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Guest Downhome

I have never wanted to beat the fuck ouf of...

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Guest Downhome

I'm in a very badass mood right now. All it would take to push me over the edge at this very moment, is someone to just cross me the wrong way. You know this type of mood I'm sure, where you just don't give a shit about ANYTHING, and all you want to do is just be pissed. Anyhow...


...I'm sitting here, very pissed off, and I get a phone call. It's a telemarketer, and he's saying that since I have a Visa card, my name has been entered into some sort of half assed contest, for money or some shit. I usually hang up on people when they call me with this type of thing, but I thought that I'd actually listen to what he has to say. He went on to say in addition to being entered into the drawing, that I also will be sent a free watch of some kind, and various other things that I wasn't really listening to him enough to remember them all. Then it began...


...he said that finally, I have my pick of any magazine I want that they carry. He said it was my lucky day because I can get them at the LOWEST PRICE EVER. He listed a number of magazines, and I said I didn't really like those. He then said name any that I like, and I said that I don't really like magazines. He then asked me if I would want to buy any from him, and I said no. Then...




The mother fucking bastard hung up on me, period. He didn't say have a good day, he didn't say thanks for your time, no not at all. I said I didn't really like magazines, and he simply said "ok", and hung up on me. Now, what you all do not know about me is that I hate when someone hangs up on me more than anything else. You can make fun of me, or any other type of shit like that, but if you hang up on me, I enter a rage like state. I don't care if you are a fucking stranger, or my mom, or my g/f. I am not a violent person, but if whoever the hell that guy is was right here right now, may God have mercy on his soul.


I can't wait untill the next time one of those bastards calls me (this was the second time today), as I will have so much fucking fun with them, it will not even be funny. I'm going to call Visa right after I post this, as I have a bone to pick with someone, anyone, right now.




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When I was at home for almost a year and a half doing SHIT, I would get about 10 calls a day from telemarketers. Shiet, now I just hang up on them within the first few minutes or I tell them that the person they're looking for isn't home.



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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I've been getting really pissed at them lately too. I'm to the point where I'm going to start saying "No thanks, fuck off".

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Guest Downhome

I am not pissed because it's just telemarketers, it's the FUCKING HANING UP ON ME DAMNIT. I'm on hold at Visa's offices right now, someone has hell to pay.

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DH...they have nothing to do with them calling your house and hanging up on you. Visa probably just sold your name to a third party.



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Guest Downhome
DH...they have nothing to do with them calling your house and hanging up on you. Visa probably just sold your name to a third party.



No, I don't care who has to do with it pissing me off, I am going to find out. I was just told by Visa and CCB that what this is, is simply a gimmick that people run. They call, and say it's because of your cards, because they know that most people HAVE some sort of card. Now, I'm going to find out who the fuck these people are.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

You show them, slugger. You show them good.


I've found that if you politely ask the person on the other end to take you off of their lists or out of their databases or what not, they usually comply.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

actually, if you ask to be taken off their list, they must or its a violation of federal law (see FCC act...1996?)



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Guest Downhome

I would ASK them to take me off the list, if the sons of bitches didn't hang up on me first. I swear to God I wish I knew who was doing this, I really do.

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Guest MaxPower27

If you are off the list and they still call you, you can sue the company for harassment. People do it all the time.


Sadly, after asking to be taken off of everyone's list, hardly anyone calls anymore. :(

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Guest Choken One

I LOVE Telemarketers...I do...


However, I can attest to your anger...


I just love to turn the tables on them everyonce in a while...

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Guest MrRant

I tend to agree with Kotz. It's not like this guy was a hippie. Now.. if he was a hippie........

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Guest treble charged
It's a telemarketer, and he's saying that since I have a Visa card, my name has been entered into some sort of half assed contest, for money or some shit. I usually hang up on people when they call me with this type of thing...


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Guest Chuck Woolery
It's a telemarketer, and he's saying that since I have a Visa card, my name has been entered into some sort of half assed contest, for money or some shit. I usually hang up on people when they call me with this type of thing...


I'm having to agree here.

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Guest Downhome
It's a telemarketer, and he's saying that since I have a Visa card, my name has been entered into some sort of half assed contest, for money or some shit. I usually hang up on people when they call me with this type of thing...


By that, I mean I do not listen to what they have to say, and inform them I am not interested. I never JUST flat out hang up on someone, that has got to be one of the rudest things in my eyes.

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Guest Downhome
Dude, aren't you overreacting just a tad?

No, I'm sick and tired of it. These fucking bastards, they call me EVERY SINGLE DAY and hang up on me.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Here's your problem. You still hold manners in high esteem. I never run into anyone I'd call rude, EVER, because I don't give a shit about a bunch of superfluous protocols that are forced upon people for literally NO REASON WHATSOEVER.

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Guest treble charged

I don't understand what makes you so much better that you can hang up on them but they can't do the same thing to you.

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Guest Downhome
Here's your problem. You still hold manners in high esteem. I never run into anyone I'd call rude, EVER, because I don't give a shit about a bunch of superfluous protocols that are forced upon people for literally NO REASON WHATSOEVER.

Well that's great you think that way, I just disagree. There are some things that just get under my skin, and this is one of them. You are wrong actually about me holding manners in high esteem, you make it out like I'm wanting everyone to be kind or shit all the time, and that's not it at all. THIS is just one of those things that drive me crazy, I'm sure even you have something like that.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Not really dude, the only thing that could ever infuriate me as much as you seemed to express in your usual overdramatic thread-starting post would be someone actually physically assaulting me in some fashion.

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Guest Downhome
I don't understand what makes you so much better that you can hang up on them but they can't do the same thing to you.

You didn't read what I just said. I NEVER just hang up on someone. I meant by that from before, that I usually don't listen to what they say and just end the conversation.

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Guest Downhome
Not really dude, the only thing that could ever infuriate me as much as you seemed to express in your usual overdramatic thread-starting post would be someone actually physically assaulting me in some fashion.

Ah ha, I knew there would be something.

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Guest treble charged

I'm sorry, pretending to listen to someone and then hang up is much more polite than just hanging up on them.


My bad.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Well, I would assume that telemarketers are used to getting hung up on a lot, so its odd that one would hang up on someone who actually went through the trouble to hear out their call.


Personally, I was getting so many calls that I just started letting the answering machine all the calls. If it was someone that I actually wanted to talk to or something important, they would leave a message.

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Guest Kotzenjunge
Not really dude, the only thing that could ever infuriate me as much as you seemed to express in your usual overdramatic thread-starting post would be someone actually physically assaulting me in some fashion.

Ah ha, I knew there would be something.

"A... HA! So someone punching you in the face WILL get you mad! Ha! I was RIGHT!!!!"


What the hell kind of point are you trying to make?

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Guest Downhome
Well, I would assume that telemarketers are used to getting hung up on a lot, so its odd that one would hang up on someone who actually went through the trouble to hear out their call.


Personally, I was getting so many calls that I just started letting the answering machine all the calls. If it was someone that I actually wanted to talk to or something important, they would leave a message.

Have any of you people, or your parents, ever broke down and made it so no "unavailable" calls and the such could get through?

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Guest Downhome
Not really dude, the only thing that could ever infuriate me as much as you seemed to express in your usual overdramatic thread-starting post would be someone actually physically assaulting me in some fashion.

Ah ha, I knew there would be something.

"A... HA! So someone punching you in the face WILL get you mad! Ha! I was RIGHT!!!!"


What the hell kind of point are you trying to make?

It's called being sarcastic, joking around, God.

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