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Guest NoSelfWorth

The latest on Kurt Angle

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Guest NoSelfWorth

--Kurt Angle had an MRI done yesterday on his neck. He didn't have the results back as of late last night, but apparently there are preliminary results that don't look good.


Credit - WrestlingObserver.com


I really hope it is not as bad as is feared.

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Guest evilhomer

I just hope if there is a major problem, they come clean and ditch the WM match. Number one, and most importantly, I don't want to see Angle get hurt any worse. Number two, I don't want to be deprived of a great match because one performer can't go at his full level. Save their first real matchup for when both of them are at 100%.

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Guest Trivia247

I definately don't want him going in hurt and then say Brock Injured him at WM to make him go out.

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Guest Downhome
Title Tournament now. with the results ending at WM perhaps.

No, that would be half-assed booking. Brock Lesner is a LOCK to go to Wrestlemania to face WHOEVER is the champion. They will have a tourny more than likely on a single SD (to save time), and the winner of the entire tourny gets to go to WM. However, knowing them, they'll just do a mini-rumble just to once again show hafl-assed booking.


If Kurt Angle is gone, I STILL say that Benoit will win the title at Wrestlemania as a heel.


I also still say that if Kurt's out now, it could be the best thing for everyone involved.

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Guest nikowwf

Losing the best worker out of their main event talent hardly seems to qualify as a good thing...how do you figure? This is not HHH or Steiner going away to make room for someone, this is Kurt Angle.


Losing Angle sucks balls...i hope its not true. just awfulll....



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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Angle is the best all-around performer in the WWF bar-none and losing him will be terrible. You might as well write-off 2003 right now.

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Guest Austin3164life
Angle is the best all-around performer in the WWF bar-none and losing him will be terrible. You might as well write-off 2003 right now.

My sentiments exactly. This is the guy that is the WWE's next mega star (Austin, Hoganesque), and it sucks that he has a sore neck less than a month away from the biggest match and show of them all.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I spent eighty fucking dollars to see Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle. God damn it all.



Shall I go into how much I've spent on this show? Airfare, hotel, tickets to the show and Axcess?


They can build up a card and replace Angle/Lesnar if they have to (and it's sounding more and more like they do.) It won't be a great show, but it'll be a good show.


Also, HHH was going on about "being in the main event" while burying Booker so I assume that Booker's title win will be the Send Them Off Happy moment of the night.

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Guest Downhome

Kurt Angle not being at WM could be a good thing, but missing a year will not be. Again, we have NO IDEA if he'll even miss WM, much less do we know how much time overall he'll miss. It could be one month, six months, or a year. We just don't know.


I would rather have Angle make it to WM, IF he's in good enough shape, but if he can't make it then they might as well turn a negative into a positive. Use this time to further the Lenser story line where he is searching for the title, yet have him not win it at WM. Build this up for the first SD exclusive PPV where he finally wins the title. With Kurt being gone we can allow the casual fans to "forget" that's he's been made to look like a fool by Lesner for the past few months, and could come back stronger than ever. We could also use the time with Angle being abset to really Push guys like Benoit and Rhyno, as they will have no other choice really over on Smackdown. Just have them go all out, and have Benoit win it all at Wrestlemania once and for all. Have him be the roadblock for Lesner right now, and when Angle returns, we can just pick up with Angle/Lesner, and do it the right way.


I could write this into a positive situation, the world is not over right now. The only question is this. Will WWE go into 100% panic mode if Angle is gone, or will they REALLY think things over before they just react?

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I'm getting a bad feeling that Rock goes over Booker next week. He picks he wants the Title shot against Triple H to avoid Austin, and some how Austin ends up over on Smackdown and at WM against Lesnar.


Leaving Booker out in the cold.

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Guest Anglesault
. With Kurt being gone we can allow the casual fans to "forget" that's he's been made to look like a fool by Lesner for the past few months, and could come back stronger than ever

No they won't. In a year, he'll be a bumbling idiot midcarder. Apparently that's the only way to push him.


::Looks at January 03::


Ah, you try to figure that logic out.

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Guest El Satanico

This is the WWe we're talking about...always expect the worse concerning injuries because that's likely what you'll get.


Perhaps the Wrestling God has put a curse upon Vincent K. McMahon.

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Guest notJames
I'm getting a bad feeling that Rock goes over Booker next week. He picks he wants the Title shot against Triple H to avoid Austin, and some how Austin ends up over on Smackdown and at WM against Lesnar.


Leaving Booker out in the cold.

If so, how will they play out Rock/HHH? They're both heels, and that will only confuse the marks. You can't turn Rock, since he's so awesome as a heel, and you can't turn HHH because he hasn't had his comeuppance…


Damn… he IS the Cerebral Assassin, because my head hurts.

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Guest fazzle
Perhaps the Wrestling God has put a curse upon Vincent K. McMahon.

All because Vince gave him comp tickets in the nosebleed section for Wrestlemania 2000.

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Guest El Satanico

No he just has a god complex...However he is buddies with the Wrestling Jesus.

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