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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

PROMO - Underdog

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

OOC: Eh, I'm going to lose anyway, so why not promo? It's okay, I suppose... it'll be pretty funny when Taylor fails n' stuff, though.


PROMO – “Underdog”


Taylor Nicholas Thompson sits alone in his private locker room, drilling a hole into the wall with his eyes, evidentially thinking vehemently about something.


“…” says Taylor, before lapsing back into his staredown with the wall.


He leans forward, and folds his hands right in front of his chin, so that now only his piercing blue eyes are visible in the dim light. Before Frost can even step into the room, Taylor senses his behemoth of a friend’s presence.




“…Taylor, what’re you doing in here with all of the lights off again? Watching some Luchadore matches again?”


“Heh… not quite. The foreplay has ended Frosty… The Pay-Per-View card is up. Seen it yet?”


“Yup… tagging with Tom, pretty much expected. …Defending my ICTV Title… not so expected. The show looks to be full of challenges here… and not just for me. I don’t know what I would have done if I had beaten you and gotten the Title shot… though it would have been nice anyway.”


Taylor coughs lightly, a playful smile on his face now: “Ah well. Sorry about that bud… you did say to give it my all though… even if I was facing you.”


“Nah, it’s not a problem. You proved that you’re worthy of a title shot when you beat me in the Clusterfuck. And hell, when you beat me one on one later on, too… controversial ending aside. I have other interests in the fed right now anyway. But listen, I didn’t come to bitch or whine about losing, or any other problems I might have. I just wanted to say good luck. Good luck Taylor, because you’ll need it.”


“That’s what they’re saying these days, after all…”




“Good luck TNT… you need all of the luck you can get, after all,” Taylor mimics whomever it is that says that sentence in the certain way that he just said it. “Hope you do well TNT, if you don’t win, at least you tried,” Taylor mocks some more. “Hell, did you read the article about my World Title shot in Andrea Montgomery’s Smarks Observer?”


”Well… er… yeah…”


“Do you know what she said?”




“She called me the underdog, Frosty. Magnifico loses to you in a non-title bout, then I beat you twice, and they’re calling me the UNDERDOG.”


“Well, the odds do seem to be stacked against you Taylor. He’s the longest reigning World Champion of all time, you know.”


“So what? I beat nineteen other men to get my title shot Frost. Nineteen who wanted it just as bad, and yet failed.”




“And now I’m the fucking UNDERDOG. Do you know where the term ‘underdog’ comes from, Frost?”


Frost is surprised that he doesn’t, and humors TNT: “No Taylor, where’d it come from?”


“Back in olden times… in the days of Shakespeare, men would bet on an event. The event would include one bear of some sort, and eight small dogs. Four dogs would be trained to attack the bear’s throat, while four would be trained to go for the legs… and men would bet on which dog would take the bear down. The dogs that went for the legs could be kicked away easily, and the odds were always against them… the men called them the ‘underdogs.”


“I see…” Frost doesn’t see where this is going, but knowing TNT, it’s probably into a wall of some sort.


“And you know what? I’m NOT an underdog. The fans and the bookers and the critics… they shouldn’t be giving me all this ‘hope you survive’ shit. I don’t need ‘good luck,’ I don’t need people’s good wishes. I’m going to do this by myself, because it’s what I must do to reach my goal. They can keep calling me the ‘dark horse’… the ‘underdog’… but on Monday night, when I defeat El Luchadore Magnifico, and become the SWF World Heavyweight Champion… well, then they’ll HAVE to respect me, and they’ll have to give me the credit that I’ve deserved all along. I’m NOT going to lose at From the Fire. I CAN’T. I’m NOT the underdog Frost… and you know why? Because I’m going for the THROAT.”


Taylor is trembling fairly heavily now, and Frost looks at him with a slightly concerned expression painted onto his face. Clenched fists, narrowed eyes, muscles contracted… Thompson glares at the wall as if he were trying to knock it down with looks alone.


“Oh, and Frost…?”




Taylor smirks. “Good luck with Neilsen, and the tag match too… you’ll need it.”


Frost doesn’t want to say anything that might perturb TNT at all now, and, not the least bit offended, he smiles a little bit too.


“Thanks Taylor… I’m sure you’ll win your match.”


“And then they’ll watch me explode as the new World Champion… as the new most respected man in the Smarks Wrestling Federation.”



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Guest realitycheck

Huh. So that's where the term "Underdog" came from. Go figure.


Oh, the irony of TNT thinking he's got this nailed, but you believing you don't have a hope. It is to laugh. Write a match this solid and you've got as good a chance as anyone, d00d.


Good promo, too. My only reservation? There weren't more of them before now. ;)



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Guest Powerplay

Very nice, TNT. Really cool stuff, especially the underdog thing. I think TNT has come along way from the goofball he was, though I don't think any of us really want to see him go totally serious. And TNT, I have one request:


Write your heart out and kick ELM's ass :D. I know you can do it, man.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

I enjoyed it, surprisingly.


I'm normally against straight talking without much scene or action (although, I do it myself sometime), but you did it very well.



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