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Guest NoCalMike

My mom just rented The Ring.....

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Guest NoCalMike

Ok first off, I saw this movie in the theater so I know it won't be as scary seeing it at home for the 2nd time. Still though, I am alone, it is late-night and my house is pitchblack unless the lights are on because all of our trees block out the moonlight......I am not sure if I should watch it after I get off the net and force myself to get scared(it's been awhile) or just pop it in tomorrow morning......Oh I intend on buying the japanese version this weekend....anyoen got it yet, I have seen pics, it looks just as scary.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I watched it last night alone with the lights out too...and even a horror movie junkie like me has to admit that the lights went back on.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

OK, excuse me. But, uh..The days of being too scared to watch a "Scary" movie with the lights off passed me by about 8 years ago.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I thought they had me as well. This movie just gets to me. I've spent over a decade watching horror movies to fall asleep. This one is different to me.

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Guest NoCalMike
I thought they had me as well. This movie just gets to me. I've spent over a decade watching horror movies to fall asleep. This one is different to me.

Yah same here.....I fall asleep to every other horror movie in my collection on a daily basis. Maybe it is because it has been awhile since I have seen this and the images and the "scaryness" is exaggerated in my mind. In order to be scared though you have to able to suspend reality when you watch a horror movie. If you go into it with a mindset/attitude of "wow....it's dark....how stupid" then of course you won't get jumpy at all, however if you are willing to sit back, relax, take in the atmosphere The Ring is good from some frights.

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Guest Downhome

I "allow" myself to get totally into horror movies (when they are good enough to allow me to do so), because isn't that one of the biggest things about watching them? You know, the rush of being scared and freaked out.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It's a rare movie that can get under my skin like the Ring does. Jacob's Ladder does it for me. In the Mouth of Madness has it's moments too...and the original Halloween's music can still get to me on the right night.

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Guest El Satanico

That's the whole thing The Ring really isn't that scary, but it has a great intense atmosphere. If you allow yourself to absorb the atmosphere it's fucking creepy as hell.


But i can easily see why some people wouldn't like it. If you don't allow the atmosphere to absorb you the movie won't be nearly as good.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Trying not to spoil anything what I like about the Ring is that it's creepy at first...then there's an actual interesting story that carries it through the middle...then I LOVE THE ENDING. Especially the very end. What a way to end a movie.

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Guest NoCalMike
It's a rare movie that can get under my skin like the Ring does. Jacob's Ladder does it for me. In the Mouth of Madness has it's moments too...and the original Halloween's music can still get to me on the right night.

I haven't seen In The Mouth of Madness is a long while, but is it the one where when the couple(the two people) are driving to and from the small town, they keep seeing that kid on the bike and after awhile he turns into an old man on the bike or something......the details are shady......should I just buy the damn movie?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

That's the movie.


Overall it isn't really creepy...but there are moments.

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I refuse to have it in my house...for fear that one day my TV will turn on by itself.


Compared to the remake, I thought Ringu sucked by the way....not scary at all.



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Guest Ravenbomb

Ringu was shorter, different plot details for the most part, and some things happen in a different order. I didn't think it was as scary, but that's probably because I'd seen The Ring first.



And I refuse to watch any unlabled tape.

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Guest Marshall

I was disappointed by Ringu, I’d been told it was scary. I watched it alone with the lights off, but it didn’t scare me. Maybe it was because I’d seen The Ring before it so I knew what was going to happen. Everyone I spoke to about it told me it scared them, but Rungu 2 and Ringu 0 were scarier. So hopefully these will give me a scare.


I haven’t been scared of a movie since I desensitised myself watching loads of horror movies when I was 12.

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I don't want to see Ringu 2 or 0 because I don't want the American versions to be spoiled for me. I was highly disappointed with Ringu.



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Guest Mole

I saw the Ring again last night, and even though I saw it three times in the movies, I was still freaked out.


Well what made it scarier was the fact that I watched it in my friend Joe's room, and he has an awesome surrond sound, so its just like being in the movies. The noise is just what bugged me out.


This is the scariest movie I have ever seen, then comes the Others.

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Guest Ravenbomb

go ahead and watch Ring 2 and 0, the american sequels won't be based on them

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Guest NoCalMike

Are Ringu 2 and Ringu 0 even available to rent/buy on Region 1 dvd yet? Oh and on the Ringu DVD is it with subtitled or dubbed english because if so, that definately takes away from the SCARE factor cause your mind/eyes have something else to do besides watch the actual movie.

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Guest Marshall

Ew…dubbed movies (apart from animation) are way more distracting than subtitles.

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Guest Marshall
go ahead and watch Ring 2 and 0, the american sequels won't be based on them

Do you know this to be fact? The plot of Ringu 2 is just more of the same, only more of a deeper look into how the tape was created. I don't see what else they can do with it.

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Guest C.H.U.D.
Oh and on the Ringu DVD is it with subtitled or dubbed english because if so, that definately takes away from the SCARE factor cause your mind/eyes have something else to do besides watch the actual movie.

Not really. It doesn't take a lot of intelligence and willpower to enjoy a movie and read subtitles. I've watched about a dozen Japanese horror films in the last six months, all subtitled, and I've never had a problem.


Wanting to watch Ringu dubbed is as bad as wanting to watch it fullscreen.

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Guest Ravenbomb
Do you know this to be fact?


RING 2 TO BE AN ORIGINAL STORY. 25 February, 2003. Received the following e-mail from a person who wished to remain anonymous: A contact in DreamWorks has confirmed that meetings have taken place about Ring 2. It looks like Naomi Watts has been in talks to star again, and she is about to sign. She will pull in an estimated 15 million (unconfirmed publicly) for her reprisal of her role, and the child actor will return as her son. No concrete story has been proposed, but Director Gore Verbinski may not return. The writing team will reunite. Spielberg, Wes Craven or Sam Mendes may take over the project.


The sequel will NOT have anything to do with the Japanese sequels.



A rough script will be in by December of this year. Hopefully, an October 2004 release date will be met. They will shoot for a 2 year anniversary.

from Ringworld



EDIT: And I think the closest thing you can get to a Region 1 or 0 NTSC Ring 2 or 0 is a R0 VCD at pokerindustries.com

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Guest NoCalMike

And with that bit of news, does this mean The Ring 2 will magically turn into "Samara: The Killer" I swear if they turn this into a slasher flock starring the little girl, I am gonna start bombing, ermm...no I won't, but I definately won't see it.

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Guest fazzle



I rented The Ring, and am watching it right now. Right after the video was shown for the first time...my phone rang.



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Guest Ravenbomb

oh, man, I would freak out if that happened to me. Actually, I would freak out if the phone rang at any time during The Ring

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Guest fazzle

My mom was freaked out even more I think.


She got up halfway in her chair..paused, sat back down, and told me to get it.


Thanks for the death :)

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Guest Just call me Dan

That was trult a good movie, I watched it at a friend's house last night and I will go and buy the movie.

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