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Guest dpac

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Guest Deebo
John Cena did another anti-Brock Lesnar promo.



Benoit in tag team match at WM.. nobody for Brock to face..


Oh dear god, please don't tell me they're going with Cena vs. Brock at Wrestlemania.

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Guest candie45

Shit... stupid reports saying Benoit would win the title. Noooo Goldberg. Nooo!

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Guest Kingpk

I'll agree with Teke. At least they have a history and I don't get the deal with Goldberg anyway. He's not that great and has been out for, what 3 years?

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Guest Human Fly
Screw that, Deebo... I'd rather Cena than Goldberg.

I'll second that.


Wrestlemania will draw anyway. They could throw Brock out there with Steve Lombardi in a Pat Patterson on a pole match and it wouldn't matter.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

John Cena is WWE home-grown. Vince will take home-grown over WCW product anyday of the week.

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Guest Deebo
Screw that, Deebo... I'd rather Cena than Goldberg.

Thats not the point. The point is, it's fucking JOHN CENA! He's barely even a midcarder, he's never really been in any major angles, and nobody really cares about him unless he disses their city. And they're going to throw him in the WWE Title match at the WRESTLEMANIA, the biggest show of the year!?


Hey I like Cena's gimmick, but there is just no way he should be fighting for the WWE title at Wrestlemania when you've got Benoit sitting there in a meaningless tag team match that you know his team will lose so him or Rhyno can turn heel and feud.


Fuck this.

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Guest Nobody in Particular
John Cena is WWE home-grown. Vince will take home-grown over WCW product anyday of the week.

WWE logic working in our favour?




Sorry, I was distracted by the pigs flying.

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Guest EternallyLazy
John Cena is WWE home-grown. Vince will take home-grown over WCW product anyday of the week.

No way... not over a star like Goldberg. Ric Flair wasn't "homegrown" and they gave him the title in 92. If Vince would push "homegrown" talent over someone like Goldberg, he wouldn't be going through all of this bullshit to get him

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Guest Human Fly
John Cena is WWE home-grown. Vince will take home-grown over WCW product anyday of the week.

But if he sees $$$$ he could be swayed.

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Guest tpww7

Backstage, Team Angle is pumping Kurt Angle up for his upcoming WWE title defense against Brock Lesnar. They say he's in his hometown, so he has nothing to worry about as far as fan-support is concerned. Angle says Pittsburgh always disrespects him when he comes home. He says he's glad though, cause it shows him how smart and lucky he was to finally get out of this town. OUCH! He says name one winner who came out of this dump and Mr. Rogers doesn't count because he's dead.



Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle (WWE Title)


Jesus, Lesnar hits the F-5 like right at the very beginning of the match but refuses to pin Angle. Team Angle comes out to interfere, Angle pops up and pins Lesnar easily. That was quick!


During the replay, it was shown that the Angle that rolled up Lesnar for the pin was his brother! Eric Angle was the man who pinned Lesnar to give his brother Kurt the win. Lesnar immediately starts beating up Eric Angle.

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Guest Mad Dog

EDIT: Was supposed to be the results but someone else posted it.



That was extremely stupid and just made this a must miss show.

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Guest RedJed

Man, they have no idea of creativity, that was cool the first time.......but WTF now

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Guest RedJed

Does this mean we are actually going to see Angle-Lesnar at Mania after all?


If so we were ALL swerved! I'm all for keeping Angle-Lesnar at Mania too, dammit.

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Guest teke184

What... in the BLUE HELL... was that?


They already did this shit at SurSer 2000 with Kurt and Eric for God's sake...


Maybe Steph's feeling nostalgic about the first PPV she booked...

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
John Cena is WWE home-grown. Vince will take home-grown over WCW product anyday of the week.

No way... not over a star like Goldberg. Ric Flair wasn't "homegrown" and they gave him the title in 92. If Vince would push "homegrown" talent over someone like Goldberg, he wouldn't be going through all of this bullshit to get him

That's because Ric Flair was the biggest wrestling star in the world, Goldberg is 4 years past his prime and very few people still give a damn about him.



Plus if Vince hadn't gone with Ric he still had TONS of options that year:













That's a lot of ME and Upper Midcard talent to work with.

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Guest Deebo



It looks like we'll be seeing Angle vs. Lesnar at Wrestlemania after all!!


<slaps myself>


This show sounds fucking gay.

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Guest Nobody in Particular

Eric Angle > Goldberg. Too bad this only creates new questions as far as WM is concerned.

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Guest tpww7

Billy Kidman turned on Rey Mysterio and went heel in an earlier tag bout.


What the hell?

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Guest Zero_Cool

Lets just forget that Lesnar was just pinned clean by Eric Angle..


At least Eric's healthy! He is injured forever in OVW.

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Guest teke184

I think this was Kurt's way to try and weasel out of the match... so Steph will strip him of the belt.


I mean, WTF?!?

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