Guest JMA Report post Posted March 7, 2003 As some of you know I missed most of WWE in '02. I heard there was an angle involving Triple H, Kane, necrophillia, and someone named Katie Vick. I know it hurts for people to talk about this but could someone go into the gruesome details? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mecha Mummy 0 Report post Posted March 7, 2003 Kane won the Intercontinental Title and was put in a match at No Mercy to unify the belt with Triple H's fake World Title. To start mind games, Triple H brought up Kane's past that didn't exist years ago when Kane came in; he apparently used to have a girlfriend named Katie Vick. After an indy show, Kane and Katie drove off, and got into a car crash. Katie died, AND the police found semen, presumably Kane's, in her corpse. Stupid yet? It gets worse. Kane retaliates, as he and little buddy The Hurricane lock HHH in a car trunk and Kane drives off.... but HHH got out of the trunk before Kane left! He can't even sell ambushes, that Helmsley. Triple H retaliates with a tape of "Kane" (Triple H in a mask) visiting Katie Vick (Actually a mannequin) at the morgue, and then 'screwing her brains out'. It gets worse! Triple H then brings Katie Vick, which is the same goddamn mannequin from last week, out, and she 'talks' (ventriloquism provided by Hunter) about Kane, even mentioning that he has a burnt little weiner. (At least X-Pac was SOMEWHAT subtle about Kane's genetalia when he mentioned them) Hurricane then comes out with an incredibly long, incredibly boring tape of a guy with a cardboard Triple H head covering his face getting random things pulled out of his ass. This was only remotely funny because of the cardboard head, which changed whenever the camera wasn't on it. Triple H gets revenge, though.... by beating on the mannequin. Riiight. Finally, FINALLY, we get Triple H vs. Kane, casket match, which ends with Michaels returning and superkicking HHH, and Kane then puts him in the casket (NOTE: This was non-title, you silly! HHH went over at No Mercy, of course, before this.) to end this monstrosity. This angle was so bad that WWE actually took shots at it later on, most notably when Michaels said that it sucked, and when Bischoff asked if it offends him because he's Christian, HBK replies that it offends him because he's a wrestling fan, just like it did EVERYONE else. There you go. God, that hurt to remember. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Repo Man jr Report post Posted March 7, 2003 Well... One night Kane was at a party with Katie . He drove her home but stupid Kane had been drinking and he crashed the car killing poor miss Vick . Kane then decided to shag the body because he figured it was his last chance and he really had the hots for her ... Moving on 10 years or so, HHH found the police report , dressed as Kane and pretended to have sex with Katie Vick as part of a hilarious and brilliant angle. The end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RenegadeX28 Report post Posted March 7, 2003 From what I remember, Kane and HHH had that feud. One fateful RAW night, HHH had something to say to Kane that would shock him and the world. He mentioned at the end of that RAW that he killed Katie Vick. The next RAW after that, the angle went on, and Kane was pissed. The whole thing was bothering him. Kane then admitted that he did kill her. He had a little bit too much to drink. He was driving her home, and they crashed. Supposedly, after Vick was dead, Kane got freaky with her corpse. They found semen in her. Later, HHH had a tape to show. In the tape was possibly the worst thing the WWE has done. It had a casket, the tape was dated in the early 90's. Then, you see KANE enter...not. It is HHH with a Kane mask on. He visits Katie in her casket. He talks to her, saying he loved her. But, it went to far. HHH took off his pants, and he jumped onto the casket. He began to take off her underwear. I remember the quote he said, "I love the smell of formaldahyde in the morning." Then, you hear HHH moaning and groaning. He is "doing" Katie Vicks. When he finally stops, you see HHH grabbing her head. There is mushy stuff all over his hands. He basically fucked the brains out of her. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 7, 2003 They were trying to recreate the Mick Foley mocking of 2000. They figured, 'if it got heat on Hunter then, it will now too' They also hoped that it would create a stir in the media - but NO ONE bit. Then they tried to justify it with their regular ol "everyone else does is, so why not us" citing an esp. of CSI or 6 feet under or something. It didn't work and now the WWE has completely forgotten it. In a year they will start making fun of it as if they are in on the joke - we, the crowd, will groan. It wasn't like Mick Foley, it was more like Mae Young. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheFranchise 0 Report post Posted March 7, 2003 god, why the hell did i just read that? can someone delete this thread please? