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Guest Youth N Asia

Weekend boxoffice report (there is no God)

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Guest Youth N Asia

This is not a typo...and I am speechless


1 Bringing Down the House $31,700,000/$31,700,000


2 Tears of the Sun $17,200,000/$17,200,000


3 Old School $9,200,000/$50,800,000


4 Chicago $6,947,000/$114,544,551


5 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days $6,750,000/$86,946,000


6 Cradle 2 the Grave $6,585,000/$27,028,000


7 Daredevil $5,150,000/$91,470,000


8 The Jungle Book 2 $4,200,000/$39,500,000


9 Shanghai Knights $2,700,000/$54,700,000


10 The Life of David Gale $2,100,000/$17,100,000


11 The Hours $1,480,000/$35,308,000


12 The Recruit $1,400,000/$50,300,000

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Guest MrRant

I like Steve Martin, but not this movie so I am torn about wanting him to have a good box office.... but that would make it so Queen might be considered responsible and then we would have a crapload of Latifah movies.



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Guest Human Fly

If someone would've told me that movie got 31.7 in its whole run I would've been surprised. Something is wrong with America!


I can't wait to hit all the sites tomorrow and read people getting pissed off about this.

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Guest Youth N Asia

razazteca in last week's boxoffice thread.

I predict that nothing will change next week as Steve Martin is not a big draw and Bruce Willis war movies do not bring in the money either. Both will bomb making less than 4 Million a piece.

I can see how the Steve Martin movie could appeal huge to a couple different groupe of people. But damned if I thought it would get those numbers.


Was a little suprised the Willis movie did as good as it did as well.

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Guest Zero_Cool

I guess people heard (or were told) that the Willis movie was like Die Hard and we're like, "yippe kay-yay!" or something.


Poor Steve Martin, this is going to be his most successful film since Father of the Bride or Bowfinger.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Anyone else just think it's funny that Queen Latifah has the #1 and #4 movies in America right now? She's the only one on the list the major parts in 2 of the top 10 movies.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I'm not surprised the Willis movie did good. It's about an American military unit kicking ass. Think about current events...yep, makes sense.


...Bringing Down The House looks like it'd fucking suck, and it makes money...I hate people...

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Guest Zero_Cool

Man...I'm going to have read all about Latifah's success when my mother buys that People magazine with "The Most Intriuging People of 2003" in it...she'll be right next to Katie Couric. :blink:

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Guest Lord of The Curry

Damn you Americans and your love of Queen Latifah! Damn youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!


On a side note, anybody know what the box office report was like in Canada?

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Guest Youth N Asia
On a side note, anybody know what the box office report was like in Canada?

I wouldn't even know where to look for something like that.

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Guest Mole

What's with all this Queen hate?


This is great for Steve, I love him. I won't see this movie till it comes out on video because it can't be that good.


But has anyone actually seen this movie? I'm reading a lot of bashing, but if you haven't seen it, why bash it?

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Guest Kingpk

Go to Yahoo Canada and click on movies, then "Box Office Charts" on the left. They seem to be a few weeks behind, though. The latest one is for the February 28 - March 2 weekend.

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Guest razazteca

I am shocked, really shocked at the success of this movie but I guess the performance of Queen from Chicago has some carry over.


I was expecting Bringing Down the House to be as successful as BAPS.


Who knew Eugene Levy was a draw!?!?

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Well, last minute plans prevented me from going to the Wizards/Knicks Game(My Uncle isn't getting SHIT for Christmas)

So I went to the Movies(Like I do every weekend) What did I see ?










I enjoyed it. Martin and Latifah make a good team. I would like to see them make another movie together. Eugene Levy is funny as usual.


Why are you bashing it anyway ? You haven't seen it yet. You'll be surprised.

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Guest Retro Rob


I enjoyed it. Martin and Latifah make a good team. I would like to see them make another movie together. Eugene Levy is funny as usual.


Why are you bashing it anyway ? You haven't seen it yet. You'll be surprised.

So did I. Hell, I had to see the later show because all the earlier ones were sold out. The movie was actually quite funny, so no one should knock it until they've seen it.


As for the BIG NUMBERS, I'm not that surprised. The audience that I was with included people of all ages and races. Think about it, Queen attracts all the teenagers and blacks, whereas Martin attracts the older crowd. I'm surprised at how shocked most of you are over this. Just think about it.

