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Guest Redhawk

Out of this group, who will be the biggest star?

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Guest Redhawk

Discuss the career potential of...


Nathan Jones -- I think he'll get less and less mic time as we go along, and will just be another Big Monster in time.


Batista -- I could see him getting a Brock-type push, but without the face turn.


Randy Orton -- Looks like he'll be injury-plagued from here on out.


John Cena -- His gimmick is tailor-made for the mid-card. He'll need a more "real" character to main event.


A-Train -- The Kane of the new millennium.


Three-Minute Warning (Jamal and Rosey) -- Another version of T & A. If they gave them a female manager they could be something.


Team Angle (Haas and Benjamin) -- These two might be big stars later on.


Shannon Moore -- Another cruiserweight lost on Velocity.


Brian Kendrick -- Another Spike Dudley.


Johnny Stamboli -- Another Tommy Dreamer.


Maven -- I don't think he'll ever make the main event, simply because he's a constant reminder that wrestling is fake.


Chris Nowinski -- see Maven

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Guest CanadianChick

I feel of the wrestlers you've mentioned, John Cena will definatly be the most successful.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

From that list i'd say either John Cena or Shelton Benjamin. Cena has the tools to become a big time player sooner rather than later, while in a few years i could see Benjamin as a big star as well.


If the WWE utilised him correctly Nathan Jones could become a star despite his high level of suck, but i expect he'll just become generic monster hoss #541346 before too long, his big push failing and becoming another Albert or DeMott.

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Guest bravesfan

Cena has all the necessary tools to become a HUGE star. The only question I have, is whether his current gimmick can be brought to a Main Event level (while being taken seriously).

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Guest RavishingRickRudo



He has the look, he has the voice (not necessarily the mic skills, but he just SOUNDS cool), he has the athletic base. He had a KILLER dark match with Val Venis in October which totally changed my opinion of him (his heat matches generally sucked).


He needs a nickname though.


Albert needs a name change too. I dunno how they could do it, but Albert is the best bad wrestler the WWE has IMO. A swanktastic movelist and he has been watchin Vader tapes and can imitate very well. Sadly, these two things can't translate into good matches. Maybe someday...

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Guest tank_abbott

Who will be the biggest star? Whoever says "Hi" to Droz, Shakes everyones hands, doesn't botch a powerbomb, and plays politics the best.



My guess would be Cena though...He has the look, is a WWE Trainee, gives good interviews, and can hold his own on the mat.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think Benjamin is the most talented...but the next time that = biggest star in the WWE will be the first.


Out of that list I'd say either Batista or Orton...


Batista because he's the right size to get every possible opportunity to get over.


And Orton because he's a third generation superstar with charisma...and people like him better at this stage of his WWE career than they did the last one who fit that profile.

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Guest Lightning Flik

I've said it once, but I'll say it again. Shelton Benjamin will probably get to Uppercard (he's just on the threashold of getting out of mid) and on the threashold of Main in about 3-5 years. Although, I'm kinda astonished that he's finisher is the Dragon Whip(?). I mean, it's decent finisher, I suppose, but meh. Guess I'm too used to seeing something like an Olympic Slam or a Crossface.


John Cena WILL be stepping up here soon. He's gonna be feuding against Brock probably when Cena's returned from his increased training session (gotta be what he's doing). Is his gimmick good enough for Main Event? As is, no. If he actually makes it out that he's really a thug that raps (doing pretty good at it now, I enjoy it) and not a stupid thug wannabe, THEN it'll be ok.


When I mean thug, I mean he's out there and actually does the Tazz-like (he had the gimmick, so I used him as an example) intensity in the ring and be a true thug. How? ...I'm not really sure. Hopefully someone will know.


I see him in the Main Event in the coming year; he's getting the not-so-subtle push.

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Guest TheGame2705

Cena will be. I actually believe he could be the one to fight for Brock for the title next month. Shelton Benjamin would get to the upper midcard. A-Train if pushed correctly could be a huge in-ring presence like Vader never was in WWE. WWE fans are the most ignorant pieces of garbage though with their stupid repetition of "what?" so all they pay attention to is the backhair.

