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That's the best way to go with what seems to be their plan of having Kurt Angle wrestle, but that would also break kayfabe, which, apparently is a no-no nowadays.



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Guest Nevermortal

Cena's Finisher is the Ruby Erosion.


Backdrop Suplex to Uranage.

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Guest notJames

Kayfabe or not, I'm liking Dreamer's idea more and more. It gives the impression that they're not just cartoon characters; they're real athletes giving their all for the richest prize in our great sport.


Besides, having it in Angle's hometown will almost assure a positive response for all involved.

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Let's just hope they do SOMETHING like that, or else it will absolutely kill Angle's credibility. He never went over Brock once, he barely even touched Brock. And now he's gonna be squashed by Brock. The only way for them to salvage Kurt is to let him tell everyone the truth about his injury before the match starts and that he will be out for a year.


If the WWE doesn't at least give him that, Kurt will be so tarnished it will take them months to build him up again when he returns.

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Guest FeArHaVoC










Last night at the Smackdown taping, Brock Lesnar earned a shot at facing Kurt Angle next week on Smackdown. The plan right now appears to be to have Angle work the match in his home town of Pittsburgh and drop the belt to Brock.


What Brock goes on to do after that is still up in the air, but the anticipated Brock/Angle match does look like it will actually happen next week, not just another bait-and-switch.


Credit: 1wrestling.com

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Guest evilhomer
Just have Angle come out and cut a heartfelt speech, where he tells the fans how his neck has been hurt and how sorry he is that he won't be able to give them the dream Wrestlemania match-up.

This is the absolute best way for them to do it.


NEWSFLASH TO WWE WRITERS: your WM match that you've worked so hard to build to is fucked, now you've got to deal with it. So you've got two choices:


You can stay in kayfabe mode, let the best worker in the business work a shitty match because he can't go, along with risking a career ending injury, hotshot the title onto Brock, then hotshot a new WM match that will make no sense.




Come clean. Let Kurt make a heartfelt speech, which he would pull off to fucking perfection btw, and leave the title vacated. This leaves a perfect ready made match between the two no. 1 contenders, Brock & Benoit, to challenge for the vacated title. You get a perfect explanation for the dropping of a match that has been given so much build, and a logical explanation for Benoit to be thrown into the main event. Yes, this gives a face v face matchup, and *gasp* a match based on wrestling rather than storylines, but it's far better than trying to build a new storyline for a main event match in two weeks.

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Guest Goodear

I love this heartfelt speech bit because I know just how well those go over on wrestling shows. You know with the crowd WHAT-ing him to death and telling him to kill himself and everything. Face it, Kurt is horrible at getting sympathy from the fans. He's perfect for playing the jerk because his tone and dilevery is built around that. Have him coming out and pulling a Foley would get crapped on so fast they might as well move to Mexico.

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Guest humongous2002

Just turn Brock heel again b/c he sucks as a babyface, have team Angle betray Kurt and join Brock with Heyman. Before the match Kurt tells the fans that b/c of the accident he had at the cage match when Brock threw him head first against the cage, he injured his neck badly but will defend his title with honor and respect to the (wrestling) business, that will get him sympathy from his hometown. Brock as a babyface is a big doofus and this unexpected heel turn will shock everybody. Let Brock become the champ and have him wrestle Benoit or have RVD get traded to SD so they could wrestle @ Mania.

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Guest Stunt Granny

The Smart thing to do: Angle forfits the title, one night tourney or battle royal, winner faces Lesnar for the up held WWE Championship, that man should be Benwah.


The dumb thing to do: have Kurt got to Wrestlemania and "gut out" one more match before sugery the match would suck due to Angles limitations and Brock not being very good in the first place.


Remember, Kurt himself had been hyping this up as the "greatest match ever". If his neck is fucked up it most definently would not be good. That being said, I think Kurt himself made the call to cancel the match.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Why would Brock go back to Heyman? Heyman screwed him out of the title, and Brock has spent the better part of the time since then trying to kick Heyman's ass.

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Guest notJames

I thought the "F-U" was his way of saying he was going to "F" with Lesnar from now until he exacts his revenge for his knee injury.


However, if he were to do a reverse F-5, it would be a whirlybird bulldog. And an inverted F-5 would be a whirlybird Scorpion Deathdrop/inverted DDT.

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Guest Brian

Because Brock didn't have the title when Heyman wasn't with him and Brock is based on his muscles, but doesn't have the brains to pull things off. Brock still has the need for someone to take care of things while he gets business done.

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Guest Anglesault

I am really worried about this match. Why is Kurt stupid enough to enter a match with a bad neck facing a guy who doesn't exactly grasp the dynamics of the neck? (Shall we have Holly or Albert confrim that?)

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Guest creativename

This doesn't make any sense to me; why risk the match? Just because Kurt's been able to work with the injury up to now, since he didn't know he had it, is no reason for him to risk yet another match. Against a guy who's been blatantly sloppy ever since his face turn, too.


Vacating the title is the best possible solution--it doesn't matter so much how they go about doing it, so long as the title is vacated somehow. The reasons are clear:


1) Angle should not wrestle again.


2) Someone said that this would be a plot hole; if Steph or whoever can vacate the title, then why don't they always do that. Well, because if you had fishy circumstances (Angle laying down for somebody), then clearly that's a very unique situation. Declaring the title vacant would make perfect sense in that context.


3) Vacating the title wouldn't make the title look weak. HBK vacated it for an injury everyone in the business thinks was faked, and this is a career-threatening neck injury. More importantly, Angle has been booked like a joke anyway, so whoever won the tournament (Brock, presumably) would have more credibility than Angle had regardless.


4) Not only does Angle look much better if he vacates the title, rather than losing it in a squash (which you can argue isn't that important anyway, since he'll be gone for a year), but it sets up long-term storylines very well. It makes no sense to give away Angle-Lesnar already. Yeah, people won't really remember the SmackDown! match too much...but they will know that Angle-Lesnar has already been done, thus tarnishing the match if they do it later. If they hold off, then Angle-Lesnar (which wasn't looking all that special, the way things were currently going) becomes a much bigger match than anyone had envisioned. Just have it at WM XX, and promote it as "The match that Fate cheated us of"--people would be salivating for it.

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Guest creativename

There's another thing that really worries me--if they don't bait-and-switch the Angle-Lesnar match next week, they still have to do an injury angle for Kurt, right?


So that probably means Lesnar is going to injure Kurt in some big neck bump, similar to the way he put out Angle with the knee to the post thing. I don't know, this sounds like a really bad idea to me. Lesnar isn't the guy I'd trust to do somehthing that risky, even if I would even trust anybody at all.


At this point, I am truly hoping that this is just yet another bait-and-switch.

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Guest Ravenbomb

so WM will be the first PPV angle's missed since he's joined the WWF?

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Guest Anglesault
so WM will be the first PPV angle's missed since he's joined the WWF?

Yeah. He's made everyone since SurSer 99.

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