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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Undertaker shoots on Austin, Hogan

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire
First off, Eyebrow, this ain't NHB so don't get off calling people morons for expressing their opinions.

I'm very sorry and would like to apologize to everyone as I've been down lately.


See, I sodomized my son and now I have to go upstate to a prison after my sentencing for a few counts of rape of course sodomy (because I fucked him in the asshole twice).


Anyway, I wish that I didn't have to come close to death by being abused sexually as a prag dressing in women's clothing like I used to make my son do all the time.


I've been pushing my lawyer to get me a cell in protective custody - but I don't think it will happen because I took my frustrations out on the judge too when he came to the preliminary hearing in a "Big Evil Rulez" t-shirt and I called him a gay piece of shit. He also turned out to be gay so he really was angry.


Anyway I apologize again.

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Guest jester
Okay, all snidey irreverent nitpicking aside [Dahmer died in 95], you make a cynical but valid point.

Actually, he was killed in 1994, to join in on the nitpicking. But you got my point. Vince cares about the dollars, not about what decent human beings his boys are or aren't. He will never say "Yes, you made us millions and probably could do so again, but you hit your wife, so I'm afraid I can't hire you."


Personally, knowing what the business is like, if I were a wrestler, I would do what Austin did if I could get away with it. I'd be saying to myself "The man who plotted Montreal 97 wants me to be honorable. Fuck that."


The Goldberg situation is somewhat similar actually. WWE thinks he can make them money (I know many people dispute that, but it's irrelevant, Vince BELIEVES it regardless). So Goldberg apparently is making outrageous demands: only work with who he wants to, only work a couple of dates, and all for what's probably a huge payoff. WWE has not caved into his demands (yet), but Goldberg believes they will if they get desperate enough, no doubt. Time will tell if he's right.

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Guest Brian

And when Rock plays politics to hand pick his opponents, everyone turns away.

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Guest saturnmark4life

He puts them over in the process. Politics is always going to be a part of wrestling etc etc.


Anyway, some of taker's comments there are laughable but he stills entertains me when playing a pissed off old man in the midcard. His most entertaining moments in the past few years have been confrontations with maven, jeff, rvd, orton...


If all his matches were under 10 minutes with a bit of selling I'd have no problem with him.

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Guest Celtic Jobber

I don't blame Austin for what he did, he was 100% justified in walking out (and we don't know the whole story about what happened with Debra so don't go there).


Undertaker who's a dried up shell of a never-was-good wrestler, doesn't even deserve to even be mentioned in the same sentence as a legend like Stone Cold.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Am I the only one who found his segment with Nathan Jones and the jobbers on Smackdown absolutely hilarious

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