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Guest Anglesault

With the Angle/Lesnar feud officially over...

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Guest Anglesault

Topic is pretty self explanatory, really. I'll do a more in depth one later, but you pretty much know how I feel. Many people were saying this could be the best feud in years. What is YOUR opinion on the topic?


Of course, factor in the early and abrupt end. (Or if, you really feel like it, don't) If the feud continued, would it have gotten better? or did the early end stop this from being the biggest mess in a long time? With it finally over, we can give our opinion with the "entire" feud as a source.

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Guest treble charged

Out of 10, I'd give it 11, just for the entertainment of seeing you over analyse and bitch about every little thing that happened in it.

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It's a shame that Kurt was injured, but at least this crap feud is over. Terrible. Out of 10, I'd rate it around 2 -- and that's being generous.

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On a 1 to 10 scale, I'd go with a 7. It started off well with the whole Heyman thing and it seemed to be picking up steam towards the end. It probably would have been higher had the 2 actually had a match at the main event of Wrestlemania.

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Guest Zero_Cool

I'll give it a five, as it was nothing to write home about. It would've been much better had Brock been legitimately beaten down by Team Angle a few times, with some good blading...maybe seeing Brock tap to the Ankle Lock..

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Guest Anglesault

For me, it was an absolute 2. Nothing went right. Absolutely nothing.




If he was not injured, i think we might have seena month of Angle domination, making it a four. It would lose 3 for not being that good to begin with, and another three for ruining a surefire money make.


So, in short, 2-4 out of 10.

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Guest Breetai

I thought that it was terrible, Angle looked like a little bitch, Lesnar is EVIL, and Vinnie Mac should hang himself.


Are your feelings validated yet?

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Guest Anglesault

As an added portion, explain if you were disapointed, satisfied or pleasently surprised with the feud based on your prefeud expectations.

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There wasn't enough back and forth in my opinion, which made it tedious. Brock went over Angle every day of the week, where's the suspense in constant squashing?


If they had been booked as equals who were trying to out do the other, it would have had much more excitement and suspense around it for Wrestlemania.


I'm just stating the obvious though.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Could have been great, and really wasn't. I've become a brock fan, but it's not due to this feud at all. The endless squashes just got too much after a while. I was optimistic, and they blew several chances to go somewhere with it. You can get brock over and have the heels look strong at the same time. The cage thing was perfect, have Team Angle and Team Fat surround him, he doesn't run away and TRIES to kill all of them, so he doesn't look weak, but for fuck's sake what chance does he have?? They should have chained him to the cage and beat him in the head about 5 times, then he's out for a while, then he murders them ONE AT A TIME, WHEN HE COMES BACK FROM THE INJURY. I think out of ten it gets a 5, mainly because no-one involved performed badly, but were screwed by the bookers ultimately. And now everyone is fucked.

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Guest Nater
Out of 10, I'd give it 11, just for the entertainment of seeing you over analyse and bitch about every little thing that happened in it.

... Yeap.

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Guest Anglesault
Out of 10, I'd give it 11, just for the entertainment of seeing you over analyse and bitch about every little thing that happened in it.

You make it sound like I was nitpicking. I would complain everytime they did something wrong, yes, because it sent it further down the shitter. Nothing was "little"

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Guest The Hamburglar

Can't be rated because there was no match. I cared more about the massive potential in a main event wrestling match between these two than any bullshit storyline. They could have had one for the ages.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I have a feeling it was Benoit instead of Angle there'd be a slight increase in negative ratings. *cough*


Anyway, it pretty much sucked. Same as every other "face squashes heel every week" WWE feud.

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Guest Anglesault
Can't be rated because there was no match. I cared more about the massive potential in a main event wrestling match between these two than any bullshit storyline. They could have had one for the ages.

which would have been made a lot better and would have had more fan interest with a good feud.

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Guest The Tino Standard

Seeing how we won't get to see the way the month leading up to WM was supposed to play out, plus the actual WM match itself, I can't give the feud any sort of rating other than "Incomplete- wait 'til next year."

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Guest Anglesault
Seeing how we won't get to see the way the month leading up to WM was supposed to play out, plus the actual WM match itself, I can't give the feud any sort of rating other than "Incomplete- wait 'til next year."

Okay, now just a question on that. You have the ability to use your super time machine to move this feud as is to next year when Angle is healthy (meaning, you have everrything that happened, exactly as it happened, up until last week.) Do you do that and then do the last month and the blow off (Maybe you like the feud so far, maybe you think the last month and match can save it) Or do you just restart it and do something completely different next year?


Anyone can answer this question (Specifically Hamburgler or someone who liked the direction of the feud so far) if they'd like.

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Guest kane3212321

Probably about a 6-7, could have been good when everyone was surprised that Angle can easily hold his own with Brock at Wrestlemania.

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Guest Anglesault
Probably about a 6-7, could have been good when everyone was surprised that Angle can easily hold his own with Brock at Wrestlemania.

Yes, another question. :)


IYO, why would that be better than proving he can before Mania?

