you wouldn't go yourself for fear of having your wiener bitten off. You would most likely send your parents and I'm afraid when Mr. Dinkins spotted them on his property, he shot and killed both your parents.


Dinkins: Well, they were trespassing and I was protecting myself. I have my rights.


Scott: My mom and dad are dead?


Cartman: I came just in time to see Mr. Dinkins giving his report to Mr. Barbrady, and of course to steal the bodies. After a night with the hacksaw, I was all ready to put on my Chili Con Carnival so that I can tell you personally about your parents demise. And of course, feed you your chili. Do you like it? Do you like it Scott? I call it Mr. and Mrs. Tenorman chili."



So Cartman didn't kill them, he just carved up their bodies and put the pieces into the chili :P

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You could then add Step By Step - which was cute the first 2 or 3 seasons, but lost its charm after Sasha Mitchell (guy who played Cody) got arrested for something (I forget what) and got kicked from the cast. Then it moved to CBS along with Family Matters, added the guy who played Balki on "Perfect Strangers", a little girl, and went to shit.

1. Sasha Mitchell got bounced from the show for beating his wife


2. Replacing him with the dude from Perfect Strangers was a GOOD thing do to the fact that Cody was one fo the most annoying characters on TV...

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<Babylon 5 started out good and got even better with the Shadows storyline and my favorite when they are forced to rebel against Earth, and all the storylines eventually were settled for what was their last season. Then TNT decided to buy the series (it was syndicated) for a fifth season.>


That's not true. The fourth season originally was supposed to end with Sheridan getting betrayed and arrested but JMS was told by his syndication company that unless the show sudenly became a ratings blockbuster that they would be dropping the show after the fourth season. So the Earth Civil War arc was rushed and the "History of the Alliance"/Sleeping in Light two-parter was written to wrap up the show. But then TNT came in and offered to air the final fifth season so SiL was pulled from the schedule and a 5th season was produced.....


<They couldn't get Christian back so they resorted to killing off Ivanova (which really sucked personally cause IMO she is one of the greatest characters in sci-fi and doesn't get enough credit but again, just my opinion) and replacing her with Tracy Scoggins.>


Ivanova didn't die. Marcus sacrificed himself to heal Ivanova (which was planned from the beginning, as the pay-off to the whole subplot about the alien healing machine of death from season one). After Marcus died, the original plan was to have Ivanova take over the station and become involved with the telepath colony and their leader in the exact same role that Lyta had. But then CC quit Babylon 5 and the plan was changed. A new stock footage sequence was added to the third-to last episode of season four which feature the ISN newscaster announcing that Ivanova had been promoted to full-captain as Sheridan's last act as an Earthforce officer and had requested to be assigned to take over a new-fangled Earthforce battleship designed by Earth for a year long shakedown of it's bugs and such. Tracey Scoggins was brought in (and Ivonova's name editted out of the "History" episode) and Lyta replaced Ivanova as the B5/telepath colony go-between and made the telepath colony arc work in a way that Ivanova couldn't have...

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<Who's The Boss? once Tony and Angela hooked up>


Reguarding WTB?, the only reason why Tony and Angela got together was that the writers were told that they had one season left and the writers put them together as a last ditch efforrt to save the show and give it some sense of closure in the event that the new direction failed and the show got cancelled....

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Did they ever get back to THEIR Earth?

When the show moved to Sci-Fi they return to Earth and the planet enslaved by the Cro-Mags (a race of high-tech Neanderthals with Slider technology) and Maggie was MIA after a Cro-Mag raid. Crying Man is rescued by Quinn and Quinn finds out he's from a parallel earth and that he's got a brother. They start sliding again and this time all of the episode involve fighting the Cro-Mags.


Eventually Quinn meets up with a parallel earth version of himself who is played by a new actor and is absorbed by New Quinn. Crying Man, Army Chick, New Quinn, and Black Scientist Chick then team up and fight more Cro-Mags until the final episode, which has Crying MAn escaping through a portal to the Cro-Mag homeworld...

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King of the Hill, however, has never been worse. Peggy is a fucking cunt. Terminal cancer is too good for her.

Actually Hank's the cunt of KOTH. Peggy is IMHO the best character on the show and I credit her (and the whole Bobby/Connie relationship) as being the only reason I kept watching the show after it's horrificlly crappy first season....

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
"Scott Tenorman must die!" from South Park scared the crap outta me when I first saw it. I bet I'm not the only one either. But it really screwed up Cartman's character. After all, now he's just a murderer. Of course, it's not like South Park had great continuity at the time.