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Guest tank_abbott

Another knock on Shelton, is that,quite frankly, he's black, and the WWE doesn't push "those people"

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Guest tank_abbott

Another knock on Shelton, is that,quite frankly, he's black, and the WWE doesn't push "those people"

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Guest humongous2002

Cena will be and you could quote me on this a main eventer by the end of this year, he will be bigger than Brock b/c he's what a pro wrestler should be.Shelton is an amazing wrestler but he might not get a push just b/c he is black, believe me Hass will get the push b/4 Shelton does.

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Guest TonyJaymzReloaded

Dude, if Cena is taking thism time off to do some super workrate increasing training, I'm all for it.


Albert could be a monster, but they are doing eveyrthing the wrong way. First, give him the pants and shirt back. When your get "Eww thats gross" heat, thats not good. Then, ya gotta make him a killer...like say ending Undertaker's WM streak.


Team Angle will be main eventers, they got the look, talent, etc.


Jones would be cool if he could wretsle. He does look more aile than UT or other big men

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Guest Ram

If Cena's gimmick can be kept serious and moved to a main event level, it'd be BREAKOUT.


Well, breakout for me, at least.

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Guest DragonflyKid

Nathan Jones -- Has the size that will get people to notice. Pulls off intensity weell and seems okay on the mic. Heard his work is sloppy but has good athleticism for a man his size. Isn't young so he'll have to improve quick. World champ someday: Yes, Vince likes the big guys.


Batista -- Probably going to be injury plagued due to his size. Has the natural aura but will need mic ability in the future. WC soeday: Yes, if he remains healthy.


Randy Orton -- The ankle giving him problems for life sounds bad. Has the look and charisma. WC someday: -I'd say yes if it weren't for his ankle.


John Cena -- I am another one of those who saw the TLC/UPW specil yars back and even watched Manhunt and you could always sense his charisma. A future franchise if he stays healty. WC someday: - yes.


A-Train -- I have said he has Vader-like potential. I don't hate him like most but he does need to improve in some areas. WC someday: Yes, Ross loves him and he has potential to play the monster role effectively.


Three-Minute Warning (Jamal and Rosey) -- I switch the channel when they are on.


Team Angle (Haas and Benjamin) -- I don't see the charisma in Haas but Shelton has "it". WC someday: No to Haas, yes to Benjamin.


Shannon Moore -- Never will amount to much, horrible actor. He facial expressions are awful. He is too small to ever be taken seriouly and cruserweights aren't taken seriously anyway.


Brian Kendrick -- Has charisma and ability.WC someday: No, but a good role player.


Johnny Stamboli -- Don't like Stamboli, no charisma and mediocre in the ring. WC smeday: No, mid-carder four life.


Maven -- Has some charisma but doesn't have that spark in the ring. Maybe he'll develop but I'm not counting on it. WC someda: no.


Chris Nowinski -- Charisma, mic ability, decent in the ring. WC someday: Yes, if he gains weight.

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Guest Chuck Woolery

Out of that list, I have to go with the grain and say Shelton or Cena has the best chance of being a breakout star.


However, if the question is who I want to be a breakout star, I have to say it's Kendrick. I think that he could easily be a World champion someday, and if he gets a contract but continues to do crazy shit like he has been he'll be huge-over (with marks at least) in no time.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Let me get this straight: Jones is 6'10, he has a great gimmick, bad ring skills, and can be intimidating.


Guys he sounds like Mark Calloway 2k3. The man is getting a god push.

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Guest Banky

As I've been saying forever, Cena will be the next mainstream breakout star. He has everything it takes the connect with the fans. Whether it will parlay into an acting or musical career, who knows? But before anyone knocks his rhyming skills, maybe shoudl wait and see what is album will sound like. He has definetly slowed and dumbed down his technique throughout the past few months. At the beginning he had some tight rhymes and such. So be patient.