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

If Lesnar was going to continue dominating, a 5 or 6. It may have been predictable, but it sure was entertaining. If Angle starting looking better, easily an 8, probably 9. Too bad we'll never know how this was gonna end.

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Guest saturnmark4life

I think Angle will come back as a face, and I don't think he'll feud with brock immediately. I think a year on they'll just start afresh when they put them in a program together, and hopefully make a better job of it.

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Guest Anglesault

Oh, without a doubt they will start fresh. My question was if you were Vince, would you use your satanic powers to transport the 2003 feud to 2004 and start where it left off?

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Guest The Tino Standard
Seeing how we won't get to see the way the month leading up to WM was supposed to play out, plus the actual WM match itself, I can't give the feud any sort of rating other than "Incomplete- wait 'til next year."

Okay, now just a question on that. You have the ability to use your super time machine to move this feud as is to next year when Angle is healthy (meaning, you have everrything that happened, exactly as it happened, up until last week.) Do you do that and then do the last month and the blow off (Maybe you like the feud so far, maybe you think the last month and match can save it) Or do you just restart it and do something completely different next year?


Anyone can answer this question (Specifically Hamburgler or someone who liked the direction of the feud so far) if they'd like.

I think a lot of that is dependent on how Angle is written out of the script in the next couple weeks. If he's eliminated as a sympathetic character, he could come back as a huge face next year. You would have to go with something different then. But if he keeps up his heelish ways, you could conceivably pick right back up with where you left off.


Regardless, tho, I don't think they will come back and pick up with the exact same story a year later. SOMETHING would have to be tweaked. Yeah, Angle is basically picking up where he left off, but everybody else involved (Team Angle, Brock, and Heyman) will all have another year of character development under their belts. The end result of an Angle-Lesnar match could be the same, but the path there would probably have to be different to get there.

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Guest Anglesault

Damnit, I knew my phrasing sucked.


What I'm trying to say is, say this feud never happened, and Angle/Lesnar was a first time feud next year. Would you book it the way the real WWF did this year?


Or, if you could turn back time and start this feud again from January, booking it anyway you wanted to, would you do it the same way WWF did?

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Guest Brian

I'll go four. They had some good build but blew quite a few openings, and the abrupt ending didn't help. I might book parts of it the same, because at points it was working and things could have changed. They had problem's transitioning between Brock having control and Angle taking it.


It's amazing how the WWE books things. They sacrificed the tag team division to get over Angle/Benoit, sacrificed Benoit for Angle, and sacrificed Angle for Brock. Almost like someone had invested his job on getting Brock, and solely Brock, over.

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Guest Anglesault
They had problem's transitioning between Brock having control and Angle taking it.

Yeah, they never got around to it! :P :P :P

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Guest creativename



I was anticipating this feud heavily, before Big Show beat Lesnar. Face Angle winning the Rumble and taking out invincible heel Lesnar for the title had a chance to be classic. Then I thought, face vs. face isn't so bad. I still thought Angle would be the one to win the Rumble, with Lesnar beating Show in a re-match at the Royal Rumble--Angle beating Show for the title sickened me. Half the people here were going "Oh but Angle won, he's champ, you people should be happy!! Some people are never satisfied!" Well duh, because we knew Angle getting the belt was a terrible mistake. After that, I had almost no positive expectations for the feud whatsoever.


They teased me with hope the SD! after when Team Angle debuted. I thought that it was a huge step in the right direction. Of course it didn't take them long to f*ck that up royally. I still thought they'd win the match at NWO, and that Team Angle be booked evenly with Brock until Mania...even if that had happened though, the feud would still have been a 6 at most. As it is, it appears that Angle wouldn't have gotten any advantage at all until the token beatdown on the pre-Mania show.


My 4/10 is based on the feud ending now, but I honestly don't think that this feud would have been above 4/10 or 5/10 even if the match had taken place.

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Guest Aero

I'd go with a 5. When the feud first officially started around Armageddon, I thought it was a good start. Angle requested Brock's help to win the Title, only to be screwed again by Heyman refusing another title shot when he revealed an alliance to Kurt. I liked the segment where Brock went ballistic on Kurt, F-5ing his knee into the ring post.


When Kurt returned a week or two later, we were introduced to the new bad ass Kurt, which was a change for the better. Also, the introduction of Team Angle was entertaining as well. The feud wasn't spoken of much leading to the Rumble because of the Brock-Big Show issue, but when Kurt beat Benoit, CLEANLY, at the Rumble, it strengthened him heading into Wrestlemania. IMO, up to there, the feud was going good. Had they not jobbed Team Angle to Brock at every instance from there, it still could be good. I give it a 5 based on a good start, the introduction of bad ass Kurt and Team Angle. Even with the poor story, I was still really looking forward to WM. I'll be setting my VCR next week...

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Guest creativename

Yeah, badass Bret Hart-esque Kurt with crutches...those were the days...<sigh>

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
As an added portion, explain if you were disapointed, satisfied or pleasently surprised with the feud based on your prefeud expectations.

dissapointed. Brock was booked as being unstoppable..... and the last thing people want to see at Wrestlemania is an obvious win from Brock. If Brock's gonna win... atlesat make Angle seem like he has a chance.

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