How did it screw up Cartmans character? I thought it was brilliant.




It showed Cartmen will stop at nothing to get revenge. Fucking Awesome.




Then he starts licking Scott's face, eating his tears.



"I want to taste your tears Scott. <lick lick> Oh, they're so good."

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Guest Youth N Asia
"Scott Tenorman must die!" from South Park scared the crap outta me when I first saw it. I bet I'm not the only one either. But it really screwed up Cartman's character. After all, now he's just a murderer. Of course, it's not like South Park had great continuity at the time.

I think the best thing about this episode is that it's just so-so all the way through...then they just nail you with the killer ending, and now it's a classic.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Quinn finds out he's from a parallel earth and that he's got a brother. They start sliding again and this time all of the episode involve fighting the Cro-Mags.


Shit, I TOTALLY forgot about this. Stupid "You're not really from here" storyline. His parents faught against the Cro-Mags, I believe. At least the first season was good...

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Guest razazteca

Was the storyline for the last season of Sliders that the Cro-Mags were following them through the parallel universes, using the Sliders as leads to new universes to take over.

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Guest EdwardKnoxII

It's been awhile since I've read this thread so I've decided to write about some shows that I haven't seen talked about on this thread


The Andy Griffith Show - I'm not the biggest fan of Andy Griffith but, I love the B&W eps and try to catch them as much as I can. But, it went downhill went Barney left the show and when it went to color. Alot of people like the say that Barney made the show but, I really think what made the show was the friendship between Andy and Barney and how well they played off one another. But, once he left the show it wasn't the same and Andy didn't seem to be as into it as he once was. That and the fact that alot of the folks in Mayberry didn't look good in color.


The A-Team-Let me first start off by saying I'm a HUGE A-Team and I catch it all the time on TNN. Now with that I know the show went downhill in the 5th and last season. They took everything that made the A-Team totally fucked it up.


First, they had the team working for the government instead of running from them. And had them taking orders from Stockwell in order to get their pardons. There is no way the A-Team would work for this man. EVER. There was a bigger chance of him getting killed on air then the team working for him. And you just know that Stockwell would never give the team their pardons.


But, the really big fuck up they made was adding Frankie Santana to the group. In others words this guy was the A-Teams Pochie. Pretty much what he was is some wannbe cool Latino guy talking like he's from the Valley when he just annoying and couldn't act to say his life. They had Frankie overshadow the whole team like pushing Murdock and Face into the background and talk all their lines. And he called Hannibal by Johnny which should have earned him an asskicking. In other's words he sucked.


And they changed the cool theme song with voice over to some kind of techo crap.

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Guest teke184

I do agree that Twin Peaks probably has to take this honor.  The first season was probably the most critically acclaimed thing on television; it vaulted Lynch from shadowy cult figure to America's premiere indie director, getting his picture on Time (or was it People?); and it got pretty good ratings because of people being interested in the murder mystery.  All of that fell apart starting with the second season.  It didn't just destroy the image that the show had produce, it also severely damaged Lynch's reputation (I still wonder why Frost didn't take a bigger hit) to the point where everything he had done was reevaluated as if he was a crackpot.

Twin peaks was originally only supposed to last one season. ABC then decided they wanted a second one.

Twin Peaks had enough going for it with the Laura Palmer stuff that they could have made it last for a simple 20 or 24 show season and gone out on a good note. The last true good episode, IMHO, was when Laura's murderer was discovered and stopped by the police, as all the Black Lodge shit after that made the show jump from being just plain strange into the Twilight Zone for no rhyme or reason.

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Guest teke184
Did they ever get back to THEIR Earth?

Damned if I know. Like I said, it's hella-confusing. Nowadays I just read eXiles from my Sliders-like fix...

They were sent home once by an alternate-reality Quinn but were told that they may not actually be in their home dimension. They saw a newspaper headline about the Cleveland Indians being in the World Series, OJ being on trial for murder, and something else happening that made them question it, then one tiny little thing that had just been fixed about Quinn's house made him decide for sure it wasn't right and they jumped.


This pre-dates the jump to the Sci-Fi network where the show REALLY turned to shit.

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Guest kane3212321

That one where they get home and he's not sure was that his gate was squeaky and when he checked it, it wasn't. After they leave a guy comes out of his house and says, "I've oiled the gate for you Mrs. Mallory." Never forget how annoyed I was after that.


Anyone seen a show called Night Man, now there's an awful awful show.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo



AAAAAH! I know, that eps. pissed me off too.


The eps. that I really wanted to see - but never got to see - was the one where the huge tidal wave is about to crash down upon the city.

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