Team Angle will be huge over the next few months. They've already been made to look credible, so I'd say they are next in line. Both guys whether they break up or stay together will have a big year coming up. They'll have to step to the plate.

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Guest BionicRedneck

I have made my feelings clear about Cena in the NHB thread. If John Cena is the next breakout mainstream wrestling star I will never watch wrestling again. He will need to drop the current gimmick or at least alter it for a bit.


Benjamin will be the biggest star, or maybe Haas. Benjamin has the charisma, the look and the wrestling ability.

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None of the above, I think, will get a bigger push than Sean O'Haire, and I'll tell you why. The fans WANT this guy to be on their TV screen. They see his promos and he interests the fans. I think that given the correct buildup and the actual push, he'll be a HUGE superstar. But that's just me. Out of that list, I pray to GAWD that Kendrick gets the push to the moon and back.

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Guest Redhawk
Team Angle will be huge over the next few months. They've already been made to look credible, so I'd say they are next in line. Both guys whether they break up or stay together will have a big year coming up. They'll have to step to the plate.

Have they really been made to look credible? It seems like Brock Lesnar beats destroys them 1-on-2 almost every week. They did win the tag titles, but I don't see how their weekly Lesnar-squash helps them out. Maybe if they let one of them get the upper hand on Brock w/o the others one's help (i.e. superkick/German suplex combo) they'd be more credible.


And I honestly think Batista will be World Champ before anyone on this list. Not saying he should be, but look at him and remember who signs the checks.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Team Angle haven't been made to look credible at all. They haven't won a match since they won the tag belts, and Lesnar kills them every week.


Those "locker room leaders" are probably making sure that these young guys "pay their dues"

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Guest Banky
Team Angle haven't been made to look credible at all. They haven't won a match since they won the tag belts, and Lesnar kills them every week.


Those "locker room leaders" are probably making sure that these young guys "pay their dues"

They have gotten the World Tag titles, and was in a major Smackdown! match in their second PPV. Sure, they've gotten manhandled by Brock - but they've been luckier than anyone that they've gotten to be on Smackdown every week instead of toiling on Velocity and doing drak matches. They should consider themselves lucky to get any TV time, or even associate with the World Champ upon their debut.

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Guest Choken One
None of the above, I think, will get a bigger push than Sean O'Haire, and I'll tell you why. The fans WANT this guy to be on their TV screen. They see his promos and he interests the fans. I think that given the correct buildup and the actual push, he'll be a HUGE superstar. But that's just me. Out of that list, I pray to GAWD that Kendrick gets the push to the moon and back.

I like you, Alot. SOH certaintly has the most Charisma of all those guys and certaintly has the most intriguing character. Yes, His wrestling is still apprently Painful. That doesn't matter in WWE Land. He has the look McMahon wants.


For the Rest...


A-Train: Needs a New Name Bad. Albert and A-Train sound like Indy names. He needs to put back on the Pants and Black tank. He looked pretty bad ass like that. Shave the back. He has a good look that as many have before compared to Vader-like. His Work set could use a little tweaking. It's really just Cosmetic problems keeping him from being a good monster heel in vein of Vader.


John Cena: My Pick for the Best and most likely to break out of all the new guys. He has a GREAT natural look, great charisma and a good character that needs to be serious to be sold well. He is already getting the Upper CARD push.


Batistia: I am feeling he will be Injury prone for his entire career. He has the aura Vince Likes.


Randy Orton: Really could've been an Nice Upper Carder Heel but won't have much of a Wrestling Career. Seems like an Natural for the Color Booth or perhaps a Managerial stint.


Nathan Jones: Charisma, Mic Skils, Agility he just needs to learn how to wrestle somewhat. WWE Champion easily.


Team Angle: Shelton Benjamin has "IT" Haas doesn't.


3MW: They'll be the Nasty Boys for the new generation.


Shannon Moore: Stands ZERO Chance.


Brian Kendrick: If he was only 3 inches taller, He'd be HBK 2.


Stomboli: Midcarder forever.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Sorry dudes, Haas is white, Benji is Black, you do the math

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