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evilhomer Report post Posted March 7, 2003 You really don't want to know, trust me. But, a quick summary -HHH was fueding with Kane -after Kane won TLC '02, HHH came out to verbally assault Kane -after boring the crowd for five minutes, the show ended with HHH accusing Kane of being a murderer and Kane looking confused -next week, Tori convinces Kane to go out and explain himself -Kane comes out and in a speech inspired by Pearl Jam's "Last Kiss" explains that he had a thing for Katie, they were at a party, she drank too much and he only drank a bit so he drove her home -they took her car and because he wasn't used to a stick shift, they crashed, breaking his arm and killing her... BUT I'M NOT A MURDERER !!! -HHH then comes out and *blah blah blah*, they found semen in Katie.... was it from before or after she was killed -next week was fortunately censored in the great white north, but from recaps -HHH, wearing a Kane mask and pretending he's Kane, visits Katie in the funeral home, and after a brief seduction, proceeds to simulate sex with the maniquan in the coffin -the low point was reached when (well two weeks ago when the segment started but), HHH grabs some spagetti, tosses it at the camera and says "I just fucked your brains out" -this enrages Kane and he wants to kill HHH, but he's got to wait for the tag match to do it -in this tag match, where Kane wants to kill HHH remember, he abides by the tag rules and patiently waits to be tagged in -the match ends with Kane carrying HHH to the back and throwing him into the trunk of a car and threatening to rape him -segment ends with Kane driving off and the trunk of the car open -next week HHH comes out explaining that he escaped the trunk by opening the child safety lock, he then conducts an interview with the manequin Katie -Hurricance comes out to say that HHH did in fact NOT escape, and shows footage of the damage inflicted upon him -cut to video footage of man wearing HHH mask on his stomach in hospital bed and MD's pulling various items out of his rectum (squirrel, sledgehammer, HHH's own head) -HHH freaks and beats the hell out of the manequin Katie Vick -fued ends with match at PPV -so that's about all I remember, I've blocked most of it from my mind though Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 7, 2003 Here's another way to look at it... Vince McMahon hates his fans. He hates the fact that so many left and now the ones who remain must suffer. So he gave us Katie Vick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted March 7, 2003 next week, Tori convinces Kane to go out and explain himself Tori? As in Terri Poch? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lord of The Curry Report post Posted March 7, 2003 Sounds like some kinds of bible quote: "And so Vince MacMahon hated his fans that he suffered unto them Kate Vick. And Vince saw that it was bad." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricDraven Report post Posted March 7, 2003 Most of us wish like hell that we could forget the Katie Vick angle and here we have a guy who was blissfully ingnorant going out of his way to learn about it. Strange. Anyway, this whole thing resulted in one of the most boring ppv matches you can imagine between HHH and Kane at No Mercy. All in all, it was one huge, disgusting, boring waste of time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 7, 2003 I don't want to forget Katie Vick. If I did my laughter wouldn't be quite as loud as it would be when the WWE dies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evilhomer Report post Posted March 7, 2003 Sounds like some kinds of bible quote: "And so Vince MacMahon hated his fans that he suffered unto them Kate Vick. And Vince saw that it was bad." One problem though, Vince didn't think it was bad at all. Tori, Teri, Skeletor, who really cares. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JMA Report post Posted March 7, 2003 Terri, Skeletor, who really cares? Skeletor isn't skinny, unlike Terri. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted March 7, 2003 Isn't skeletor all bone? hence the name... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evilhomer Report post Posted March 7, 2003 Skeletor was pretty ripped if memory serves correct. But his face was a skull with no skin, close to Teri's skin and bone, no fat or muscle face. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Olympic Slam Report post Posted March 7, 2003 You know what the funniest thing of all was? Kane NEVER, NOT ONCE DENIED raping Katie Vick after she died. He woud just punch things and yell a lot when HHH brought up the topic. You'd think you'd wanna at least lie about something like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evilhomer Report post Posted March 7, 2003 Golddust didn't want to Hey, he was young and crazy, give Goldie a break man Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest wwF1587 Report post Posted March 7, 2003 Well... One night Kane was at a party with Katie . He drove her home but stupid Kane had been drinking and he crashed the car killing poor miss Vick . Kane then decided to shag the body because he figured it was his last chance and he really had the hots for her ... Moving on 10 years or so, HHH found the police report , dressed as Kane and pretended to have sex with Katie Vick as part of a hilarious and brilliant angle. The end. i applaud you for your use of smilies... brilliant Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Smell the ratings!!! Report post Posted March 7, 2003 I'd say that sums up the year you missed pretty well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites