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Guest Redhawk

When is Shawn Michaels going to retire?

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Guest pochorenella

I'm a hopeless HBK fan, he's my favorite. But I do want him to give Jericho the rub at WM. He has to lose to Y2J. The only thing I'm torn up about is wether he should retire right there after losing to Jericho or if he should go on a high note with a win (against whomever) on a later date.


Either way, I'm truly anticipating the Jericho/Michaels match.

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Guest notJames

Maybe if they cart out a casket during the WM match, HBK can either land on it again or take the hint.

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Guest humongous2002

How about Vince tells him that Bret is coming back and that he has to do the job this time so could loose his smile all over again.

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Guest bob_barron

After seeing the Armageddon buyrate I hope the answer is:


Very soon

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Guest Kid Kablam
His weekly run-ins make him just a side attraction. His return has been handled worse than Flairs.

I dunno if I would go THAT far. I mean he has turned in a decent match with HHH.

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Guest K J Brackish

I really honestly think that Shawn Michaels is the single most top superstar in the WWE to date. I mean c'mon.... HBK has busted his ass for the company and still does to date.... I mean c'mon HBK cannot stay at his 1994 physique. I feel that bob_barron is just a HBK-hata and that he doesn't respect the only wrestler who actually has skills. Lets name a couple OVERRATED wrestlers -k-......


1. Triple H - Worst Wrestler EVER! Even in DX dayz!

2. Scott Steiner - Need I say more?!?

3. William Regal - I don't know why I even name him.......

4. The Rock - Should retire from wrestling FOREVER! He sure sux!

5. Hogan - Good wrestler, but needs to retire.... I was never a big fan

6. Steve Austin - The only wrestler who comes close to matching HBK. VERY GOOD.... but not HBK status.


And those are the only semi-worth naming wrestlers.... all the others are newbies compared to HBK. So please no more HBK bashing. He's better than 98 % of the talent back there right now!


K.J. Brackish

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Guest SP-1
I really honestly think that Shawn Michaels is the single most top superstar in the WWE to date. I mean c'mon.... HBK has busted his ass for the company and still does to date.... I mean c'mon HBK cannot stay at his 1994 physique. I feel that bob_barron is just a HBK-hata and that he doesn't respect the only wrestler who actually has skills. Lets name a couple OVERRATED wrestlers -k-......


1. Triple H - Worst Wrestler EVER! Even in DX dayz!

2. Scott Steiner - Need I say more?!?

3. William Regal - I don't know why I even name him.......

4. The Rock - Should retire from wrestling FOREVER! He sure sux!

5. Hogan - Good wrestler, but needs to retire.... I was never a big fan

6. Steve Austin - The only wrestler who comes close to matching HBK. VERY GOOD.... but not HBK status.


And those are the only semi-worth naming wrestlers.... all the others are newbies compared to HBK. So please no more HBK bashing. He's better than 98 % of the talent back there right now!


K.J. Brackish

I'm welcome to another HBK Mark but . . . I fear for you now.

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Guest bravesfan
I really honestly think that Shawn Michaels is the single most top superstar in the WWE to date. I mean c'mon.... HBK has busted his ass for the company and still does to date.... I mean c'mon HBK cannot stay at his 1994 physique. I feel that bob_barron is just a HBK-hata and that he doesn't respect the only wrestler who actually has skills. Lets name a couple OVERRATED wrestlers -k-......


1. Triple H - Worst Wrestler EVER! Even in DX dayz!

2. Scott Steiner - Need I say more?!?

3. William Regal - I don't know why I even name him.......

4. The Rock - Should retire from wrestling FOREVER! He sure sux!

5. Hogan - Good wrestler, but needs to retire.... I was never a big fan

6. Steve Austin - The only wrestler who comes close to matching HBK. VERY GOOD.... but not HBK status.


And those are the only semi-worth naming wrestlers.... all the others are newbies compared to HBK. So please no more HBK bashing. He's better than 98 % of the talent back there right now!


K.J. Brackish


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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Who gives a shit what someone has done in the past? Ric Flair is the greatest wrestler of all time, but I don't want to see him in a high-profile Wrestlemania match.


Michaels used to be a good wrestler, until 1997 or so when he stopped doing it either because of injuries or laziness, it doesn't really matter. From that point on he built his entire matches around bouncing around like a pinball, and he continues to this day. At this point he is too banged up to do anything else.


Shawn Michaels had a chance to leave professional wrestling like John Elway (The main event of Wrestlemania, in Shawn's case putting over who would eventually become the biggest money-maker of all time, and ride off into the sunset). Instead he chose to leave as Johnny Unitas.


Shawn Michaels is ruining his legacy, and it may be too late to save it, since much of it came from the Wrestlemania XIV match being his sudden end. He can't cut it on the mic and he isn't a draw, so if he can't wrestle then there is no point in having him around.


That said, he can still salvage this return somewhat if he does what HHH never did, job clean to Jericho at Wrestlemania and then retire for good.

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Guest jester
Lets name a couple OVERRATED wrestlers -k-......


1. Triple H - Worst Wrestler EVER! Even in DX dayz!

2. Scott Steiner - Need I say more?!?

Uh, you won't find many people on this board who overrate those two. Many people here think HHH could give evil lessons to the devil, and that Steiner is a useless piece of shit (which admittedly, may be overrating him).

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Guest The Czech Republic
Shawn Michaels had a chance to leave professional wrestling like John Elway (The main event of Wrestlemania, in Shawn's case putting over who would eventually become the biggest money-maker of all time, and ride off into the sunset). Instead he chose to leave as Johnny Unitas.

I wish that Shawn Michaels just retired right after WrestleMania and never came back again. I like the guy, but that was a perfect time to just call it a career. But then again you had the threat of WCW snatching him up just because they could, and of course, dignity has never been a forte of the Clique.

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