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Guest starvenger
Who knew Eugene Levy was a draw!?!?

Those guys who made American Pie...

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Guest El Satanico

I don't see why it's getting this big "hollywood is burning" reaction. Yeah the money it made is amazingly high compared to anything since Two Towers and that was shocking. But honestly the movie doesn't look nearly as bad as most of you are making it sound. The previews for it haven't been great, but it did look like a movie that could end up being decent when you actually saw it.


Like someone already said add in Steve Martin fans(not as many as there once were) with the teenage and black movie goers and you have a strong built audience for the movie. Other than the big time money it made colour me unsurprised at it being #1.



Eugene Levy carried American Pie so him carrying this wouldn't be a shocker.

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Guest imajackoff?

I just checked rottentomatoes to see what the critics were saying about it. Only 36% of the 91 reviews were positive. Some of the reviews tore it to shreds. Here's a snipet from the Washington Post:


An embarrassment for all concerned, this witless, odd-couple comedy slings separate but equal gibes at blacks and whites . . . and still manages to ridicule gays and Hispanics. Why was this picture made?



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Guest Zero_Cool

Eugene Levy is a demi-god..right under the character that is The Stiff-meister...but I to think that Levy carried that movie, as the cool dad who supports his son, even when said son glues his hand to his dick.


So, the question is, does Levy carry this movie as well?

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Guest El Satanico

Well most professional reviews in major papers about comedies needs to be held with a grain of salt.


Non high brow comedies often don't fair well with major reviewers. Sure alot of them deserve to be torn apart, but even good ones are often torn apart.

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Guest Retro Rob

I wouldn't say that Levy carried the movie, but his scenes were quite funny. His character did get much screen-time. The movie seemed to be carried by everyone involved, as all the characters had their own moments. There were extended periods of non-stop laughter during the movie. Seriously, check out the matinee, pay $5 and see what you really think, not what some Washington Post critic has to say.

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Guest Luke Cage

Magical African American helps uptight white person loosen up and get funky. Magical African American helps uptight white person get back in touch with his estranged child. Seemingly uptight white person uses urban vernacular with great fluency, hilarity ensues.




I haven't seen the movie, only the trailer. From what I saw in the trailer, it looked like bad sitcom gags tossed into a 90 minute feature film. I don't begrudge anyone the right to like what they want, but I will avoid this movie.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Not really trying to say much more than the the actual text of this post, but the attitude of this folder is VERY anti-black comedy. I rarely see any of them get a fair shake when we hear about them or when they do well and people act surprised.


As for the Bruce Willis film, it looks damn good, and I've not heard an ill word about it yet.

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Guest hardyz1

Hey, Big Momma's House DID suck ass. Black or not.


I hear Barbershop is good though. What black comedies has this folder bashed that deserved better?


EDIT: An addendum: All Martin Lawrence movies suck. Most, if not all.

Edited by hardyz1

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Guest starvenger
Hey, Big Momma's House DID suck ass. Black or not.


I hear Barbershop is good though. What black comedies has this folder bashed that deserved better?


EDIT: An addendum: All Martin Lawrence movies suck. Most, if not all.

Hey, Bad Boys was fun stuff. And Barbershop is worth a rental.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I don't have anything against black comedy really. Most of it just does not make me laugh. Maybe it's cause they use the same white steriotypes over and over again, which somehow isn't considered racist.


The only black comedians I laugh at anymore are Tracy Morgan, Chris Rock, and Dave Chappelle.

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Guest Luke Cage

I am black/African American/Negro whatever the PC term is at the moment. No self hatred here.

I am a fan of the craft of comedy...when practised by black (or any) people who actually know how to tell a joke/be funny. I am not a fan of new age minstrel shows.

There's a place for lowest common denominator humor...but even that can be witty, subversive. I haven't seen BDTH, so if anyone can tell me the movie is all those things, maybe I'll go and see it. From the trailer it looked like it offered nothing but "Let's laugh at the uncouth, emotionally retarded black people" and "Let's laugh at the uptight, nerdy white people" jokes. I can see those in commercial breaks for UPN. No need to pay 8 bucks.

God bless the filmmakers and those who like the movie. People have a right to make/spend money however they choose. No hard feelings. I just prefer different kinds of entertainment.

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